Fixes are in progress...I-44: Exit 40A to Exit 46
<--Exits 41, 45, 46 coords mismatchI-44: Exit 107 to Exit 115
<--All points' coords mismatchI-240: Exit 1B to Exit 4A (I-35 Exit)
<--All points' coords mismatchI-35: Exit 121B to Exit 130
<--122B, 123A, 124A, 125A, 125B, 126, 127, 129, 130 mismatchI-40: Exit 221 to Exit 240
<--All points' coords mismatchNote: I have also found similar issues with US64, US70, US77, US277(possibly), US281(possibly), and US412 (possibly). I have only checked concurrencies of US highways with Interstates.
No comments on this right now; just including it for reference.
Just by looking at the US62 examples mvak36 provided, it appears OK is plagued by the mysterious "point drift" that affected the Interstate &
US Routes in the early years of CHM. I took some time to correct the other states I maintained a few years back, but didn't touch OK, as mwasleski maintained it at the time.
OK can surely benefit from a larger-scale "Operation Multiplex".
The Oklahoma State Highways are likely okay for the most part, with the possible exceptions of:
• A state hwy leaving a multiplex with one I/US route and joining another
• Multiplexes along I/US route concurrencies that are themselves broken