OR: duplicate label 32NDST in or.us101. Please report this error in the TravelMapping forum. Unable to parse line: OR US101 32ndSt BroRd
There's a collision between the
32ndSt point and
AbaSt, which has
+32ndSt as an AltLabel.
At the time imgoph's .list line was created, only the one corresponding to
AbaSt existed.
Suggest keeping the old one as an AltLabel, and deleting the new standalone
32ndSt point, which is not in use or necessary for shaping. Visible waypoints in that area are already a bit overdense. If you want to retain access in that general area, +x63 could be replaced with
HighSchDr. +x64 isn't really needed either.
All of Oregon's datacheck errors:
https://travelmapping.net/devel/datacheck.php?rg=OR&showmarked=1(Only 4 of `em, though the OR255 one reveals issues a bit deeper than it 1st appears...)