I'm not looking for too much user interface feedback since I know much of that needs fixing anyway.
My only comments were about the UI. I can save that for after you notify us of any changes or improvements here.
I did notice however than in the
production HDX, the old graphic used for waypoint markers no longer displays. Did you move, rename, or delete it on-site when replacing it with the new "MUTCD crossroads" graphic in HDXtest?
I just want to know if this version can do what you need it to do for your purposes. I assume that's usually loading up .tmg files to look for concurrencies using the color-coded edges, and loading up tm-master.nmp.
I tried out a few TMG and NMP files. Everything seems to work as it did before, and looks fine.
https://github.com/TravelMapping/EduTools/issues/107I would find this VERY useful in streamlining fixing NMPs.
Travel Mapping Graph Data
Graphs can be loaded into HDX to verify unexpected or broken concurrencies.
Is this still possible or maybe not necessary anymore?
If you mean uploading files from disk, I say definitely keep this functionality.
my own .NMP files, filtered by region, is especially useful.
There's also the ability to load in homebrew .TMGs, if anyone would want to do that. I've thought about hacking some together in a text editor, but haven't actually done so.
Sometimes I'll load older, outdated .TMGs into the HDX for reference, and have a look around.