US 1:
1. US1AltWas, I-95/495, GuiRd, I-195, should be slightly recentered.
2. Even though
MD 431 is currently unsigned, I think points at Campus Dr on both US 1 and MD 201 would be useful. There is a part of me that thinks that MD 431 may be signed at US 1 once the current construction on US 1 through College Park is complete.
3. A point could arguably be added at Sulphur Spring Rd for US 1 and US 1 ALT (Baltimore) (
the latter because of this sign).
US 40 TRUCK (Baltimore): HilSt should be slightly recentered.
MD 212: I think that EdwWy should be EdwWay.
MD 542: The hidden shaping point north of TayAve looks like it should be made visible.
Added later:
MD 8: KenPoiRd should be KentPoiRd and slightly recentered.