randomly pulled up the route and notice some issues that need to be addressed. I'll go point by point.
33 = Needs to be synced with I-85, US-29, & US-70. Take location from I-85's '120' point to allow all routes to be properly synced and fix the broken multiplex with US-29 & US-70.
33A = Needs to be synced with I-73 & US-421. Looking at the locations between I-85BL & I-73's files, I'd recommend taking the position from I-73/US-421's files (97B). This would require US-29 & US-70 to be updated as well to prevent multiplex breakage.
34 = Needs to be re-centered. Would also have to be updated in US-29 & US-70's files too.
35A = Needs to be re-centered. US-220 point for this interchange (I-85BL) is also slightly off-center and would require fixing. Would also have to be updated in US-29 & US-70's files too once a new centered location for the interchange is decided on so all 4 routes are in agreement here.
35C = Needs to be re-centered. Would also have to be updated in US-29 & US-70's files too.
Saw no other issues on it.