There are only 7 color names that will be honored by TM web code:
colorCodes[0] = { name: "blue", unclinched: "rgb(100,100,255)", clinched: "rgb(0,0,255)" };
colorCodes[1] = { name: "brown", unclinched: "rgb(153,152,102)", clinched: "rgb(153,102,0)" };
colorCodes[2] = { name: "red", unclinched: "rgb(255,100,100)", clinched: "rgb(255,0,0)" };
colorCodes[3] = { name: "yellow", unclinched: "rgb(255,255,128)", clinched: "rgb(225,225,0)" };
colorCodes[4] = { name: "teal", unclinched: "rgb(100,200,200)", clinched: "rgb(0,200,200)" };
colorCodes[5] = { name: "green", unclinched: "rgb(100,255,100)", clinched: "rgb(0,255,0)" };
colorCodes[6] = { name: "magenta", unclinched: "rgb(255,100,255)", clinched: "rgb(255,0,255)" };
I am not sure why it would be pink if other color names are specified, but I recommend staying with this list unless/until new color names are added to the above array. I am open to more colors if there's a compelling reason to do so.