Just randomly felt like checking out this highway and noticed a few issues that need to be corrected, like new interchanges, or missing ones.
I'll mention the label and any possible other highways that are multiplexed & would need to be updated too at the same time that aren't 100% obvious.
NC216_N -> needs a recenter
LitRockRd -> Either move and make alt label for JoshBirPkwy, or leave as-is since it's in use (affects US-74)
NEW -> JoshBirPkwy (brand new access road to the Charlotte International Airport, & now the direct link to I-85 Exit 32) (affects US-74)
BilGraPky -> This one is a little tricky, there is no intersection here. Perhaps points @ Boyer Street & Mulberry Church Road since they are the roads that connect it? That and hide the label under the new Boyer Street point? (affects US-74)
NEW -> RemRd (direct connection down to I-77 Exit 8 ) (affects US-74)
US29Con ->
I-85Con (needs to be recentered due to interchange reconfiguration and being renamed) (affects NC-49) (original label in-use)
NC49_E -> needs to be recentered due to intersection reconfiguration
SpeBlvd ->
BruSmiBlvd (original label in-use)
NEW -> GeoWLilPkwy (missing SPUI interchange)
Missing -> 1stSt (interchange)
PeelRd -> *PeelRd (RxR crossing closed and/or could be deleted, as not in-use and replaced by CedSprRd)
NEW -> CedSprRd (just to the north, replaced Peel Rd with a bridge over the RR)
PeaOrcRd -> *PeaOrcRd (RxR crossing closed and/or could be deleted, as not in-use and replaced by CedSprRd)
US70/601_W -> US70/601
NC150_Lin -> NC150_E (end of the multiplex with NC-150, and only affects US-29's file, plus 'NC150_E' isn't in use, see below.)
GreSt -> needs recentered (affects US-70 & NC I-85 BL (Lexington, NC))
BudKanRd -> needs recentered (affects US-70 & NC I-85 BL (Lexington, NC))
FaiRd -> needs recentered (affects US-70 & NC I-85 BL (Lexington, NC))
Missing ->
FloSt or HooSt (depends on placement) (missing interchange and formerly was a full interchange, but SB ramps are no-more, but can see stubs on Sat imagery) (affects US-70, US-220 too)
Missing ->
SulSt (missing interchange) (affects US-70, US-220 too)
US70/220_E -> US70/220
NC150_E -> NC150_Mon (completely separate from the multiplex with NC-150 farther south, plus the label isn't in-use, allowing for a safe change here to allow it to be reused in the proper location farther south, without needing an update entry)
US158/14 -> needs recentered (affects US-158, NC-14, I-785FutRei)