Author Topic: turd: Turkey Devlet Yolları  (Read 46785 times)

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2019, 04:36:19 am »
Done the corrections, should come with the next site update.

Offline si404

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2019, 04:47:34 pm »
500s - basic general point about adding some more visible points applies, but you seem to be adding them in blocks, which is fine.

D505 - fine
D515 - fine
D525 - does O31Ger need to be removed, or D525 truncated, or neither?
D535 - fine
D550 - I35.81_N -> KizYolu; AtaCd -> I35-81; point missing for GSJ just north of D250; ToO30(30/20) -> ToO30(20); point missing for GSJ in Cigli; 16 -> O30(16); MrPasaBul -> MurPasaBul; points missing for GSJs south of MrPasaBul, and south of O30(4) (x3); O31Tor -> O31(21); point missing for GSJ south of D330_E
D550Kes - points missing for GSJ south of D110, south of D17.02 (x2); rename D550_S; does it not extend down to Seddulabahir?
D555 - change city field from Main to Balikesir; probably should be D555Bal with an abbrev, as shorter and less important than D555Tek.
D555Akh - fine
D555Dal - fine
D555Sal - add point for GSJ just north D565; ToD585 is off
D555Tek - add point for GSJ north of O3; several GSJs without points on D110/E84 concurrency; Longest, and most important D555 section - make it vanilla D555 (keep city field, lose abbrev)
D565 - add points for Akhisar bypass south end and for GSJ OzsBul; O33 -> O33_S (and that O33 needs adding, or the labels changed); add points for 2 GSJs north of BesCd; move BesCd to underpass of GSJ; add point for GSJ north of 119Sk
D565Mur - fine
D565Tek - needs a shaping point to make it clear it takes Muratli bypass; add point for GSJ for Yesilsirt
D567 - points for GSJ north of I59-04 and south of BuyCav; Cel -> AtaCd
D569 - fine
D573 - fine
D575 - GSJs without points south of D130, west of I16-03, north of O5(17), in Kurtul, north of FuarCd, southeast of AtaBul
D585 - missing points for GSJs between GumBul and AnkBul; check E87 route/concurrency around Denizli; Kara -> KarYolu
D585Tav - OSM-default shows route bypassing Karacasu
D587 - fine
D595 - D140 -> D160; add point for GSJ at Usak University; add point for Ankara Caddesi (bypass of Usak)?; add points for GSJ at Ibrahim Tahtakilic Caddesi and the two in Usak between BarCd and I64.50*; new bypass of Denizler shown in OSM-Default means I20-05_S is off

Should E87 move out of Aydin, staying on the O31?
Should E881 move off D565 through Manisa and onto O33, or (more likely) O5?

*Can we have a find-replace of Ixx.xx to Ixx-xx please michih?

Offline si404

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2019, 05:29:09 pm »

D400 - GSJ west of AtaBul; GSJ east of PizCd; 2 GSJs between I-33-59 and CavSok (which is a long gap between visible points and probably ought to have had 2 visible points between them anyway); O51 -> O51(9); O51Ser -> O51(52); O51Tar -> O51(42); GSJs between O54(147) and MarFevCakBul; MarFevCakBul -> MFCBul; O52Bir -> O52(161); O52Koc -> O52(181); Tas is off; D380 is off; SirMarYolu is off and should be renamed Iki
D410 - reverse route?; ValiGunOzmBul -> VGOBul; DogGurPasaBul -> DGPBul
D420 - KemPasaCd -> D825_N; D825 -> D825_S
D430 - D380/D400 -> D380
D430Ova - fine

Does E90 take HabYolu?

Offline michih

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #33 on: May 10, 2019, 10:37:35 am »
*Can we have a find-replace of Ixx.xx to Ixx-xx please michih?

It might be done by using regular expression but I'm not familar with it. Edit: I've done it "semi-automated" now.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 11:54:11 am by michih »

Offline si404

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #34 on: May 10, 2019, 02:31:56 pm »
*Can we have a find-replace of Ixx.xx to Ixx-xx please michih?

It might be done by using regular expression but I'm not familar with it. Edit: I've done it "semi-automated" now.
Thanks a lot, that's great!

Offline si404

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2019, 12:18:43 pm »

D300 - O32Url -> O32(31); MusKemSahBul -> MKSBul; missing point for GSJ south of MrPasaBul (also D550); MrPasaBul -> MurPasaBul; missing point for GSJ east of D550_N; D565_N -> D565 (also change E881 label to D300/D565); missing point for GSJ east of I35-25; missing point at 40Sok (leads to O5); missing point for GSJ west of I35-26; missing point east of I35-26 for Akalan road (leads to O5); missing point for GSJ east of I45-26; missing point for GSJ east of I45-27; missing point for GSJs either side of BarCd; points for Ankara Caddesi? (Usak bypass); I03-76 is off; missing GSJ east of D650_S; I03-25 is off; missing GSJ east of D675; I42-83 is slightly off; missing points for GSJs either side of I42-92 (western one for Koylutolu); ErtYolu slightly off; Dok slightly off; missing point for GSJ south of Dok; missing point for GSJ north of YeniIstCd; YeniIstCd is slightly off and should be renamed; missing point for GSJ west of D715; relabel D300Kay as route not in HB; D300_Ela -> D260_Ela; D260 -> D260_<insert something>; D955 -> D955_N
D302 - fine
D310 - rename D310Tir as spur isn't in HB.
D320 - O31_Ayd -> O31?; D585_DenN -> D585_S?
D330 - fine
D330Elb - D300 -> D825; D825 -> D300
D330Mug - fine
D330Yes - fine
D340 - fine
D350 - fine
D350Ant - D350/D585 -> D585
D360 - missing point for GSJ east of D885_N
D370 - fine
D380 - D400 -> D430
D390 - fine

Does E96/AH87 take O5/D250 rather than D300?

Offline si404

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #36 on: May 14, 2019, 07:27:39 am »

D200 - D565_N -> I10-09; D565_S -> D565; 101(O5) -> O5(101); missing points for GSJs between O5(101) and O5_Gor; O5Gor -> O5_Gor; missing points for GSJs east of O5_Gor; missing point for GSJ at I16-51; missing points for GSJs west of IstCd; missing point for GSJ east of BarCd; missing point for GSJ west of 11EylCd; 11EylCd -> 11EylBul; missing point for O22(31); O22 -> O22_E; missing point for GSJ west of Boz (also D650); missing point for GSJ east of UniCd; missing point for GSJ west of BorCd; missing point for GSJ east of Kus; Poyr is off; Yap is off; missing point for GSJ east of BagBul; missing point for GSJ east of AnaBul; D750_N -> D140/D750; missing points for GSJ east of D750_N (they exist on D140); SehAstBul -> D140_E; missing point for GSJ east of SarCd; missing points for GSJs west and east of DogCd
D210 - fine
D230 - missing point for GSJ east of I10-51 (also D555); missing points for GSJs north of D555_S; move AtaBul to intersection
D240 - fine
D240Ber - add point for Soma_E to match Soma_W
D250 - fine
D260 - D300_W -> D300_Afy; add points for Kaman bypass; D300Kay_W -> D300_KayW; MusKemPasaBul -> MKPBul; D300_E -> D300_KayE; D300Kay_E -> ToD300?; remove or rename X74; is there an intersection at I44-05?;
D270 - fine
D280 - fine
D290 - fine

there's still some Ixx.xx points - I'll list them in a second round if they aren't sorted before.

Offline michih

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #37 on: May 14, 2019, 09:36:07 am »
there's still some Ixx.xx points - I'll list them in a second round if they aren't sorted before.

I've done it manually and I'm sure that I forgot some. I'll check it again now.

Offline si404

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #38 on: May 14, 2019, 09:44:12 am »

D100 - rename D100Ort; missing points for GSJs in Silivri; GSJ in Dizdariye?; GSJs between I34-84 and FirBul on frontage roads, but there's frequent slips from mainline - probably worth adding points for some of them; O3Har -> O3(165); missing point(s) GSJ (or GSJs?) west of 1; O1 junctions, do they need to be in x(O1) format, rather than just exit numbers?; rename D100Ist or add (route worth adding to eursf if it's not signed, but it seems to be at this end); missing points for GSJs between O1 and O2; missing point for GSJ east of AtaCd; missing point for GSJ west of AydYoluCd; missing points for GSJs east of IstCd; O4 -> O4_Geb (or better yet, exit number); missing points for GSJs between O4_Geb and O7_E; ToO5(K5) -> ToO4(5) as we're not using the Ks (also check the exit numbers on O4); missing point for GSJ east of ToO4(5); missing point for GSJ west of 309Sk; missing points for GSJs east of 309Sk; missing points for GSJs east of E80_W; missing points for GSJs east of Cag; missing point for GSJ east of NevAyaz; missing points for GSJs east of D765; I18-03 -> I37-27; missing point for GSJ west of DogYolu; missing point for GSJ east of Mer; rename D100Ama; missing GSJ west of Mez; missing GSJ west of Gok; D885_N is off; D885_N -> D885_W; D885_E -> D885_N; I04-25 -> I04-75
D110 - I59-23 -> I59-53
D120 - fine
D130 - missing point for GSJ east of Yek
D140 - Yuz -> I14-53; missing points for GSJs west of O20_W; missing point for GSJ west of D750_N; missing point for GSJ west of O20_E; missing points for GSJs east of O20_E
D150 - no point on D650/D150 that corrisponds to ToD650; D160 -> D160/D170
D160 - missing points for GSJs between O22 and I16-10; D170 -> D170_E; point west of I14-25 for road leading to D100 GSJ; point for Hurriyet Caddesi (leads to D100/O4 points)
D170 - D160_N -> D160_E
D180 - fine
D180Ank - D180 -> D140
D190 - missing point for GSJ east of Del; make visible point shaping point at west end of Alaca bypass; D805Cek -> D805_W; D805 -> D805_E

Offline michih

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #39 on: May 14, 2019, 09:45:00 am »
I could only find one:

I15.55 in d330mog.wpt. Fixed locally.

Offline si404

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #40 on: May 21, 2019, 08:52:25 am »

D010 - missing points for GSJs west of I67-51, at Sucullu, west of MahYol (which can be replaced by point at GSJ), east of MahYol, east of Ger, east of 49Sk (x2); move RecTayBul to overpass and rename I55-28; missing points for GSJs east of Car, west of Mub, east of Mub (x2); move I52-26 to interchange; I28-50 not an intersection; missing GSJ east of I28-04; move I61-75 to the interchange; add missing GSJ west of I61-56; move I61-56 to middle of interchange; missing points for GSJs east of DevSahCd, west of GazCd; RizeCd -> D885; missing point for I61-35; move NecLarCd to interchange; OldD010 -> I61-25; remove I61-29_E; Kiy_W -> I61-29_E; move SenSk to interchange; missing point for GSJ east of Bal; missing point for GSJ west of I53-04; Kiy_E -> Kiy (if point kept); missing point for GSJ east of D965
D014 - Ine needs moving (new bypass)
D020 - point for D570 (and add that route?); missing points for GSJs east of Orc; missing point for GSJ east of Ger; missing point for GSJ east of IGA-1B; O7_W -> O7; missing point for GSJ west of Gok; missing point for GSJ east of MitMah; missing point for GSJ west of O2
D020Sil - junction numbers need 12x(O1) and 8x(O2) format?; missing points for GSJs west of 82, east of 83 and east of 85; O6 -> O7; O6Sil -> O6; Sil -> AgvaCd; KAr capitalisation
D030 - missing point for GSJ east of I78-04; missing point for GSJ east of D755_N
D040 - fine
D050 - OSM shows a westwards continuance due to recent opening of bypasses further along
D052 - fine
D052Erz - international routes take this new bypass, rather than route through city; signage doesn't match OSM's numbering
D060 - D965B isn't in the browser: change labels? (also D965),
D062 - fine
D070 - fine
D080 - OSM marks western portion as both D080 and D957: is it both? if so, extend D957; add point for road leading to Armenian M5 even though the border is closed.

Don't forget the general point about adding a few more visible points - to break up long gaps and to serve larger villages. And I'm going to do another round of review after this.

Offline panda80

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #41 on: May 22, 2019, 02:53:41 am »
I am now doing the 100s, I think I will need a few days to finish implementing the changes, can you wait for the second review until I confirm I finished implementing the first round of changes?

Offline si404

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #42 on: May 22, 2019, 03:48:06 am »
I am now doing the 100s, I think I will need a few days to finish implementing the changes, can you wait for the second review until I confirm I finished implementing the first round of changes?
Of course!

Offline panda80

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2019, 02:02:28 am »
System is ready for the 2nd review.

Offline michih

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Re: Turkey Devlet Yolları (turd)
« Reply #44 on: June 23, 2019, 11:41:13 am »
D020Sil - junction numbers need 12x(O1) and 8x(O2) format?; missing points for GSJs west of 82, east of 83 and east of 85; O6 -> O7; O6Sil -> O6; Sil -> AgvaCd; KAr capitalisation

O2Sul is 100% concurrent to D020 in HB*. It's indicated being D020 on OSM but DO16 on GM. I had a quick look at GSV (Jan 2018) and couldn't find any numbering. It should be checked thorough whether O20Sul should be removed. What are our sources for the existance?

There are also no exit numbers on OSM nor GM and I couldn't find anything on GSV (quick check only). That's relevant for D020.

*Edit: The routes are the same but O2 misses the wps reported by Si and I just see that the western extension is also in HB as O1Lib which is likely the very same issue as O2Sul.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2019, 11:56:06 am by michih »