US 25:1. NC225_S should be
2. GreRivRd should be
3. A shaping point should be added between GreRivRd and NC225_N to keep the line north of NC 225.
4. NC225_N should be
5. US176 should be
6. I-26(54) should be
7. The shaping point northwest of I-26(44) should be replaced with a visible point at
Butler Bridge Rd (ButBriRd).
8. I recommend adding a point at
Mills Gap Rd (MilGapRd) for shaping purposes and for directly connecting to US 25 Alt (Asheville).
9. I recommend adding a point at
Asheland Ave (AshAve) so that the line is shown as truly following US 25.
10. I am surprised not to see a point at College St (ColSt) or Patton Ave (PatAve).
US 25 BUS (Hendersonville):1. I would go with NC225 instead of US25Bus with US 25 BUS being the route that US 176 is concurrent with at its western terminus. (see number 1 under US 176).
2. TerLn should be replaced with
BroCampRd (Brookside Camp Rd).
US 25 ALT (Asheville):1. Does this road actually connect to the Blue Ridge Pkwy? I am not convinced that it does.
NC 225:1. US25_S should be US25(1). US25_N should be US25(5).
2. The shaping point northeast of GreRivRd should be replaced with a visible point at
Mt Olivet Rd.
3. The shaping point northwest of US25_N should be replaced with a visible point at
Zirconia Rd (ZirRd).
4. SheSt can be removed as it is an unused alternate label.
US 176:1. I would go with NC225 instead of US25Bus with US 25 BUS being the route that US 176 is concurrent with at its western terminus. (see number 1 under US 25 BUS (Hendersonville)).
2. SlakeSumRd should be LakeSumRd.
3. WarMouRd should be replaced by the nearby
WarDr (Warrior Dr).
NC 81:1. BiltAve should be BilAve.
2. BeeRd could easily be replaced by
GovViewRd (Governor's View Rd). (also affects US 74 ALT (Asheville))
3. US74A_E could be removed as it is an unused alternate label.
US 74 ALT (Asheville):1. Beyond number 2 under NC 81, MilRd southeast of I-240 should be recentered. Note that this could affect being within tolerance southeast of there (which seems to be an issue now without myself in this scenario putting it in the WP Editor).