From what I have seen in my travels in the past couple years, in order of sign quality, Sidney > Findlay >> Troy/Piqua
Sidney: Fully signed on the surface. Every turn signed, frequent reassurances, many of which look new. No signs from 75, but signed otherwise.
Findlay: All but one sign is on or within a block of Main Street. Several reassurances lack BL 75 signs and signs generally look old. Signs disappear south of Lima St. I want to say there is only one reassurance along the entire road and the SB turn onto Lima St is unsigned. Existence definitely questionable.
Troy/Piqua: This is the one I have driven the least of, but GSV seems to confirm any signs that once existed are gone.
Personal opinion is that Sidney should definitely stay in the database and that Troy/Piqua should go. Findlay is iffy, because signs exist, but I err on the side of "decommissioned" because there is obviously no attempt made at maintaining signs.