Author Topic: Texas outlook  (Read 49222 times)

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Re: Texas outlook
« Reply #45 on: December 09, 2024, 04:47:16 pm »
Please don't post here!
Keeping this link pointing to a "great big list" post at the end of the thread helps maintain my workflow & sanity as maintainer.
Instead, if you find a watchlist item that may need an update, post in another existing topic if there is one, or make a new post on the Updates to Highway Data or 6-Month+ Highway Data Outlook board.

#0: Placeholder


Waiting for signage/GMSV to catch up
ItemImagery    Retrieved
S end of I-69ERobJuly 20232024-10-08 Tue
TX114BusGra deletedMay 20242024-10-08 Tue
US 62/85 realigned in El PasoApr 20212022-10-01 Sat
FM1774BusMag exists & is signed?Sep 20232024-10-08 Tue
FM75 trunc SMay 20232024-10-08 Tue
TXLp332 deletedJul 20232024-10-08 Tue
FM3541 -> FM2185Mar 20242024-10-08 Tue
FM487 discontinuousMar 20242024-10-08 Tue
TX310 ext. N?2024-10-08 Tue

2022 Oct: TX36 widening, Pleak to West Columbia (twinning; minor point recenterings only)
2023 Dec: US62/180 fwy conversion, El Paso (Exit numbers per US180 mileage)

9/27 recenter TX36 / TXSpr10_S
2024: TX199 Lake Worth bridge

March: FBPTollRd Segment B3 Final design completed
5/22:Diboll Relief Route (schematic)
Mid-2025: TXSpr320 Borderland Expy
Mid-2025: US59 Nacogdoches
Summer: Hutto bypass / SE Loop
Summer: Seminole Relief Route, begin construction
Summer: Denton County Outer Loop alternative selection
Q3: FBPTollRd Segment B4 Final design completed
Q3: FBPTollRd Segment C Final design completed
Sept. 25: TX365
Late: US377 Cresson bypass
Q4: FBPTollRd Segment D Final design completed
2025: TX TXLp1604 I-10(587)_N FM78 construction starts
FM973 bypass/business, Manor
Alvin Freeway, begin construction
TXLp9 Segment B
FY 2025-2030: FM2185 extension to/via FM3541

Q1: WesTlwy ext W to TXHerPkwy
3/2026-3/2027: FM1488 Magnolia relief route
Apr: Hardy Downtown Connector
Summer: FM1385 ready to let
2026: FM1171 W ext ready to let
2026 (article/video): TXLp88 segments 3A (Ave U to Memphis) & 3B (Memphis to Chicago)
Fall: TXLp195 Phase I
Fall: TXSpr5 extension
2026: Oak Hill Pkwy
2026: TX35/361/Spr202 SPUI begins construction
US 290/SH 36 Interchange Project Begin Construction
Late: TXLp1853 begins construction
Late: TX68 phase 1 begins

Summer: Rogers relief route
TX32 let date
2027: FTW SE Connector (I-820 30A closed)
2027: Riviera bypass
2027: FM2100 construction anticipated
2027: I-10/45 interchange
2027: FM528 extension
2027: US287 Midlothian West ready to let
end-year: DalNorTlwy to FM428

Feb: TX84 (related: delete San Bernardo (I-35BLLar), SS 260 & 400. When? Search for minords, desig changes, signage)
Spring: I-35 Expansion in San Antonio
2028: construction start of the US 380 McKinney bypass
12/29: Corrigan relief route
SL 390/US 59 Relief Route (Future I-369) anticipated construction start

Spring: 81/287/1810 Decatur construction starts, pending available funding
Spring: 59/259, Nacogdoches
2029: Refugio Relief Route
2029: TX TXLp1604 I-10(587)_N FM78 open
2029: TX TX105 TX6_S TX249 construction begins

2030: US81/287
2030: TX99 section B

2031 2031: TXLp88 Segment 3{C..G}

2032: TXSpr399 construction starts
2032: US 69 Lumberton Kountze relief route construction starts
2032: US59 Livingston to let

2035: TXLp88 Segment 2
2040-2045: TXLp88 Segments 1 & 4 / US84 & US84BusLub

TX174 Brazos River bridge
FM396 grade separations & mainlanes
US277 NE of San Angelo
FM148 relocation, Crandall

TxDOT Highway Designations changes (shapefiles)
US290 Fredericksburg relief route <--NOPE
TXLp480 Segment 3 tabled as of 2020
FM2611 bridge over San Bernard River
San Angelo Relief Route

Exit numbers
US59   eventually convert to I-69(###)
US69   see US59 & US75
US75   3 numbering schemes, 2 nonsensical

2012 S: US377 Cresson bypass / business (near TX171)
2019 S: US 62/85 realigned in El Paso
2023 F: I-27 ext 4.2 mi S
2024 S: I-69 north to TXLp573_N
2024 F: I-69E south to FM1356

Please don't post here!
Keeping this link pointing to a "great big list" post at the end of the thread helps maintain my workflow & sanity as maintainer.
Instead, if you find a watchlist item that may need an update, post in another existing topic if there is one, or make a new post on the Updates to Highway Data or 6-Month+ Highway Data Outlook board.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2024, 05:34:53 pm by yakra »
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