Now the bannered routes:
US 19busalb/US 82busalb: W3rdAve -> 3rdAve
US 19busdah: replace AndDr and +X000(US19B) with CampWahRd to match 60busdah
US 27altnew: I-85(41) -> I-85
US 27busbai: EColSt -> ColSt
US 27busbre: BucStS -> BucSt
US 27busced: replace PieAve with JohnHandRd to match 1busced
US 29buswin: GA11/53_N -> GA11/53
US 41busmac: I-75(164) -> I-75
US 78busath: OldGA8 -> AtlHwy_W, GA422 -> GA10Lp(18)
US 78buswas: replace LinCir with 3rdSt to match 10buswas
US 129busgai: OldUS129_S -> MarKingBlvd, OldUS129_N -> DowBlvd
US 221trkdou: GA158_W -> GA158
US 221trkdou: US441 -> US441_N
US 278busroc: EuhSt -> MLKingSt
US 301bussyl: GA21Bus_W -> GA21Bus_N, GA21Bus_E -> GA21Bus_S
US 341bypper: I-75(138) -> I-75
US 441busmil: AllMemDrSW -> AllMemDr, VinHwySE -> VinHwy, MLKingJrDr -> MarKingDr (?!)
US 441bypdub: replace lines 2-4 with the FirRd and GA257 lines from 117
US 441trkdou: GA158 -> GA158_E
US 441trkdou: fix the coordinates at US441_SE to match US441_SW - but see below!
1busbla: add a shaping point to match +X002(US27B) on US 27busbla
8: US29/29Bus_S -> US29/316?, US29/29Bus_N -> US29/53
11: US129BusGai -> US129/369
14altatl: GA14_S -> GA14_W, GA14_N -> GA14_E
16: US27/27Alt -> US27
19: US41/41Bus -> US41/247
85: US27/27Alt -> US27
All done locally except as noted below.
US221TrkDou: Kept US441 as is. It is not the end of a concurrency. Yes, it is the northern intersection with US441, but the southern intersection is not marked as such, as it is the beginning of the route (so US221_S).
GA8: US29/29Bus_S changed to US29_N.
GA14AltAtl: GA14 is a north-south route, so the _S and _N tags are correct.
GA16: US27/27Alt changed to US27_S.
GA19: US41/41Bus renamed to US41_S.
GA85: Can't do that, as US27 is the label of the southern endpoint. Leaving as-is.