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General Web Design Discussion / Re: Overlay map color schemes
« Last post by michih on January 21, 2025, 12:31:11 pm »
I have noticed that the blue lines tend to have less contrast between segments that are highlighted and those that aren't than the other colors do, especially when zoomed out.  In fact, If I show my travels on usai to people who aren't roadgeeks, they'll assume that I've clinched the whole system because the contrast is low enough they can't tell the difference.

Yep, I think it's just an issue with TMblue. Maybe one can suggest a better setting?

Code: [Select]
colorCodes[0] = { name: "TMblue", unclinched: "rgb(100,100,255)", clinched: "rgb(0,0,220)" };
And is now implemented and on the main site.

For the colors= QS param, you can still specify a pair of CSS colors for clinched and unclinched (even the same one and rely on the opacity difference to indicate clinched vs. unclinched), but also now can specify a single TM predefined color (ones used in systems.csv, now with a "TM" prefix).

QS param for usai in NY with TMblue-->,100,255):rgb(0,0,220)
General Web Design Discussion / Re: User uploads
« Last post by michih on January 21, 2025, 12:20:44 pm »
I'm interested in similar things.  I'd like to be able to do things like show tables/charts of clinched routes/distances over time and make animations of a user's travels on maps over time.  All possible, but it takes time that is very limited, at least for me to be able to do it.
How would that take into account administrative corrections and changes in data?  I've been known to adjust what I have marked clinched as I reflect on past travels and even what I count as a clinch (I've waffled on whether to count part of US 31/280 in Birmingham a couple times, for example).  And some major changes in data could be a challenge (such as US 301 in Delaware, or the division of France).

I think we'd need to save the graphs at a certain point. There are related issues:
General Web Design Discussion / Re: What are mileages based on?
« Last post by michih on January 21, 2025, 12:18:28 pm »
Do you mean a calculation of the "TM milage" for a segment between two wps in showroute?
If so, this idea could make the trick: (you could deselect all segments and then just mark what you want to measure)
General Web Design Discussion / Re: What are mileages based on?
« Last post by bejacob on January 21, 2025, 09:39:30 am »
On a somewhat related note, is there a way to easily determine the TM distance between two nonconsecutive waypoints on a route?

Let's say I wanted to know the distance between two relatively major intersections (highways/road that would be included in the HB) but there are one or more waypoints for less significant roads in between. I could manually add up the distance for each segment to find that distance. Is there less tedious way to calculate that mileage?
General Web Design Discussion / Re: Overlay map color schemes
« Last post by jtstill on January 21, 2025, 09:17:29 am »
For what it’s worth, it’s possible at the moment for an average user like me to see unhighlighted untraveled sections and keep what I have travelled in view, if I’m willing to dig a little: I just go to Inspect > Sources > updateConnectionColors() and update the opacity variable in that function to “1*highlight” instead of the default “0.3 + 0.55*highlight”, and then it applies the new opacity variable once I toggle the highlight options dropdown. Of course, I’d also love to see a front end way to do this, since I have to reapply those changes every time I reload the page or change the region (and the site still loads ALL segments, even the unhighlighted ones, so I can’t really do something like get the entire USA in view and then change the opacity settings, since it’ll never load. It’d be great to find a way to not even load untraveled segments so I can see the full extent of my personal travels)
Updates to Highway Data / Re: CA: US 395 relocation west of Death Valley
« Last post by oscar on January 21, 2025, 12:34:15 am »
US 395 Business signage has been posted for part of old US 395 in the Olancha area, apparently including part of the old road north of Olancha not incorporated in the recent western extension of CA 190. However, it's unclear how much more of the old road is signed or otherwise designated as Business US 395. It might extend to a temporary connector road at Lake Street in Cartago, which is being replaced with a short new road to link the business route to the US 395 mainline.;topicseen#msg2964419
General Web Design Discussion / Re: User uploads
« Last post by vdeane on January 20, 2025, 09:33:27 pm »
I'm interested in similar things.  I'd like to be able to do things like show tables/charts of clinched routes/distances over time and make animations of a user's travels on maps over time.  All possible, but it takes time that is very limited, at least for me to be able to do it.
How would that take into account administrative corrections and changes in data?  I've been known to adjust what I have marked clinched as I reflect on past travels and even what I count as a clinch (I've waffled on whether to count part of US 31/280 in Birmingham a couple times, for example).  And some major changes in data could be a challenge (such as US 301 in Delaware, or the division of France).
General Web Design Discussion / Re: Overlay map color schemes
« Last post by vdeane on January 20, 2025, 09:30:35 pm »
I'd want to get more user feedback about this before changing that number (currently 0.3).

I was annoyed by that for years....

You can see what it would look like if opacity gets changed to 0.1 if you use the server, where I just changed it.

It's great! However, it's identical to the production server. Have you changed it too?

I remember what annoyed me. Switch to "Color by concurrencies" and "Highlight None". The overlap of two blue lines at the intersecting wp is very dark. It sometimes looks like broken concurrency from lower zoom. See attached.
I have noticed that the blue lines tend to have less contrast between segments that are highlighted and those that aren't than the other colors do, especially when zoomed out.  In fact, If I show my travels on usai to people who aren't roadgeeks, they'll assume that I've clinched the whole system because the contrast is low enough they can't tell the difference.
General Web Design Discussion / Re: User uploads
« Last post by Jim on January 20, 2025, 06:38:52 pm »
I'm interested in similar things.  I'd like to be able to do things like show tables/charts of clinched routes/distances over time and make animations of a user's travels on maps over time.  All possible, but it takes time that is very limited, at least for me to be able to do it.
General Web Design Discussion / Re: Overlay map color schemes
« Last post by michih on January 20, 2025, 12:24:27 pm »
I'd want to get more user feedback about this before changing that number (currently 0.3).

I was annoyed by that for years....

You can see what it would look like if opacity gets changed to 0.1 if you use the server, where I just changed it.

It's great! However, it's identical to the production server. Have you changed it too?

I remember what annoyed me. Switch to "Color by concurrencies" and "Highlight None". The overlap of two blue lines at the intersecting wp is very dark. It sometimes looks like broken concurrency from lower zoom. See attached.
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