I can have a look at the Alaska shapefiles you linked. If their X,Y coords are stored as floating-point long,lat pairs, then I can use GISplunge, or get coords from QGIS. If not, then I can still get coords from QGIS. Probably. It's a wee bit difficult, but can be done.
Thanks. I'm not sure I need coordinates for any routes, I mentioned the shapefiles mainly as an alternate online form of documentation for what I already have based on largely offline resources. The AK 6 part of the Steese Highway is where my mapping is sketchiest, since I clinched it in 1994 and didn't feel like going back there armed with a GPS receiver in 2012 (by that point, I was way behind schedule on what turned into a two-and-a-half-month road trip). Ditto the McCarthy Road part of AK 10, which I drove but didn't use my GPS receiver east of Chitina. So if you want to try out an Alaska shapefile or two, I suggest those.
Alaska DOT&PF normally organizes its highway data by named highway (such as Steese Highway) and 6-digit internal inventory number (152000 for the Steese, 198000 for the Edgerton Hwy/McCarthy Rd.), rather than by posted route number, so a data search for the posted number will likely get you nowhere.
Good news:
I downloaded the
shapefiles you linked in
this post, and set up a QGIS project enabling on-the-fly Coordinate Reference System transformation -- meaning, I can grab coords from QGIS.
Bad news:
The coordinate data are not stored as floating-point, so GISplunge is useless with these shapefiles.
Good news:
Again, I can still grab coords from QGIS, at least. Just position the mouse pointer, copy the Long/Lat format from the Coordinate box, and paste.
The new QGIS 2.8 is much, MUCH faster than previous versions, and getting point coords from QGIS itself is no longer such a ponderous chore.
Bad news:
No point of reference a lot of the time. Looks like just the state roads are included. So if CDS_NUM 152035 (AK6
FaiCrkRd) is included, OK, line up the mouse pointer and away we go. For local roads not included in the shapefiles, or for shaping points, bad luck.
thought about the concept of writing a utility to convert shapefiles from various CRS/projections to long/lat format, or adding functionality to make such conversions to GISplunge. Only
thought about it, though. The steep initial learning curve involved has put me off the task; I'm regarding it as more time & effort than it's worth.
(That, and writing code to handle each projection -- Mercator, Transverse Mercator, Polyconic, Fuller/Dymaxion (LOLJK), etc. etc. etc. -- how far down does that rabbit hole go?) GISplunge in Canada, with the GeoBase files, is good enough for me.
A faster and simpler solution might be to adapt my old WPT2SHP code, and write a util to make point shapefiles out of WPTs, which could then be loaded into QGIS. From there, I could eyeball the distance to the nearest point on the roadway arc shapes, position the mouse pointer, and yadda yadda. This would provide good results for shaping points, but local road junctions could still end up being off by a bit.
I'm not too keen on doing this either though; first I would want to fix GISplunge's dislike for missing terminal linefeeds, as that code applies here. And that's a very low priority for me.
OK, so this may not all be terribly relevant to usaak...
Edit: It does look like OSM's mapping has improved considerably along the Steese Highway (I didn't look at McCarthy Road), so it looks like you could do another pass thru & use OSM to improve point locations if you wanted.