I was confused because there's a different list file name compared to the general short cut name:
eursf CHE ZubHar (Zubringer Hardturm, Zurich) CHE Zu
bHar active che.zu
eursf CHE ZurLet (Zubringer Letten, Zurich) CHE Zu
rLet active che.zu
eursf CHE ZurRhe (Zubringer Rheinfelden) CHE Zu
rRhe active che.zu
eursf CHE ZubWie (Zubringer Wiedikon, Zurich) CHE Zu
bWie active che.zu
I think the list file names should use the same short cuts.
In addition, what's the correct name to be entered in the list file for this route:
http://tm.teresco.org/devel/hb.php?r=che.a0011 ?
CHE A1.1
CHE A1.1Ror
I tried the first and second way which didn't work. Jim thinks that no.3 should be correct!?
I found the latter in the
HB but I'm used to open all required
brower windows first and the name is not displayed there. Just "Show Markers
CHE A1.1 (Rorschach):" and "
http://tm.teresco.org/devel/hb.php?r=che.a0011". Is there a chance to improved that? Displaying the ".list name" there would also help to avoid my previosly mentioned issue zur/zub.