While NY truck routes generally aren't included in Travel Mapping due to their unofficial nature, there's a new one in Wyoming County that I'm certain was posted by NYSDOT, as it exists solely to bypass a NYSDOT-maintained posted bridge and the entirety of the route utilizes state-maintained ramps. Truck NY 354 in Bennington (route link:
https://goo.gl/maps/s79u81WjvSM2 ) bypasses a posted bridge carrying NY 354 over NY 77. It is signed better than any other truck route I know of in NY, with full junction signage from both NY 77 and NY 354, as well as trailblazers, reassurance shields, and directional signage. If pictures are desired for confirmation, they are coming tomorrow. The route is nothing more than those two ramps that bypass the bridge and intersect NY 77 at grade.
I'll state again: I'm well aware that NY truck routes are typically excluded from the site. But there are no fewer than 3 assemblies on the route itself (each direction) and 2 assemblies from each of 4 approaches, so this is signed as well as a normal state route (in fact, better than many of the short ones).