the log book does have S27E in it (listed as "Inglewood Spur").
Haha Derp! I thought it was listed in alphanumeric order like usanes.csv, and never scrolled down past the links to the spurs.
Per the log book the route ends at Inglewood city limits, which just so happen to line up with Boulevard Street.
City limits, yes. Lines up per both OSM and Google. OTOH, the city map does show the limit a bit south of BouSt, and the hwy continuing a bit north to BouSt itself.
Though if we're using OSM for our point sources, they're the same thing. A Good Thing, as it neatly removes the ambiguity!
There's a pavement change there.
Don't know if I'd put too much stock in that on its own, it may just be the end of the section that was realigned.
...Which may or may not correspond to the village limit anyway.
GMSV has it halfway between the village limit sign (if that's accurate, lol) and Boulevard St.
All of that to say, what's in the HB now is as good as we're going to get.
And all of
that to say... agreed! As noted above.
Another factor that made me pick BouSt was that if we do find we need to adjust the terminus in the future, it's easier to truncate with an AltLabel on the end so everyone can keep clinches than to add a new point & have people lose clinches.
(Notwithstanding that we
could just do the same thing, move the endpoint a tiny bit & use an AltLabel, LOL.)