I checked all routes "quickly". I checked the labels of waypoints that intersect with other TM routes. I also looked into oddities I spot - almost everything was fine though. I agree with Jim, that a system with more than 100 travelers has undergone a community peer review anyway. For instance, one traveler has traveled 96 per cent of the mileage.
I did not systematically check wp labels without numerals. I only expect minor typos or missing cardinal suffixes where concurrencies end. Those are less important issues IMO*. I would activate the system anyway so that users benefit from update entries from future route changes.
Of course, you can go through all routes to check the
non-numeral wp labels. Before system activation, or afterwards by reporting issues in the forum board for active systems.
However, I'd prefer if you'd volunteer to review one out of the
dozens hundreds preview systems beyond usams

*If numerous hwy data managers disagree, I would help shortly to check those wp labels to enable a quick activation.