I see some confusion on city suffixes when used to disambiguate multiple intersections with same-numbered routes. In these cases,
Add a suffix with an underscore and those 3 letters. Otherwise, a plain "AL52Opp" or "US98Bro_E" would imply a
banner of "Opp" or "Bro", or that they correspond to "AL52Opp" or "US98Bro" in the HB, of which we have none. (In usaal, only AL53Dot has a city abbrev + no banner.)
I ran a search to provide the "Good" examples:
yakra@BiggaTomato:~/TravelMapping/HighwayData/hwy_data$ grep _ AL/*/*.wpt | grep -v '_[NEWS] \|_[A-Za-z]\{4\}'
AL/usaal/al.al005.wpt:CR1_Wil http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=31.970868&lon=-87.642113
AL/usaal/al.al013.wpt:CR24_Wal http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=33.879301&lon=-87.635697
AL/usaal/al.al013.wpt:CR24_Col http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=34.730195&lon=-87.667809
AL/usaal/al.al041.wpt:AL136_C http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=31.465577&lon=-87.339839
AL/usaal/al.al079.wpt:CR33_Blo http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=33.947425&lon=-86.585242
AL/usaal/al.al079.wpt:CR33_Jac http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=34.863796&lon=-86.100765
AL/usaal/al.al095.wpt:CR47_Hen http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=31.406265&lon=-85.138239
AL/usaal/al.al095.wpt:CR47_Bar http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=31.779477&lon=-85.162776
AL/usaal/al.al133.wpt:AL157_Flo http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=34.801352&lon=-87.651082
AL/usaal/al.al134.wpt:CR55_Hen http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=31.354397&lon=-85.228457
AL/usaal/al.al145.wpt:CR42_Chi http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=33.014552&lon=-86.609226
AL/usaal/al.al145.wpt:CR42_She http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=33.122830&lon=-86.541892
AL/usaal/al.al157.wpt:CR24_Col http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=34.729741&lon=-87.634978
AL/usaal/al.al157.wpt:AL133_Flo http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=34.801352&lon=-87.651082
AL/usaal/al.al157.wpt:CR24_Lau http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=34.870770&lon=-87.692174
AL/usaal/al.al239.wpt:CR31_Bar http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=31.884053&lon=-85.503293
AL/usaal/al.al239.wpt:CR31_Bul http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=32.064024&lon=-85.669815
AL/usaus/al.us029.wpt:AL81_NB http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=32.423881&lon=-85.690092
AL/usaus/al.us078.wpt:CR35_Fru http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=33.730925&lon=-85.432756
AL/usaus/al.us080.wpt:AL81_SB http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=32.423388&lon=-85.690935
AL/usaus/al.us080.wpt:AL81_NB http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=32.423881&lon=-85.690092
AL/usaus/al.us090.wpt:I-165_End http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=30.699833&lon=-88.045866
AL/usausb/al.us098trkmob.wpt:I-165_End http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=30.699833&lon=-88.045866
Underscores, and city suffixes. Looking good for the most part.
As an aside before moving on, I noticed the
_SB and
_NB examples, and looked into them. This defies the usual principle of tracing down the "median" of a couplet, and having one point on the intersecting route at that median. There'd be the occasional example for something with really whacked-out geometry, but this is overkill in a straightforward situation like this.
Suggest combining into one point at the
existing point where the route traces cross, with
AL81_SB as an AltLabel on US80.
Back to the suffix issue, here are the labels that turned up as something in need of attention.
It's possible that some items could have been left out of the search; anything where Alt, Bus, Byp, Trk, Spr or Con referred to a city.
al.al005.wpt: CR29Alb AL25Bibb_S AL25Bibb_N CR29Nau
al.al009.wpt: CR66San CR66Nee
al.al010.wpt: CR7Swe CR23Wil CR65Wil CR7Sau CR65But CR59Luv CR23Bar CR25Hen CR57Hen CR65Hen
al.al014.wpt: CR19Pic CR23Pic CR23Per CR6Per CR37Sel CR19Aut CR6Tal
al.al017.wpt: CR20Was CR34Was CR9Cho CR9Sum CR20Sum CR34Sum CR8Pic CR24Lam CR8Lam CR16Lib CR24Col
al.al021.wpt: CR12Esc CR10Mon CR26Wil CR12Low CR26Low CR7Mon CR29Elm CR10Coo CR49Coo
al.al022.wpt: CR45Dal CR45Chi
al.al025.wpt: CR16Hale CR49Hale CR16Bibb AL5Bibb_S AL5Bibb_N CR49She
al.al033.wpt: CR6Win CR6Law
al.al039.wpt: CR20Sum CR20Gre
al.al041.wpt: CR56Wil CR6Wil CR56Dal
al.al051.wpt: CR11Dale CR2Bar CR2Mac CR11Lee
al.al053.wpt: TN7Truck
al.al055.wpt: CR107Red_S CR107Red_N
al.al069.wpt: CR44Cla CR44Mar
al.al123.wpt: US231Ari
al.al134.wpt: CR1Lev
al.al171.wpt: CR35Ham
al.us011.wpt: CR10Cuba_S CR10Cuba_N CR27Sum CR2York CR19York CR13Liv CR12Liv CR20Epes CR21Epes CR76Bol CR20Bol CR131Eut CR67Ral CR10Fos CR59Tus CR6Arg CR31Cal CR81Col
al.us029.wpt: CR25Rome CR14Ple CR59Luv CR27Bul CR53Tan CR45Cot
al.us031.wpt: CR6Cas CR30Wal CR45Gre CR14Mon CR24Pin CR27Mon CR23Aut CR40Pin CR59Aut CR20Pyr CR23Mid CR59Ver CR24Coo CR47Cla CR50Tho CR42Jem CR33Min CR26Sag CR5Blo CR7Blo CR9Ban CR23Lac
al.us043.wpt: CR84Sal CR6Cor CR10Jac CR16Cla CR35Doy CR16Mar CR47Mar CR20For CR67Ral CR10Fos CR55New CR35Ham CR16Lib
al.us072.wpt: CR24Tus CR71Lau CR33Lim CR71Lim CR33Jac
al.us080.wpt: CR10Cuba_S CR10Cuba_N CR23Dal CR37Sel CR7Low CR23Low CR7Mon CR9Cal CR13Mac CR29Mac
al.us082.wpt: CR35Pic CR30Pic CR49Ref CR16Gor CR47Tus CR30Tus CR1Bib CR16Eol CR29Bib CR16Ada CR15Chi CR1Aut CR10Aut CR29Pra CR22Mon CR15Bru CR22Bul CR35Thr
al.us084.wpt: CR3Cho CR21Cho CR3Cla CR21Cla CR23Zim CR22Wha CR39Cla CR39Mon CR1Per CR23Mon CR15Bel CR35Mon CR43Her CR7Cov CR21Cov CR95Opp AL52Opp CR38Opp CR1Lev CR31Dale CR55Ash
al.us090.wpt: US98Bro_E US98Bro_W US98Mob_W US98Spa_E
al.us098.wpt: US90Bro_E US90Bro_W US90Mob_W US90Spa_E
al.us231.wpt: CR14New AL123Ari CR22Mon CR29Elm CR49Coo CR29Wat CR26Ash CR29Blo CR26Blo CR49Blo
al.us278.wpt: CR49Bea CR35Ham CR49Ham CR57Win CR77Nes CR45Che
al.us280.wpt: CR41She CR41Coo
al.us331.wpt: CR95Opp AL52Opp CR59Mon
al.us411.wpt: CR26Ash CR22Cen CR31Cen
al.us431.wpt: CR12Hen CR137Gle_S CR12Rus CR137Gle_N CR137Pit_S CR137Pit_N CR137Sea_S CR137Sea_N CR137Rus_S CR79Roa
al.us098trkmob.wpt: US98Bro_E US98Bro_WI have some stuff like this in my regions I need to fix too. The
US1Alt labels on ME US1 are a bit dodgy...