I'm looking to get started helping out with the project.
I'm willing to pick up the review of the Ontario Secondary Highways (canons) and start the Mississippi State Highways (usams) if needed.
I think that no. 3/4 should be your next steps before you can review a system.
FWIW I did steps 6, 7, and 8 simultaneously before the first time I ever did step 5. So I wouldn't worry too much about someone going down that list a little out of order.
That said, what I will say for the sake of anyone who might be stumbling their way in here looking to contribute:
- please note that systems highlighted in red in the OP are not yet ready for review (so neither canons and usams are there yet). So if you would like to review a system, please look for one that is highlighted in
amber and lists its reviewer as t.b.d.
- You may wish to take a look at the other pinned threads in this subforum for this purpose too since at this point there is far more unclaimed work outside of the US and Canada.
- Before claiming a system check for its thread in this subform to make sure the person drafting it actually has acknowledged it as ready for peer review (occasionally a system in preview status might not quite be ready for peer review yet). Feel free to ask if it's not clear.
- Do familiarize yourself with all the tutorial material
here if you have not already since this will serve as guidance and instructions on what to check for and how.