I wanted to add a ny.ma103 to CHM and was soundly rejected.
Perhaps Tim had a bit of a "would it otherwise be a state route in the other state it enters?" bias...
Edit: Oops, I read your post too fast. I was replying as if this had been about PA NY44. The "TO" sign here is admittedly a bit of a different animal.
Going way back to the
Maine state highway system thread...
NH ME 110:
You checked that it's a Maine designation and found that it was?
Well, in NH it's a state maintained road, with Maine style shields in the field. I decided to let that rule in favor of including it for system connectivity. Maybe include it in the NH set?
NH ME 110: OK, I'm convinced. Also, I wish PA 44 extended a few feet into NY to the logical border-ignoring end, but there it doesn't.
Re froggie's examples in the OP:
VT 105 in NH is also a state-maintained "N-road". In Roads_DOT shapefiles, LC_LEGEND = "State", and STREET = "Vt Hwy 105".
NH 153 in ME is important enough to NHDOT to be in the shapefiles, with a State Route Inventory number, and milepost info. LC_LEGEND = "Out of state"; OWNERSHIP = "MAINE".
Then, there's NH 113B in ME. There's a lower bar to cross here, with other examples of townways having a signed state route designation, EG all of ME203 and part of ME11ACha. When I visited it in the field, sometime 2007-2009ish, there was a NH113B marker, at the ME113 junction in Maine, erected by NHDOT.
I'm not familiar with the particulars of cases other than these (EG, tx.nm028).
It doesn't look like it's mentioned on NY 417's entry in the Traffic Data Report (mine's old - 2009 version), so it's not a reference route. But even so, I would not object at all to adding it.
The MilepointRoute2015 shapefiles contain touring and reference
Routes, and a limited selection of local
Roads, probably the same ones included for traffic counts in the Traffic Data Viewer. PA44 is not included, FWIW.
That may be a strike against including it,
if we're still playing by "would it otherwise be a state route" rules.
Which we don't necessarily have to do. AFAIK, CHM never specifically settled on a process for how to include state routes in another state. All that really kept PA44 out of NY was Tim's veto, and he's no longer maintaining PA.
That all said, I don't really have a strong opinion on whether to include it or not.