Hutchinson River Parkway has been renumbered from sequential to mileage-based. exit numbers:2 3 7 13 15
All travelers with broken .lists:alex barefoot_driver brendan cebarb98 chaddean chart33 dave1693 eth foresthills93 formulanone froggie gpw hurricanehink jackgaynor jaehak JamesMD keithcavey master_son nezinscot noelbotevera sbeaver44 shiggins
Those who update via GitHub (TM usernames):alex chart33 dave1693 eth formulanone froggie jackgaynor keithcavey master_son nezinscot
GitHub usernames:@alexgotz @cahart1 @dave1693 @tmharley @freakwentflier @ajfroggie @mrpoodlepants @keithcavey @ssoworld @denishanson
Those left over who update by email:barefoot_driver brendan cebarb98 chaddean foresthills93 gpw hurricanehink jaehak JamesMD noelbotevera sbeaver44 shiggins
You just watch. Once the last state completes their conversion, the US will finally switch to metric.