We sometimes move wps by exactly 0.000001° to break concurrencies but the route is still intersecting. Is it possible to include these routes?
I'd argue that those should not be included, since the concurrencies were intentionally broken. If there's an intersection, then maybe those should be lined up and concurrencies should be broken with a shaping point instead.
I would argue that these
should be included. There's still an intersection, and one should still be able to move from one route to the other via intersecting roads, sliproads, etc.
My canonical example:TX US183 @ TX21, TX21 @ US183/130, and TX130 @ 461. Movement between US183 & TX130 is made via Texas's typical sliproad-frontage road setup. US183 & TX21 show up as Intersecting/Concurrent Routes for one another, as they have identical coordinates. TX130, with its mismatching coords, doesn't list & isn't listed for the other two routes. It clearly intersects TX21 here, and has access to US183 as well.
So, while calling US183 & TX130
Concurrent Routes here isn't strictly correct, listing them as
Intersecting Routes is appropriate IMO.
Some other examples that immediately come to mind:• RI I-95 @ 19 mismatches RI I-195 @ 1 and RI US6 @ I-195(1). I-95 clearly intersects both other routes.
• NS7 mismatches NS111(6B), to break a false multiplex toward NS111(6A). Both routes clearly intersect here.
• Fall River, Massachusetts:
- US6 @ MA79/138 mismatches MA79 & MA138 @ US6_E. There's access here via the northbound exit slip, and Davol Street to the south.
- MA79 @ *BriSt mismatches US6 & MA138 @ BriSt. MA138 south transfers from US6 on the frontage road to MA79 on the freeway mainline here.
• NY27 and BeltPkwy, with Texas-style sliproad-frontage road access.
I believe, in good faith, that everything I have marked off in
nmpfps.log should be a perfectly legitimate intersection, like these examples. I'd be surprised if any of my intentional NMPs didn't include connections between any (if not all?) of the routes involved. However, I'm not going to take the time to do the research to prove/disprove this right now.

FWIW, sometimes I've corrected some intentional NMPs to be off by 0.000001 instead of some greater amount, the idea being that they'd someday be interpreted as intersections by an algorithm that would Do Such Things.