400: LA1010 and LA1011 are off
401: OldLA400
has a name but I can't make it out
402: per GIS and RTP the west end is now at End
http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=29.952945&lon=-91.099555 ; this needs field checking
402: extend east to LA 308
we should probably treat 405 as north-south and reverse it
407: add shaping points for the loop at the south end?
408: End ->
409 is the wrong direction; reverse it
409: PriBayRd ->
PriBayRd_E412: EAve_S -> EastAve_S
415: LA987-3Spr -> LA987-3, LA415Spr/987-3 -> LA415Spr per GIS, and RTP, though April-June 2019 GSV shows that they haven't removed 987-3 shields at the latter, so maybe hold off for a field check - in any case you have the spur on the
wrong leg415: LoopRd -> US190/1 and move southwest to the overpass
415sprlob: LA415/987-3 -> LA415 (per rules for a spur)
is signed as if there's no gap, and per RTP there are plans to take over the gap. So combine the two?
417: CoonRd -> CoonRd_S
419: LakeRd ->
PorMonkRd419: MoPacRR -> End? it's a private road with no street signs and a name probably from TIGER when it was still a railroad
427 is signed north-south, so reverse the direction
427 has been deleted between
LA3064 and
LA3246 per RTP, GIS, and April 2019 GSV, so split it in two
427 has also been deleted between LA42_E and the parish line per RTP and GIS, but May 2019 GSV still shows shields, so this needs field checking
428 (main segment) is signed
east-west, so reverse it; also LA23_S -> LA23_E, LA23_N -> LA23_W
428: GendeGDr_E ->
GenDeGDr_E429: LA44_N -> BurAve_N? see discussion with 44, and maybe split into two 429s?
430sprfra is mostly signed as plain 430, and GIS shows it as such, so treat the spur signs as remnants and merge the two?
435: move LA36/59 north one block
436: LA21_N -> LA21_W? it's signed west from LA21_N but east from LA21_S
437: OldLA1129 -> DusRd per GIS
438: LA21_S -> LA21 and delete LA21_N and OldColRd per GIS, RTP, and
November 2018 GSV439 is signed
north-south so reverse the direction
443: LA1064_E -> RivRd per GIS, RTP, and
January 2019 GSV (but there's still an overlap so keep LA1064_W as-is)
447: LA1027 -> BurAve per GIS, RTP, and June 2019 GSV
448: OWMatRd -> O&WMatRd?