Author Topic: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen  (Read 60828 times)

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2019, 04:58:07 am »
Of course! I've added the remaining routes last March.
Thought so. Let that one slip. Shouldn't be too difficult as looking at my previous look at the 700s, 800s and 900s, there was very few issues (though that makes it tedious)!

Offline michih

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2019, 05:25:17 am »
(though that makes it tedious)!

I think that peer-reviews are generally less interesting than drafting new systems. That's why I always tried to draft and review systems parallel or alternating. Now we have a bunch of preview systems and only reviews are on the agenda................

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2019, 08:54:20 am »
As a break from a place more-French-than-France, I'll return to the place more-French-fries-than-France. ;)

I'm assuming you have got all of the routes right, and OSM has road numbers where there shouldn't be (eg N617 in central Liege).

N1 (Antwerpen):
 - N11 point merged with A1 exit 5 point (one point per interchange)?
 - between N129 and R10 route doesn't currently exist: split

N1 (Vilvoorde):
 - N1a_Sta -> N1a
 - add a point or two in Buda for indirect access to R0?

N1a, N1b: both fine

 - HofEik -> HofEikLaan

N2 (Zaventem):
 - AveComGem -> AveCom or GemLaan
 - R23_W -> R23

N2 (Diest):
 - R23_E -> R23
 - merge N29 and A2(24)? ditto N739 and A13?
 - R26_W -> N10/R26?
 - R71_W -> R71
 - R70_W -> R70
you've chopped up routes, but continued to treat them as one big route. Either put them back together, or drop superfluous directional disambiguation.

N2 (Bilzen):
 - R70_E -> R70
 - R71_E -> R71

N2c: fine

 - VanLaan -> DokVanLaan

N3 (Tervuren):
 - is KorLaan the right label (this area by the is a mess!)?
 - is KerStr the right label?
 - R23_W -> R23

N3 (Liege):
 - R23_E -> R23
 - N671 off (and as theres no direct connection between two routes, is it the right place?)
 - N90 and RueJup off

N3e and N3i fine

 - called N603 on OSM
 - GSJ in the middle there?

 - point for Rue du Trone?
 - MaaLaan -> AveMae (Brussels is de facto Francophonic, even if de jure bilingual)
 - EurPirLaan -> AveEurPir (ditto)
 - TerWeg -> ChaTer (ditto)
 - Avi -> RueTom
 - Flg -> CheRen? Fla?
 - Fls -> RouStr
 - Man -> RueMan
 - RueAss -> RueWac
 - RueDec -> Rue26Dec
 - RueBas -> RouBas_N? RouBas_S
 - BEL/LUX_Mar -> N23 (doesn't matter that it's the Luxembourgish one and the N4 is the border)

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2019, 10:08:11 am »
N5 (Waterloo):
 - add point for AveReiAst in Waterloo (leads to R0 exit 28)

N5 (Phillippeville):
 - RueMar off
 - is the autoroute section at the bottom end actually N5?
 - N5_CouN -> N5_Cou (sections don't actually meet back up)

N5 (Couvin):
 - see autoroute comment about Phillippeville section
 - N5_N -> N5 (sections don't actually meet up, and presuming that autoroute is N5)

N6 (Soignies):
 - FraKalLaan -> French name (Brussels de facto Francophonic)
 - R50_N -> R50

N6 (Mons):
 - R50_S -> R50
 - N546 -> R5/N546

N7 (Tournai):
 - BEL/FRA -> FRA/BEL, or flip route and have route direction matching radial pattern of roads, rather than default N->S and W->E grid pattern (either is fine)
 - R52_W -> R52

N7 (Ath):
 - R52_E -> R52
 - ChaTou -> ChaTou_E
 - ChaBru -> ChaBru_W

N8 (Koksijde): fine

N8 (Menen):
 - R36_W -> R36

N8 (Oudenaard):
 - R36_E -> R36
 - R9 -> R8

N8c: fine

N9 (Oostende):
 - R30 -> R30_E

N9 (Eeklo):
 - R30_E -> R30
 - R4_W -> R4
 - R40_W -> R40

N9 (Aalst):
 - R40_E -> R40
 - R4_E -> R4
 - KerStr -> KerkStr
 - N9k needs to be named something else
 - LouMetLaan -> BoulLouMet (Brussels French-first)
 - R20 -> R20_E

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2019, 10:53:13 am »
 - is there a reason why this and the N14 run concurrent with the R16, despite the single digit N roads being split when they have to run concurrent with a ring?
 - R16_N -> N14/R16?
 - R16_S -> N108/R16?
 - N19_N -> N19/R25
 - point for GSJ just north of DieStr (also R25)
 - N2 -> N2/R26

 - N1 point should be merged with A1 exit 5 (one point per interchange)

 - N14 -> N14/N158
 - break at R13?
 - add point at KonAlbStr (links to N119/N132 point)

N13: fine

 - N12 -> N12/N153
 - split at R16?
 - add point for Hondiuslaan in Duffel (leads to N1/N1c and A1 exit 8)

N15 and N15a: fine

 - N403 -> N403/R32
 - N17 and 7(A12) merge?

N16a: fine

 - add point for Hoogveld?
 - WolStr -> WolfStr

 - R13/N12 -> R13 if N12 is split
 - add missing R18 and relabel relevant points?
 - move Mar ever-so-slightly to HanStr? (better point name)
 - add points for GSJs either side of canal between N71 and N136

 - R13/N12 -> R13 if N12 is split
 - add points in Geel that might link to other points?

N19a: fine

Offline michih

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2019, 10:56:47 am »

- is there a reason why this and the N14 run concurrent with the R16, despite the single digit N roads being split when they have to run concurrent with a ring?

The N routing is clear when there no full ring. When there is a full ring, the routing is not clear - there are two options - and I've split the route.

- R16_N -> N14/R16?
 - R16_S -> N108/R16?
 - N19_N -> N19/R25

I thought about keeping belr as tier 4 but moving beln to tier 5. Both are maintained by regions but I think that beln is similar to nldp, deul or frad systems. I think that @yakra suggested the same when we talked about the tier colors. The more I think about it, the more I wanna change it. Any objections?

I've already checked all routes N1-N19 and removed N routes in wp labels when there were a R and a N route in the label name.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 10:58:50 am by michih »

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2019, 12:06:38 pm »

- is there a reason why this and the N14 run concurrent with the R16, despite the single digit N roads being split when they have to run concurrent with a ring?

The N routing is clear when there no full ring. When there is a full ring, the routing is not clear - there are two options - and I've split the route.

- R16_N -> N14/R16?
 - R16_S -> N108/R16?
 - N19_N -> N19/R25

I thought about keeping belr as tier 4 but moving beln to tier 5. Both are maintained by regions but I think that beln is similar to nldp, deul or frad systems. I think that @yakra suggested the same when we talked about the tier colors. The more I think about it, the more I wanna change it.
I'm happy with this reasoning.
I've already checked all routes N1-N19 and removed N routes in wp labels when there were a R and a N route in the label name.
So now I'll highlight cases where there is, rather than questioning why there isn't.

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2019, 12:40:59 pm »
So now I'll highlight cases where there is, rather than questioning why there isn't.

Response to questions always helps the reviewer.

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2019, 07:32:29 am »
 - R70/N80 -> R70
 - R72/N79 -> R72_N?

 - JulBorLaan -> AveJulBor (Brussels Francophonic)

 - JulBorLaan -> AveJulBor (Brussels Francophonic)

N23 and N24 missing. Do they get added?

 - ChaWav -> ChaWav_S
 - N4_W -> N4_N
 - A4 -> A4(8)
 - A4_Lou -> A4(8a)

N25a, N26: fine

 - add point for Rue Raymond Lebleux in Lillois (leads to N25 GSJ)
 - add point for SW corner of Nivelles ring (leads to N28 southern end)

 - N203a -> A8 (route renumbered recently)
 - Rue Lib -> missing N246?

N29 (Beringen):
 - R26_N -> R26

N29 (Tienen):
 - add point for N572 in Gilly (at the very least that road leads to N90 GSJ)

N30, N30b, N31: fine

 - R32/N36 -> R32_S

N32b: fine

 - R34/N32 -> R34

 - N34f - move to overbridge and either add route or (more likely) rename (also R31)

N34a, N34i, N35 (Diksmuide), N35 (Deinze), N35b, N35c, N35g: fine

 - R32/N36a -> R32_N
 - add point for GSJ just west of A17

 - R32/N36 -> R32

N36d, N36e, N37 (Ieper): fine

N37 (Tielt):
 - R32/N36 -> R32_W
 - N44/N409 - merge with A10 wpt (one point per interchange)?

N37a, N37b, N38, N39, N39a: fine

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2019, 08:29:22 am »
N40 (Philippeville):
 - N53 needs redoing (short concurrency between northern/eastern junction and the other junction which is the one-way system)

N40 (Libramont-Chevigny):
 - N929 is off
 - N95b -> N95d
 - RueRan needs another name
 - RueHas -> N887?

N40a: fine

N41 (Aalst): fine

N41 (Hamme):
 - DorStr -> DorpStr
 - R42 needs moving (also R42)

 - add point for LeenStr to match N42a

N42a, N42c: fine

N43 (Mouscron):
 - R43_S -> R43

N43 (Deinze):
 - R43_N -> R43

 - A11 is off
 - N37/N409: see N37

N44a: fine

N45 (Aalst):
 - N28 transition is actually a little to the south (here). Vossel is the closest interchange, but there's N45 signs south of there. Up to you.

N45 (Appleterre-Eichem): fine

 - N42 -> N42/N462
 - N462 -> N462_N

N47: fine

N48 (Tournai), N48 (Brakel), N48b: fine

 - PasOpdPle -> LipLaan or KnoStr
 - KalDij -> KalDijk

 - HalLaan is off

N50 (Brugge):
 - R36_N -> R36

N50 (Dottenijs):
 - R36_S -> R36

N50 (Mons), N50d, N50f, N50g: fine

 - BouAndBel -> BouAndDel

 - does this extend north?

 - see N40

N54 (Erquelinnes): fine

N54 (Fontaine-l'Eveque):
 - R3/N90 -> R3

N55, N55b: fine

 - RuePriAst -> CheNotDame?
 - N6/N552 -> N6 as doesn't actually meet N552?

N57: fine

N58 (Comines-Warneton):
 - TouStr -> 9
 - N515 -> 8
 - N336 -> 7
 - HouWeg -> 6
 - N531 -> 5

N58 (Mouscron): fine

 - GirTib -> RueTyb (cross-street beats junction name)
 - GirSou -> RueSou (ditto)

N59b: fine

Offline michih

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2019, 10:40:37 am »

N23 and N24 missing. Do they get added?

N23 is not signed according to wegenwiki and not on any map
N24 is not signed according to wegenwiki and only indicated on GM

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2019, 01:59:03 pm »

Offline michih

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Re: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen (beln)
« Reply #27 on: November 16, 2019, 04:02:38 pm »
N23 was added.

I thought about keeping belr as tier 4 but moving beln to tier 5. Both are maintained by regions but I think that beln is similar to nldp, deul or frad systems. I think that @yakra suggested the same when we talked about the tier colors. The more I think about it, the more I wanna change it. Any objections?

It already was yellow instead of lightsalmon.

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2019, 07:00:19 am »
 - is that a slip road to A10/E40? Does that need to be a point on both routes? (there definitely was an interchange there, but most demolished)

N60Leu - fine

N60b (what a silliness of the Belgians not to have this as N60)
 - N60_N -> N60/N425?

 - RuePon -> RuePon_E
 - I presume the N60f on OSM is signed as part of N60e.
 - do we want to add points on N60 and N60e for what OSM marks as N60g? Do we want to add N60g?

N61, N61a, N61b - fine

 - N30 is off OSM
 - N640 is off OSM
 - N693 and shaping point south of it are off OSM

 - N4 -> N4/N86
 - N86 -> N86_E or N86_N

N63c, N63d, N63f, N64, N65 - fine

 - N831 -> N623/N831

N67 - fine

 - Lan - is this the right name? Presumably Langesthal is the settlement by the dam, hence why all the roads have it.

 - add point for N640? (runs fron Slavelot to Spa racecourse according to OSM)

 - add point for RueRap (leads to N64/N637 junction)?

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2019, 07:32:33 am »
N70, N70a, N71 - fine

 - N712_E -> N712 (would need renaming should they ever join the two N71 segments together anyway)

N72, N72a, N73, N73Tes, N73b, N74

 - N730_W -> N730_N

N75a - add route in Genk?

 - DamStr -> DampStr?
 - move MarHabLaan to overpass
 - is that a GSJ just south of N779?
 - add point at Heuvelstraat to correspond with southern N76a end.
 - N76k is off

 - KlwAre -> KleStr

N76b, N76d - fine

 - BrugStr -> BrugStr_N

 - N754a is off

 - BurBijLaan -> N75a?

N78, N78b, N79, N79a - fine