Author Topic: usaar: Arkansas state highways  (Read 82225 times)

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2019, 06:32:31 pm »
8: AR375_E -> AR375_S
8: USFS38 -> CanCreWMA?
8: CR334 -> CR334/336
8: BanRd -> CR17?
8: AR189 -> AR189Kin, AR189_N -> AR189Ham_N? (both are signed north)
8: AR209_W -> AR209Par, AR209_E -> AR209Rea
8S: AR8/27 -> AR8 (standard for suffixed routes)
9: BaiCutRd -> BaiCut
9: AR92_N -> AR92_E
9/16: AR16Lp_W -> Hwy16Lp_W
9: AR5_S -> AR5/14_S, AR5/14 -> AR5/14_N
10/309: move LakeCutRd east to the other intersection
10: AR324_N -> AR324Ado, AR324_W -> AR324Lak
10: missing point at US70Bus
10: add CumSt_S?
11: StiLetRd -> LetRd?
11Sta: AR293_S -> AR293Sta, AR293_N -> AR293Sel (both are signed south)

How sure are we that 12 doesn't use 71B to 94 in Rogers? This sign points westbound traffic left on 94, and there are some to 12 signs at the 71B/94 intersection. On the other hand, eastbound signs exist on I-49 north showing the routing we have. Some discussion on AARoads.

12: CR8615 -> CR8240/8615
13: US79 -> US63/79
13sea: GSJ at MainSt
14: OldUS65 -> RidRd?
14: move AR281_N west to the cutoff; AR281_N -> ToAR281_N
14: AR268_W -> AR268Lea, AR268_E -> AR268Mul
14: SprCreRd -> CR135?
14: LinHillRd -> LinHillLn? OSM shows both names and the Goog shows the latter
14/140: DickKingRd is closed
14: CRS449 -> CRS449/W1020
« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 07:21:03 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2019, 12:39:02 pm »
I disagree with but understand using Bus/Spr etc. But surely at least "49Y" in a shield should be US49Y, not US49Spr?
If that were the case, US1A & US1B would be such as well though.
For the US Highways, local conventions of using suffixes instead of banners are ignored. Use banners here. NY US 20A is US20Alt here.

7: AR128_S -> AR128_E, AR128_N -> AR128_W
7: Ar88_W -> AR88_S, AR88_E -> AR88_N?
This appears to be on "direction letter refers to the relative position of the intersection along the route whose file is being made" grounds.

5 has DeSotoBlvd and 7 has DesBlvd for the same road. I don't know which is correct, since the name isn't signed in public areas.
FWIW, shapefiles have "De Soto", 2 words (thus DeSoto), at AR7, and "DeSoto" & "Desoto" (DeS / Des) N & S respectively of AR5. Heh.

7: USFS11 -> FR11? (street sign says Forest Rd 11)
7: USFS36110 -> FR86 or Trl86 (street sign says Trail 86, but shield is the same as FR11)
'FR[0-9]\+' style labels seem pretty common nation(world?)wide (566 examples in AK AL AR AZ CA CO ESP-AS ID KY LA MB MI MN MO MT NM NV OR PA TX UT VA WI WY). There are 4 'ForRd[0-9]\+' examples; incl. 2 in TX I could change if appropriate.
@neroute2 has found all the AR 'USFS[0-9]\+' examples. There are 6 in LA & 1 in MI.
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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2019, 08:30:07 pm »
I disagree with but understand using Bus/Spr etc. But surely at least "49Y" in a shield should be US49Y, not US49Spr?
If that were the case, US1A & US1B would be such as well though.
For the US Highways, local conventions of using suffixes instead of banners are ignored. Use banners here. NY US 20A is US20Alt here.
This is US 62S, AKA US 62 Spur.
This is US 49Y, not AKA anything bannered.

7: AR128_S -> AR128_E, AR128_N -> AR128_W
7: Ar88_W -> AR88_S, AR88_E -> AR88_N?
This appears to be on "direction letter refers to the relative position of the intersection along the route whose file is being made" grounds.
But this falls under "The direction letter should match the signed direction the concurrent route is splitting toward."

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2019, 09:25:12 pm »
15eld: TramRd -> CR51?
16: US412 -> US412/59 (to match the 16S file)
16: DraRd -> CR662? (maybe realigned west to the main intersection)
16: DouSprRd -> CR880?
16: LkSeqDr -> CR50?
16: 1stAve -> CR44?
16: BlaOakRd -> CR57?
16: CR314 -> CR5201 and another route that I can't make out
16: CR3 -> something else that I can't read
16: OldAR27 -> OldHwy27?
16: LoGapRd -> CR9?
16: AR110_W -> AR110Shi, AR110_E -> AR110Heb
17: 3ForRd -> CR43?
17: US64Bus -> US64Bus_E (and US64BusMcC should extend back to US 64)
17: move WasSt south to CR22?
17dia still overlaps 18 east to MainSt_S
18: AR17 -> AR17_N
18: CR276 -> CR276/278
18: AR91_W -> AR91_N
18: *(63) -> US63(*)
18/135: CotSt -> CotWoodSt
18: new Monette bypass; AR139_N simply moves north
18: AR18B_W -> AR18B, move AR77_S south, delete AR18B_E
18/151bly/239: maybe add a point at ElmSt in Blytheville to make the alignment clear
18: the east end is way too far east; it needs to be moved here and renamed either End or CRE234 (the section map matches the mileage to here)
18B: east end is now at AR77
« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 07:29:27 am by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2019, 09:46:33 pm »
20: CR501 -> CR272? (the more major road)
20S: CR422 -> CR418? 422 is shown on maps as the levee road, which 20S doesn't quite reach
21/74: CR1300 -> CR1300/3260
21: FreAve -> FreSt
21: move CR435 southwest to the intersection with the mainline of 435?
22: add a point near the west end at RogAve_W (unsigned 22Y) and a corresponding point on US 71B
22: FreeFryRd -> OldGreRd? (probably more important)
22: AR197_W -> AR197Sub, AR197_E -> AR197New
23: AR116_S -> AR116Boo, AR116_N -> AR116
23: OzaHigTr -> CheBend? the actual trail crosses to the north
23: AR127_S -> AR127Aur, AR127_N -> AR127Ala
23: WitSprSP -> WitSprSP_S, add WitSprSP_N just south of AR127Ala (this is unsigned 23W)
23: move SprSt south a bit
23: GraAve -> HilAve (based on the intersection where they split; no sign at 23)
23: CR222 -> CR222/266
24: CR25 -> CR25/56 (or move east to the other intersection, which doesn't have a yield where the two forks join?)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2019, 12:10:20 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2019, 09:37:30 pm »
25/US 65: AR285_S -> AR285Woo (which is missing a file)
25: AR107 -> AR107Qui, AR107_S -> AR107Heb_S, AR107_N -> AR107Heb_N
25: AR233_S -> AR233Bat_S, AR233_N -> AR233Bat_N, AR233 -> AR233Moo
25SHeb stays east of the park, ending at or near
27: AR27B -> AR27B_S (it may not return at the north end but it comes damn close)
27: ChuRd -> FR2?
27: FSR83 -> FR83
27: AR7 -> AR7_S (or is the signage gap long enough to split 27 in two?)
27: AR164_N -> AR164Sco
27: OldAR27 -> OldHwy27
27: SmyRd -> CR73
27B: MainSt -> MainSt_N
28: US71Bus_N -> US71Bus_W, US71Bus_S -> US71Bus_E
28: OldCouRd -> RaiAve
29: 23rdSt_E -> 23rdSt
29: ExpStaRd -> CR4?
« Last Edit: November 07, 2019, 12:18:52 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2019, 12:04:02 pm »
For the US Highways, local conventions of using suffixes instead of banners are ignored. Use banners here. NY US 20A is US20Alt here.
This is US 62S, AKA US 62 Spur.
This is US 49Y, not AKA anything bannered.
I would argue "AKA also a spur", still falling under "local conventions of using suffixes instead of banners".
Quote from: ROAD_INVENTORY_AHTD.shp.xml
<edomvd>Y leg</edomvd>
<edomvds>Y leg of a route</edomvds>
Operationally, sounds pretty much like a a form of spur to me.
Child US routes have always become bannered routes; all we have for letter suffixes in the main usaus system are the big regional mainline splits, that in an alternate universe would be 3dUSes.

7: AR128_S -> AR128_E, AR128_N -> AR128_W
7: Ar88_W -> AR88_S, AR88_E -> AR88_N?
This appears to be on "direction letter refers to the relative position of the intersection along the route whose file is being made" grounds.
But this falls under "The direction letter should match the signed direction the concurrent route is splitting toward."
Fair enough; I can see the argument for that.
FWIW, these are not concurrent routes, but separate segments of a route that got split.
Thus I'll see your "signed direction" and raise you a "Distinguish two different same-bannered same-numbered routes as needed with the 3-letter city abbreviations."
22: AR197_W -> AR197Sub, AR197_E -> AR197New
Like this. Also perfectly fine.
As the "no build" of the three options, I was fine with what mapcat already had.
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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2019, 12:26:12 pm »
I would argue "AKA also a spur", still falling under "local conventions of using suffixes instead of banners".
Quote from: ROAD_INVENTORY_AHTD.shp.xml
<edomvd>Y leg</edomvd>
<edomvds>Y leg of a route</edomvds>
Operationally, sounds pretty much like a a form of spur to me.
Operationally it's a form of spur, just as bypasses and business routes are a form of loop. But we don't lie and use LOOP banners, and we shouldn't lie and use a SPUR banner for a Y suffix.

7: AR128_S -> AR128_E, AR128_N -> AR128_W
7: Ar88_W -> AR88_S, AR88_E -> AR88_N?
This appears to be on "direction letter refers to the relative position of the intersection along the route whose file is being made" grounds.
But this falls under "The direction letter should match the signed direction the concurrent route is splitting toward."
Fair enough; I can see the argument for that.
FWIW, these are not concurrent routes, but separate segments of a route that got split.
Ah, I think we both got confused here. AR88 is a clear case of N/S, being an east-west signed loop off a north-south signed highway.

As for 128, I thought we were treating it as an overlap through Dalark. But I guess it's two separate routes due to length of possible overlap. So AR128Spa and AR128Joa?

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2019, 01:44:43 pm »
Ah, I think we both got confused here. AR88 is a clear case of N/S, being an east-west signed loop off a north-south signed highway.
Oh! Yes, agreed.
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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #24 on: November 07, 2019, 09:49:22 pm »
31: AR321S -> AR321SOak
31: AR267_S -> AR267Bee, AR267_N -> AR267Sea
31: US67/167 -> US64/67?
32: CR180 -> CR143/180
33/38: where does the GraMilRd name come from?
33: AR33B -> AR33B_S? (even though it's not signed back to 33 at the north end)
34: US67Spr -> US67Y
35 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
35: OldAR13 -> OldHwy13
35: CR56 -> RyeCutRd?
35: move SouSt east to 35 (there's no one-way pair)
37: AR145_S -> AR145Lit, AR145_N -> AR145Bla
37: CR68 -> CR68/84
39 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
39: CR637 -> CR637/654
« Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 09:48:59 am by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #25 on: November 08, 2019, 02:26:16 pm »
41 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
41bra: VestSt -> VestSt_S? (it returns at AR22_E)
43sil is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
43sil's south end was truncated to 264 upon completion of the railroad overpass (it was still signed in 2018, with construction ongoing)
43sil/OK20: E0390 -> E390
44: MicRd -> LacCir? only OSM shows the former, but the latter is on Google and OSM
44: CR518 -> CR518/524
44mar is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
44tic: JackBayRd -> JacBayRd? Google says it's Jacks Bay, as does OSM on the north-south portion
45: AR253_S -> AR253Mid, AR253_N -> AR253For
45fay: SasHillRd -> CR355?
45fay: TutRd -> CR70/79?
45fay: CR8340 -> CR8225/8340
50cra: move SmoAllRd southwest
51: GurRd -> OldGurHwy_W (confirmed by sign on US 70)
51: US67_S <-> US67_N
51: US67_ArkN -> US67/7?
51roc is the wrong direction; US270_W -> US270_N and US270_E -> US270_S
52: US82/425_E -> US82_E? I'm not sure that it makes sense to use the E direction if we list 425
53 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
53: CR81 -> CR36/81
54 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
56: WidRd -> CR36? I can't find signs for either, and neither OSM nor Google lists a name
56: SprHillRd -> CR25?
57 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
58: add ToAR69_S (this connection is officially 58, with 58Y on what's signed as 58)
59 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
59: move RigDr south to the I-540 overpass?
59: US64/71Bus_W -> US64_W, US64/71Bus_E -> US64_E? (seems weird to use E/W with 71B)
59: DanRd -> OakRd
59: AR244_S -> AR244Eva, AR244_N -> AR244Wed
59: AR43 -> CheWhiDr
« Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 08:00:32 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2019, 11:32:28 am »
60 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
60: AR9/10_S -> AR9_S, AR9/10_N -> AR9_N? I'm not sure N/S makes sense with 10
60: add DonAve in Conway (former 60S)
66: OakSt_N -> OakSt_E, WalSt_S -> WalSt_W?
69 (main segment only) is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
69: AR69BNew -> AR69BNew_N?
69: AR394_E -> AR394_S, AR394_W -> AR394_N
69: AR233_S -> AR233Moo, AR233_N -> AR233Bat
69: add ToAR58_E (which is officially 58, with signed 58 being 58Y)
69tru: CR626 -> CR626/691
69Smel: MelArpt -> MelMunArpt
72: SchRd -> SchHouRd
73 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
74: GosTutRd -> CR79?
74: are you sure about CR3180? I can't make out the number on GSV and Google and OSM both (from TIGER) label it 3655
74: presumably CR3850 and CR4500 are on street signs?
74mar, 74sno: ditto for these street names
74win/170: Based on reassurance, the end is a bit to the north at this sign (pan left for the back of the first 170 reassurance).
74win: BreMtnRd -> CR39?
75: AR50 -> AR38/50
75/US 64: why is there a point at FroSt?
75: where does the name of LockDamRd come from?
75S: where does the name of IndParkRd come from?

A second piece of 76 (Waterloo) is missing:

77 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
77: US61 -> US61_N
77/18: CosDr -> CRW314?
77: AR18_E has been moved south and the old location is torn up
78aub is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
78aub: CR132 -> CR132/173?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2019, 04:52:50 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2019, 07:14:12 pm »
80: AR28_W -> AR28, since 28 isn't signed at the other intersection (US71)?
80: FS18 -> FR18? (I know the sign says FS 18, but we change e.g. MC 40 to CR 40)
81S may be one of the only unsigned sub-400 routes :(
83: JefAve_W -> JefSt_W
84: US70/27_E -> US70_E, US70/27_W -> US70_W?
84bog: CR14 -> End?
85 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
86: OldAR11 -> OldHwy11?
86hay: where does the HolRd name come from?
86hay: CroRd -> HalRd
87 is mileposted from south to north (as it should be), and the main segment and 87mou should definitely be reversed
87: OldUS167_S -> OldHwy167_S?
87eli: US62 -> US62/412
87ken: CenSt -> CenAve
88hot: AR7_S -> AR7_W, AR7_N -> AR7_E
88lon: the west end is probably a bit farther west, where the pavement changes; this also matches 0.64 mi from the bridge
88alt: CorRd -> MorRd?
88alt: LockDamRd -> HarLockDam?
89may is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #28 on: November 11, 2019, 09:14:39 pm »
Continued thanks for the updates and suggestions. It will probably be December before I have time to properly address them. As for routes mileposted E->W or N->S, I intend to keep with the convention of W->E or S->N whenever I can. Feel free to continue to point these out (as well as any N->S that I actually did enter N->S, etc) in case others would like to weigh in.

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Re: usaar: Arkansas state highways
« Reply #29 on: November 11, 2019, 10:16:21 pm »
90 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
90 continues south from US 63 in Ravenden, but it's unsigned except for a 'state maintenance begins' northbound at Main Street. So no change there.
90: US63 -> US62/63
90/115: Bro_W -> BroSt_W
90/US 67: AirLn -> PocMunAir (no street sign posted)
91 is mileposted from north to south; should it be reversed?
91: US49 -> US49/1?
91: US63/18 -> US63(49), since 18 begins along 91 - also this needs relocation
92 is missing a point at I-40
92: AR16_W <-> AR16_E
92: AR25 -> AR5/25
94 is mileposted from east to west; should it be reversed?
94 continues north from AR340
94: McNelRd -> McNRd?
95: CR389 -> Hwy389 (no evidence that it's a county route rather than just a street named "Highway 389" for its former state designation)

The piece of 95 from Clinton east to Greers Ferry Lake (95Gre?) is missing:
« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 04:44:15 pm by neroute2 »