GA 275-308
GA 282: OldUS411->OldUS411_N?
GA 283: +X000 -> JimHooodRd?
GA 284: move +X001 to Nopone or Glade Farm Rd?
GA 293concas: reverse points for standard direction?
GA 296: GA102->GA102_W; need point 1 block east for GA102_E
GA 298: move +X001 to Secret ForestRd?
GA 300: point needed between GA202 and GA188 (out of shape), suggest McMillan Rd; +X002 needs to be moved south to fix out of shape, suggest MicrowaveRd; US82_W->US82_E
GA 301: +X000->MichaelsRd?
GA 302: GA302Con->GA302Spr
GA 303: US17_S -> US17/82?; US17_N -> US17?
GA 305: move +X003 to FarmersBridgeRd?
GA 307: need a point at DeLoach Pkwy?