NC 48:1. NC43Bus_E should be
2. How important would it be to add a point at Thomas A Betts Pkwy? (also affects NC 43 and US 301 though not on a concurrency)
3. Regular points should be added at Archibell Rd (ArcRd) and Silvertown Rd (SilRd) (no GSV link due to being old) to replace the nearby shaping points. (also affects NC 4)
NC 43:1. The US 64 point labels on the concurrency should be changed to US64(4xx) dependent on the exit number.
2. NC43BusRoc_E should be
NC 43 BUS (Rocky Mount):1. The NC 43 points should be S and N instead of E and W.
2. CokRd should maybe be CokRd_W.