I-140: 1. 7>-
82. 11>-
10US 17 BUS (Wilmington): MktSt>-MarSt_W or 3rdSt_N (I was never aware of Mkt being used in place of Mar for Market.)
NC 179: 1. Consider replacing the shaping point west of NC904_S with a visible point. (also affects NC 904)
2. The NC904 labels should be
W and E instead of S and N.
3. HaleSwaRd_S>-HaleSwaRd. HaleSwaRd_N>-
OldGeoRd (and slightly relocated).
4. VilRd>-VilRd_N
NC 179 BUS (Calabash): 1. SchAve>-
SchDr2. SunBlvd>-SunBlvd_S?
NC 904: The NC 179 labels should be S and N instead of W and E.