N250 - fine
N251 - BogStr needs moving to road
N252 - N61/N62 now just N61
N253 - fine
N254 - fine
N255 - fine
N256 - fine
N257 - fine
N258 - fine
N260 - Bos -> BaaWeg; enters Belgium at northern edge of Baarle urban area, and from centre southward, so needs splitting into 3 Dutch and 2 Belgian sections
N260A - fine
N261 - fine
N262 - fine
N263 - fine
N264 - new route around Haps
N266 - fine
N267 - fine
N268 - fine
N269 - fine
N270 - Nuenen -> ColHoefDijk or SmiOyenLaan (also A270); break either side of A270?; A270_W -> WolDijk?; A270_E -> BraDre?; Have more accurate A/N transition points
N271 - fine
N272 - move SchWeg to Noord-Om; errSti -> EerSti
N273 - fine
N274 - fine
N274Bru - fine
N275 - fine
N276 - fine
N277 - fine
N278 - GSJ at Endepolsdomein?
N279 - fine
N280 - fine
N281 - fine
N282 - fine
N283 - fine
N284 - fine
N285 - fine
N286 - fine
N287 - fine
N288 - fine
N289 - fine
N290 - fine
N291 - fine
N292 - add a point for Stramproy and/or Tungelroy?
N293 - fine
N294 - fine
N295 - fine
N296 - fine
N297 - fine
N298 - No direct route between A76(5) and SchWeg due to N300 construction - either split route, or get points sorted for when N300 opens (soon?)
N299 - No direct route between N300_S and DenWeg. Either reroute slightly, or split (N274-N300_N and DenWeg-DEU)