I thought we don't wanna draft district roads at all but we include city routes now?
I think there's analogies to the Dutch Stadsroute whereby the city is mostly excluded from the provincial/national routes but has its own system instead.
I'd suggest one tier-5 system with all the Stadsroute in with nld.s100ams names, even if there's no duplicated numbers (eg nld.s150zaa) and the cities listed for each route in .csvs
I agree that we could draft nlds but I thought about district / county roads, e.g. French D or Romania DJ routes. Are they "allowed" to be added? I think I read that these kind of roads should not be drafted or
won't be drafted in US...
Generally, I think that we cannot apply "US rules" to regions all over the world because classification / signposting / administration et cetera is different. Any limitation means that "important" routes may be included or not.
Is there any limit what we wanna include?Example:France has national roads (N --> fran; 218 routes, 7,267.57mi). Romania has national roads (roudn; 192 routes, 9,729.18mi). Germany has federal roads (B --> deub; 645 routes, 24,106.10mi). All tier 4 systems drafted.
France has 101 départements (districts/counties; D --> frad?), Romania has 41 Drumuri Județene (districts/counties; DJ --> roudj?), Germany has 16 Bundesländer (states; L --> deul?)
and 294 Landkreise (districts/counties; K --> deuk?). All mentioned road categories are signed, German systems on km posts only.
If we generally exclude district/county roads, France and Romania would not have any tier 5 system. If we would include them, Germany could even have a tier 6 system...