Cleanups of WV-150 to WV-310 have just been submitted. starting to take a look at getting to work on cleaning up WV-16 tonight, I noticed right at the beginning that we have a WV route that splits WV & VA. That would be WV-161. WV fully maintains it, and no indication in StreetView of any VA State Line postings. Still, when I get to that route's overhaul, it will be split up into 3 parts because of this (similar to NY-17's segment in PA). So, be ready to update list files when I get to it if you have it clinched, or traveled the segment that touches WV-16.
This has also been pushed finally. A hidden '+WV16' has been left in the main file of WV-161 on the 'new' border point to prevent list breakage, but you will still have to enter the new routes to regain any complete clinch of the route.