General Web Design Discussion / Re: Overlay map color schemes
« Last post by michih on January 21, 2025, 12:31:11 pm »I have noticed that the blue lines tend to have less contrast between segments that are highlighted and those that aren't than the other colors do, especially when zoomed out. In fact, If I show my travels on usai to people who aren't roadgeeks, they'll assume that I've clinched the whole system because the contrast is low enough they can't tell the difference.
Yep, I think it's just an issue with TMblue. Maybe one can suggest a better setting?
Code: [Select]
colorCodes[0] = { name: "TMblue", unclinched: "rgb(100,100,255)", clinched: "rgb(0,0,220)" };
And https://github.com/TravelMapping/Web/issues/581 is now implemented and on the main site.
For the colors= QS param, you can still specify a pair of CSS colors for clinched and unclinched (even the same one and rely on the opacity difference to indicate clinched vs. unclinched), but also now can specify a single TM predefined color (ones used in systems.csv, now with a "TM" prefix).
QS param for usai in NY with TMblue--> https://travelmapping.net/user/mapview.php?rg=ny&colors=usai:rgb(100,100,255):rgb(0,0,220)