Author Topic: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen  (Read 60655 times)

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2019, 01:07:02 pm »
 - R62_N is off

N80b - fine

 - is there a GSJ at Differt (north of N883_N)?

 - RueBonLieu is the name of the road just to the east

 - does N83a exist? (RueCha and a point to the west that would need to be added)

N83b - fine

 - add points in Bastogne that correspond to N4 GSJs?

 - add point for N858 that isn't in the browser but probably should be?

 - N623/N831 -> N831
 - ChaOur -> N839?
 - add point for N86f that isn't in the browser but probably should be?

 - add point for N86f that isn't in the browser but probably should be?

 - Nob -> RueSch?

N87b - fine

 - add point for N890 that isn't in the browser but probably should be?

N88a - fine

 - E411/A4 -> A4 for consistency with other N roads
 - RueSer -> N89c (which would need to be added)?
 - PontFosRou -> RueVes or RueTro

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2019, 02:14:03 pm »
N90Bin - fine

 - N570 -> N568b/N570?
 - RouNew -> RueAltSpi
 - delete RueMoi (just an overbridge, and wrong name anyway)
 - N4_N is off OSM
 - RouGouClo -> N942a (and add route to browser)?
 - GraRou -> N644?
 - add points for N683a and N615 (and add those routes to the browser)?
 - WuaiMat -> QuaiMat

 - RueCoc -> N615/N683? and move to centre of roundabout

N90b, N90z, N91 - fine

 - add point for N966 (or road to it) that isn't in browser and probably should be
 - N947_N is off OSM, and doesn't directly intersect route as mapped in browser
 - PontLus -> N931 (and add that route to browser)?
 - N932 -> N932/N947a (and add that route to browser)?
 - shouldn't N95/N936 be in the centre of the roundabout?

 - ChaNam -> ChaNam_W
 - R24 -> R24/N237?

 - Lav -> RueJar

N95, N95d - fine

 - RueHenBla -> RueHenBles
 - RueFra -> RueFra_N

 - N5 -> N5/N40

N98 - fine

 - LaDis -> ForGer
 - RueGra -> RueHoe
 - Niv -> RueStEloi

N23 (before I forget it as I move on to 3 digit routes) - fine

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2019, 04:51:35 pm »
 - add points (and route) for N101b?

N101a, N102 - fine

 - N18_W <-> N18_E

N105 - fine

 - either add R11a or delete JulMor
 - DooStr -> DooStr_S

N107 - fine

 - WavWeg -> WavWeg_N

 - StuBaan -> StuVaa_S

N110, N110a, N111, N112, N113 - fine

 - A12(DijStr) -> DijStr?
 - N180 is off

 - N115b is off

N115a, N115b - fine

 - add points for N116a (and add route)?

N117 - fine

 - are VelStr and NieStr R18?

N119, N120, N121, N122,  - fine

 - is PihlStr R18?

N124, N125, N126, N127, N128 - fine

 - N1_S isn't a junction with N1
 - N1_N -> N1

N130, N131, N132, N133, N134, N135, N136, N137, N138, N139, N140 - fine

 - add point for N156 (or add that route to the A13 junction)?

N142, N144, N146, N148, N150, N151, N152, N153 - fine

 - Hei -> Hei_S

N154 - fine

 - N1 and N177 are off

 - is there a section in Limburg?

N165, N171, N171Nie, N173, N174, N177, N179, N180, N184 - fine

 - A112_Cam -> CamHusLaan

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2019, 06:05:11 pm »
N200, N201 - fine

 - MutLaan -> AveMut (as that road is in Brussels)

 - N203a -> A8

N207, N208 - fine

 - BruStr -> RueBru

 - VilStr -> VliStr

N211b, N212, N218, N221, N222, N223 - fine

 - N3 -> R21/N3

N227, N230, N232, N233, N234 - fine

 - N93 -> R24/N93?
 - RueBru -> N5g?
 - add point (and route) for N237a? At the very least add point as leads to N25
 - AveMas -> N238a?

N238 - fine

 - add point for N243?
 - AveMas -> N238a?

N240, N241 - fine

 - extend north?

N243a, N246, N249, N250, N251, N252, N253, N255, N257, N258 - fine

 - FabWeg -> N211a?
 - BudaBrug -> PontBuda

 - DeFreLaan -> AveDeFre
 - AlsWeg ->ChaAls

N262, N263, N264 - fine

 - FonLaan -> AveFon
 - BaraStr -> RueBara
 - PaeLaan -> BoulPae
 - BriTweLaan -> BoulArmBri

 - DarnStr -> DamStr

N268, N269, N270, N271, N272, N273, N275, N276. N276a, N277, N278, N279, N280, N282, N283 - fine

 - AssWeg -> ChaAsse

N286, N287 - fine

 - LakLaan -> AveLae

Offline michih

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2020, 09:56:05 am »

 - RueBonLieu is the name of the road just to the east

On OSM but GM shows the name for both roads. Keep as-is. There is no sign on the eastern route on GSV.

Please go ahead so that we get Belgium finally done! I need to relax in Romania now...

Offline michih

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2020, 03:09:47 pm »

 - add point for N966 (or road to it) that isn't in browser and probably should be

It's only indicated on OSM. It is the only route you've suggested to add which is not mentioned on wikisara, wegenwiki nor wikipedia. I checked the route on GSV on its entire length. There is no direction sign. No km post. Nothing indicating any road number. But the route is quite scenic and worth to be added! I found a undated road numbering list which does also not have N966. But the list does also contain ? for other routes. I don't trust this source. It's from the website of the national Belgian police. I finally found a news article from October 2019 announcing construction works in 2020:
Namur, avenue Jean-Ier (Nationale 966 qui monte à la Citadelle, entre la borne kilométrique (BK) 1,3 et la BK 1,8

 - N947_N [...] doesn't directly intersect route as mapped in browser

It doesn't directly intersect but when you leave N92 here you will reach N947 - except you jump off the bridge which might happen to Belgian hwy data managers ;)

 - R24 -> R24/N237?

belr = tier 4
beln = tier 5

 - Lav -> RueJar

N955 according to OSM + wikisara + 2019 GSV. I remember that I spent a lot of time for this route in 2017...

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #37 on: January 08, 2020, 07:18:10 am »
N300, N300a, N301, N302, N303 - fine

 - N38 -> R33
 - VlaWeg -> VlaWeg_N

N305, N306, N307, N308, N309, N311, N312 - fine

 - OmmNoo -> OmmeGang (Gang is a road term like Baan, Noo is Noord, and we don't tend to put directions on roads if they are just specifying 'this is the north one' Ommegang Zuid is the N313 approaching N303)

N314 - fine

 - PopStr -> PopStr_N

N317 - I'm guessing it doesn't quite manage to connect to the N34

N318, N319, N320, N321, N322 - fine

 - is that giant roundabout with the R8 and A14 one interchange and thus should be one point?

N323a, N323b, N324 - fine

 - add point of Spermaliestraat (leads to point on N369)

N326, N327, N327a, N330 - fine

 - RuuStr -> N381 (and add route to browser)?

 - MeeWeg -> N8 (and extend N8 / join up sections)?

 - FRA/BEL not on the border (though I see what you are doing, I think it will need to be an NMP for that 50m or so)

N336, N337, N338, N339, N340, N341 - fine

 - does it extend north?

N344, N345, N346 - fine

 - does it extend east?

N348, N350, N351, N353, N355, N356 - fine

 - Mar -> StaStr (Markt is a footpath there)
 - R35_W -> R35_N?
 - KeuDam -> N437 (and extend route)?
 - R35_E -> R35_S? Also the point is off OSM

 - N380 is off OSM
 - 5a -> A10
 - add point at Stationstraat as leads to A10 exit 5a (which isn't the point marked 5a on this route - the A10 file is correct and calls that 5b)

 - is Lippenslaan N49c?
 - does the route continue to Kustlaan?

N362, N363, N364, N365 - fine

 - does it extend west (to an extended N32b)?

N367, N367c - fine

 - OudeVelStr -> VelStr

N368c, N369, N370 - fine

 - is Zuidlaan N34c?
 - N31 -> N31/N371Her?

N371Her, N372, N373, N374 - fine

 - RuuStr -> N381?

N376, N377 - fine

 - VaaDijkNoo doesn't seem to be a road - replace with hidden shaping point.

N379 - fine

 - N318 and N358 are slightly off OSM

N382, N382b, N386, N388, N389 - fine

 - Is Ieperse Steenweg N8g?

N390a - fine

 - BenLaan -> N391b?

N391a, N392, N393, N396, N397, N398, N399 - fine

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #38 on: January 08, 2020, 11:09:01 am »
N400, N403, N405 - fine

 - GSJs at the Dender bridge?

N407, N408 - fine

 - NeuStr -> NevStr

N410 - fine

 - R41 is slightly off

N414, N415 - fine

 - Mol -> MolEin?

N417, N419 - fine

 - NLD/BEL is slightly off (also NLD N62)

N424 - fine

 - N60b -> N60/N60b

N430 - fine

 - WaaStr -> WaalStr

N435 - fine

 - KapStr -> KapStr_N

N437, N438 - fine

 - KasDre is off

N440, N441, N442, N444, N445 - fine

 - move N470 to centre of roundabout

N447, N448 - fine

 - move R4 to centre of roundabout

N450 - fine

 - Kou -> KouStr
 - Oud Arenberg -> N451b?
 - GysStr -> NieStr or NieKerStr (more major road)

N452, N453 - fine

 - needs a concurrency with N462 to get over the railway
 - is Tweekerkenstraat N454a?

 - A11 isn't a junction
 - OudeStaBaan -> BalBrug

 - LedeStr -> EekStr

N457 - fine

 - add point for road to large roundabout interchange on R4 (N458a?)
 - Mol -> MolEin

 - GSJs next to railway?

 - MolStr -> MoeStr

 - N436 -> N437

 - N42/N6 -> N42/N46
 - see N454
 - Tweekerkenstraat -> N454a?

N463, N464, N465, N465a - fine

 - move A10 to overpass

N466a, N467, N469, N470, N470a, N470b - fine

 - R4_S -> ToR4?

N485, N493, N494, N495, N496, N498 - fine

 - add point for Nijverheidskaai (links to end of R43)
 - N44_W -> N44_S
 - N37/N44 needs moving for graph connection (and probably would need renaming)

Offline michih

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #39 on: January 11, 2020, 03:28:33 pm »

 - is Lippenslaan N49c?

Why do you think so? Paul Parmentierlaan seems to be officially N49c but it's a one-way street while the opposite direction is N49 main route. I always omit this.
It's also unsigned according to 2019 GSV, GM and wegenwiki.

 - Mol -> MolEin?

 - Mol -> MolEin

A "could" or a "must"? Einde means "end" and I think it's just a part of the word "Moleneinde" in Dutch. It might be Mill End in English - two words - but it isn't English.

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #40 on: March 21, 2020, 12:35:31 pm »
N500, N501, N502, N503 - fine

N504 - continues south to N60, surely?

N505 - RueCal -> RueEmiCar (Rue du Calvaire doesn't link up (yet?))

N506, N507, N508 - fine

N509 - make hidden point visible at one of the nearby road junctions

N510 - add point at RueMus? (secondary road on OSM leading to N511 point)

N511 - fine

N512 - add point at Rue de l'Armistice (leads to N511 point)?

N513 - AveWolMoz_N is off, also is it N516a?

N514, N515, N517 - fine

N518 - is the bypass open? Marked as under construction on OSM. If so then N512 (and N513) probably need points for the road meeting N518 at GSJ. If not then split into two.

N519, N520 - fine

N521 - hidden point -> RueRem? or Rem?

 - RueSki -> CheArc
 - move RueMauLel to junction

N524 - fine

N525 - extends north to N7/N57?

N526, N527, N528, N529, N531, N532, N533, N534 - fine

 - RueEmiMal -> RueTem
 - BlvTiv is 'Blv' the abbreviation being used for Boulevard?

N536, N537, N538, N539 - fine

N540 - N7/263 -> N7/N263

N541, N543, N544, N545, N546, N547, N548, N549 - fine

N550 - N544 -> R5

N552 - does RueJur function like a GSJ, or is it a junction with RueJac?

N553 - RueAng -> PlaCen

N554, N555, N559, N561, N562, N562a, N563, N563Mor, N564, N565, N566, N567, N568 - fine

N568a - replace hidden point with a visible point

N568b, N568d, N568e - fine

N569 - AveCapDeb -> N587?

N569For - extends east

N570 - R53 is off

N571 - N559 -> N569

N572, N572a, N573, N574, N575, N576, N576a - fine

N577 - add pointe for RueAndVes (leads to R3 exit 6)

N579, N581, N582, N583, N583a, N584, N585, N586, N586Fle - fine

N587 - route extends back round to N29?

N589 - ForJeanPet -> RueBoisGon

N589a, N591, N592, N593 - fine

N594 - add point for N53a (and route)?
N595 - add point for N53a (and route)?

N596, N597, N599 - fine

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #41 on: March 21, 2020, 01:12:44 pm »
N601, N602, N604, N606 - fine

N607 - is BlvdAvr N671a?

N608, N609, N610, N612, N613, N614, N615, N615Ser - fine

N617 - put ChaLie in centre of roundabout; N639 is off

N618, N619, N620, N621, N622, N623, N624, N626, N627 - fine

N629 - add point for GSJ for the road to the Dam

N630a - RuelAer_W -> RueAer_W

N631 - move hidden point to Rue Petit Rivage junction and make visible

N632 - fine

N633 - is ToA26 N663d?

N634, N635, N636 - fine

N637 - Are RueHol_E and RueWar N637a?

N638 - fine

N639 - N617 is off

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #42 on: March 21, 2020, 02:16:27 pm »
N640, N640Sta - fine

N641 - Ere -> RueHaiBar

N642, N643, N643a - fine

N644 - N90 -> N90/N696

N644Ivo, N645 - fine

N646 - do we want a graph connection with A27? If not then is it 1-point-per-interchange?

N647, N648, N649, N650, N651, N652, N653, N654, N656 - fine

N657 - is AveHan R61?

N658, N659 - fine

N660 - is Ref N660a?

N661, N663, N664, N666, N667, N669, N670, N671 - fine

N672 - is AveEli R61? ditto AveJeanLam N61b?

N673, N674, N675, N676, N677, N678, N679, N679a, N680, N681 - fine

N683 - N863a -> N683a

N683a - N863 -> N683

N684, N686, N689, N690, N692, N693, N695, N696, N697, N698 - fine

Offline michih

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #43 on: March 22, 2020, 10:32:54 am »
N518 - is the bypass open? Marked as under construction on OSM. If so then N512 (and N513) probably need points for the road meeting N518 at GSJ. If not then split into two.

N518 was reported to be opened in July 2020 last September but I'm not sure that the deadline will be met due to the current overall situation. Split.

N607 - is BlvdAvr N671a?

Or N617a? Or N617? Nothing is signed in field. I've extended N617 from N671 to N3 now. Please check in HB what I've done. I'm not happy with it...

I've extended N627 at south end up to R61. I'm not happy with the A27 wp.

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Re: beln: Belgium Route Nationale / Gewestwegen
« Reply #44 on: March 26, 2020, 10:46:23 am »
N607 - is BlvdAvr N671a?

Or N617a? Or N617? Nothing is signed in field. I've extended N617 from N671 to N3 now. Please check in HB what I've done. I'm not happy with it...
Looks OK. The problem is the roads, not what you've done!  ;)
I've extended N627 at south end up to R61. I'm not happy with the A27 wp.
I'd make two points (3 and 3a) on A27/E42 to fix that. And add a point at Rue de la Station for access to the southern half-diamond.