US 40 SCENIC: 1. I think that 15MileCRd is too long of a label.
2. The Pk labels for NatPike should be consistent (if not switched or changed).
3. It looks like the hidden shaping point west of MD144_E should be replaced with a visible point at Western Pike.
MD 144 (Flintstone):1. Maybe replace the hidden point east of I-68(47) with a visible point at Old Mount Pleasant Rd?
2. Is WinHilRd anything more than a driveway? I think it should maybe be hidden.
3. Should I-68(56) be
BlaValRd instead?
US 40 ALT (Cumberland):1. Maybe replace the second shaping point west of MD669 with a visible point at the Amish Rd intersection.
2. KampDr should probably be KempDr.
3. Maybe replace the hidden point at Franklin St with a visible point at Valley St (ValSt).
4. Is replacing the hidden point west of US40_E worth it?
MD 55: I would consider making OldLoaRd hidden.
MD 36: It looks like the fourth hidden point north of US40Alt_W should be replaced by a visible point at
Frost Mine Rd (FroMineRd).