I'd like to keep my focus in this thread around tweaking the existing color codes in
tmjsfuncs.js for optimal visibility & "readability".
More significant changes and reorganization, things that would mean changes to systems.csv, I think may be better served spun off into their own topics.
That said, that's "
my focus" (emphasis added), and people will say what they bloody well want in this thread and I'm powerless to stop them!
I love it
I'd also like to see the Tier 5 default color become a little more vivid
Tier 5 = yellow for everything other than gbrtrHow do you think this more gold yellow compares to the current default Tier 5 yellow?
mapcat in NSmapcat in MTwouldn't mind shifting usausb to red and repurposing Magenta/Purple for another tier.
I like having
usausb a separate color from
usaus, despite my
earlier comments on such. Magenta in its present state is suited for showing child routes of red systems, IMO. Repurposing it for a lower tier? I agree with
Si's assessment: "too strong a colour for the sometimes dense systems". Outside of reworking the color codes for visibility/readability, that is. To that end, we've already got lightsalmon and yellow.
Also, why don't we use black, or dark grey, for anything?
Colors other than yellow & lightsalmon were inherited from CHM. On CHM, black & gray were used for country & region boundaries. I'd prefer reserving black & gray for borders, should they ever make a comeback as a mapview or tilemap option or whatever
(compare CHM's CHMSys & CHMPct tilemap backgrounds). Grayscale means to me... something part of the background, something much less important, or unusable. Think of unusable buttons grayed out on an application or webpage. Or heck,
untraveled route segments in the HB.IMO brown would be much better for the park routes, tourist routes, and historic routes.
Seconded! I already proposed brown for these European systems...
If those maintaining Europe
(just si & michih right now, right?) want to use brown for this, that's fine by me. The only brown system there now is
gbrtr UK Tourist and Scenic Routes, which is certainly in keeping with such a scheme.
In North America, this would require a larger-scale rethink.
Right now, we have...
• usanp (brown;4;preview) & usaush (brown;4;devel) -- I'd suggest yellow;5 for these, and...
• cannss, which is already yellow;5;devel since I'm the one developing it.
I think it's fine having separate overarching color schemes for Europe and North America; one size does not fit all, etc. etc.
IMO the map wouldn't look that good with a ton of black on it.