Author Topic: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger  (Read 47035 times)

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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2021, 11:03:31 am »
Fv250, Fv251 - fine

 - does it go to the Ferry?
 - move Tyi to KolVeg?

Fv253 - fine

Fv254 - Fv357 -> Fv2554

 - GraVeg is off
 - KamVeg is off

Fv256 - fine

 - Fv2598 is off
 - Fv2600 is off

Fv258, Fv271, Fv279, Fv280 - fine

Fv281 - HolVei, DusVei, NorVei and EllVei are slightly off

Fv282 - Fv1436 is off

 - add point for GSJ with SanGata in Krokstadelva
 - add point for GSJ with PerSivGate (at west end of tunnel)

Fv283Dra - E18/E134 -> Fv319?

Fv283Mjo - E134 is slightly off

Fv284 - StrPro -> StrVei_N?

Fv285, Fv286 - fine

Fv287 ​- Rv35 -> Rv350

Fv288 - fine

Fv289 - drop (Klokkarstua) name as its the only route
Fv290 - E16_W is slightly off (also Rv350)

Fv290HNS - E16_N is slightly off

Offline michih

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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #47 on: October 03, 2021, 07:44:49 am »

Fv283Dra - E18/E134 -> Fv319?

E18 and E134 are the main destinations of the junction / roundabout. The next roundabout already belongs to the main track of E134. The one-point-per-interchange rule might apply for the whole "junction" but I think it shouldn't. Keep as-is.

Offline yakra

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NOR Fv283Dra
« Reply #48 on: November 23, 2021, 11:44:26 am »
Fv283_W -> Fv283
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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #49 on: January 05, 2022, 06:58:54 am »
Fv300, Fv301, Fv302, Fv303, Fv304, Fv305, Fv306, Fv307 - fine

 - add point for National Park carpark and road to visitors centre
 - rename End?

Fv309, Fv310, Fv310Hor - fine

Fv311 - move Fv3126 to centre of roundabout

Fv312 - fine

 - add point for new roundabout (formerly bridge with no junction) with Fv3248?
 - Fv319_E has been moved by construction
 - Fv315 is off

Fv313Hol, Fv314 - fine

Fv315 - Fv313_N -> Fv313 (also slightly off junction)

Fv315Hol, Fv315Kle, Fv316, Fv317 - fine

Fv319 - Fv3246 and Fv313_N: some construction has taken place and removed Fv3246 and realigned Fv313

Fv319, Fv319Tan - should the bit between the junction of these two routes and the E18/E134 junction be part of the main route?

Fv319Han, Fv319Sve, Fv325 - fine

Fv334 - move Fv510 to centre of roundabout

Fv349, Fv351 - fine

Fv352 - UndGate -> CudGate

 - Fv356_E and Fv356_W are off
 - Her, the shaping point north of AsdVei and AsdVei are slightly off
 - AsdVei -> AsdStr_N?

Fv354, Fv355 - fine

 - add point at Henseid (fills in a long gap)
 - Fv3308, Fv353_S and Fv353_N are off

Fv356Oye, Fv357, Fv357Ski, Fv358, Fv359, Fv360, Fv361 - fine

Fv362 - StoVeg -> StoVeg_E

 - E18(56) isn't a GSJ, move point to actual junction (also E18) and add point for Fv3374?
 - add point for other end of VodVei (also Fv38)
 - move E18(52) to middle of roundabout (also E18, OsloKriMotDri, Rv354)

Fv363Sol, Fv364, Fv381, Fv388 - fine

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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #50 on: January 05, 2022, 11:13:53 am »

Fv319, Fv319Tan - should the bit between the junction of these two routes and the E18/E134 junction be part of the main route?

I've extended the main route as suggested but the remaining segment is signed as Fv282 now. still indicates it being Fv319 though.

Code: [Select]
- `Fv282` includes the former(?) `Rv282` in Drammen which was indicated being renamed to `Rv18` on Regionreformen map but no effidence.
- `Fv283` includes the former(?) `Rv282` in Drammen which was indicated being renamed to `Rv18` on Regionreformen map but no effidence.

This is signed and indicated on as Rv291 now.

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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #51 on: January 08, 2022, 08:09:35 am »
Fv401 - fine

Fv402 - Fv3670 is now cycle path only at this junction

Fv403, Fv404, Fv405, Fv405Ogg - fine

Fv405Vat - StaVei -> StaVei_S

Fv406 - fine

Fv407 - E18(77) is slightly off

Fv408 - fine

 - Fv419_E -> Fv419
 - Fv410/419 -> Fv410
 - OSM has the new construction north of Fv410/419 as part of Fv409, rather than Fv419 as TM has. Confirmed by GMSV. Extend

 - E18(67) has moved, and route seems to have been truncated to Fv421 rather than continued to the old junction. GMSV no help. Truncate?
 - if not truncated, Fv3486 -> Fv421_N (and move slightly per reworked junction), Fv421 -> Fv421_S
 - Fv409/419 -> Fv409

Fv410Are, Fv410Tve, Fv411, Fv411Tve, Fv412, Fv413, Fv414 - fine

Fv415 - move Fv421 to centre of (new) roundabout

Fv416, Fv416Mol, Fv417 - fine

Fv418 - is Fv71 the correct label? Probably better moved to Presteveien anyway

 - remove route north of Fv409_W (cf Fv409 notes)
 - Fv409_W -> Fv409

Fv420, Fv420Bro, Fv420Gau, Fv420Vik - fine

 - extend at north end
 - Fv419 -> Fv409

Fv422, Fv423, Fv424, Fv425 - fine

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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #52 on: January 08, 2022, 09:14:06 am »
Fv439 - Fv230 is slightly off (also Fv230)

 - section of Fv4572 is shown as under construction, but is built according to GMSV. Anyway, it ought to be shaped to cross (and cross back) E39.
 - E39_S seems to be two separate junctions. Investigate post-tunnel now surface bits are on GMSV - seems like Motorveien is a spur of E39, exit numbers signed, etc. Doesn't help that a lot of the direction signs are entirely electronic (both because GMSV finds it, and because they can change).

 - Fv44_N -> Fv44
 - Rv509_W -> Rv509

Fv445 - route is poorly signed, at best. Given that, include bit that links to Rv5.

 - Dir has been bypassed, move and rename
 - Fv291 -> KroVei
 - add point for Tjorhomfjellet
 - Fv468 is off (recent construction of a roundabout)
 - add some more points between Fv468 and Deg (bridges and the like) as there's quite a lot of development
 - FjeVeg is off, also the name doesn't match OSM
 - add point in Dalen
 - add point at Museumvegen (seems like a general tourism area up above Dalen, with a long way to next visible point)

Fv451 - fine

 - Fv453 is slightly off
 - add point in Justvik area?

Fv453 - Fv452 is slightly off

Fv454, Fv455, Fv455Hol, Fv455Lin, Fv456 - fine

Fv457 - shaping point in tunnel is off

Fv458 - Gis -> GisVei_S

Fv459 - fine

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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #53 on: January 08, 2022, 10:15:59 am »
 - Fv4054 -> Fv4054_S
 - Fv4072 is slightly off (and perhaps others are too)
 - End -> LinFyr

Fv460Vig - fine

Fv461, Fv461Kvi - is the right bit to be the spur? it's longer than the bit of the main route that's left and of pretty identical importance.

Fv462 - Rv9 is slightly off

Fv463 - fine

Fv464 - E39 is slightly off

Fv465 - fine

Fv466 - E39 is slightly off

Fv467 - fine

Fv468 ​- Fv450 is off (new roundabout)

Fv469 ​- Fv4120_N, Fv4120_S -> Fv4140_N, Fv4140_S

Fv469Hid, Fv470 - fine

 - Gim -> UniVei
 - add point for HenWerGate as near station and links to ferry port

Fv472, Fv474, Fv477, Fv478, Fv480, Fv482, Fv483, Fv484, Fv486, Fv488, Fv490, Fv494 - fine

Fv496 - have E18(91) before Fv401_W

Fv498 - fine

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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #54 on: January 09, 2022, 01:08:25 pm »

 - section of Fv4572 is shown as under construction, but is built according to GMSV. Anyway, it ought to be shaped to cross (and cross back) E39.

I think it's according to the rules and I don't see any added value. On the contrary, it would be more difficult to distinguish the routes on mapview. Keep as-is.

- E39_S seems to be two separate junctions. Investigate post-tunnel now surface bits are on GMSV - seems like Motorveien is a spur of E39, exit numbers signed, etc. Doesn't help that a lot of the direction signs are entirely electronic (both because GMSV finds it, and because they can change).

I've split the wp for Fv440, E39 and StaMot routes.
I've only changed the exits of E39 and StaMot which are confirmed by OSM (and fall 2020 GSV where available). For instance, there is only one exit between the signed exits 34 and 37. Would it be 35 or 36? Keep those as-is for the time being.

 - Rv509_W -> Rv509

Rv509 is alt label in use. Keep as-is.

Fv445 - route is poorly signed, at best. Given that, include bit that links to Rv5.

It seems to be not part of Fv445. Keep as-is.

Fv461, Fv461Kvi - is the right bit to be the spur? it's longer than the bit of the main route that's left and of pretty identical importance.

I think it's because there is no name for the other spur. Do you have any?

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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #55 on: April 04, 2022, 06:55:29 am »
The 500s - many points are slightly off OSM. I'm going to ignore them unless they are significantly off.

 - Fv5028_N is quite a way off, presumably as the roundabout is new
 - OpsVeg -> OpsVeg_N
 - probably worth adding a point or two between the ferry and Fv5048 to both shape the road better, and to give villages visible points.

Fv501, Fv503, Fv504, Fv505, Fv505Gan, Fv506, Fv507, Fv508 - fine

 - Fv443 -> Fv4526
 - Fv377 -> GamTje

Fv511, Fv511Kal - fine

Fv511Kop - Fv547 is off

Fv513 - fine

Fv514 - E134 is off

Fv515 - fine

Fv516 - move E39 to overbridge (also E39 and StaMot)

Fv517, Fv519 - fine

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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #56 on: April 04, 2022, 07:50:45 am »
Fv520, Fv521, Fv522 - fine

Fv523 (also RyfTvJor)
 - Fv534 -> RadGat
 - Fv4644 is off

Fv525, Fv526, Fv527, Fv528, Fv529 - fine

Fv530 - D6044 -> Fv6044

Fv531, Fv532, Fv534 - fine

Fv536 - replace hidden point with visible one as there's no reason not to

Fv537 - fine

Fv538 - replace hidden point with visible point at TOTSO

Fv539, Fv540 - fine

 - possible extension (see below)
 - bypass of Lyking has been built since route drafted

Fv541Nor, Fv541Sve, Fv452 - fine

Fv542Mos - check TotVeg isn't Fv5000

Fv542Rub - signed (much more logically) as part of Fv541, check it isn't. If not, then extend Fv541

Fv543, Fv544Lei - fine

Fv544 - isn't Heiane referring to the road heading south from the E39/Fv545 junction? does this need a new name (shame the good one is currently taken), or an extension?

Fv545 - Fv5070_N is off

Fv546, Fv546Aus, Fv546Fan, Fv546Hus, Fv547, Fv548, Fv548San - fine

Fv549 - MalVeg is off (and also something that elsewhere you wouldn't have a visible point as too minor. I like it unhidden, but you typically don't)

Fv549Jek, Fv549Sav, Fv549Vag - fine

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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #57 on: April 05, 2022, 03:56:46 pm »

Fv540 - fine

Sure? Or to be revisited when reviewing Fv556, Fv557 and Fv574?

Fv542Mos - check TotVeg isn't Fv5000

Not according to "Vegkart", keep as-is

Fv542Rub - signed (much more logically) as part of Fv541, check it isn't. If not, then extend Fv541

Fv541 is indicated being Fv542 on "Vegkart" but Fv541 on GM, OSM and 2019 GSV. Changed.

Fv544 - isn't Heiane referring to the road heading south from the E39/Fv545 junction? does this need a new name (shame the good one is currently taken), or an extension?

"Vegkart" indicates E39 but GM, OSM and 2019 GSV indicate Fv544. Changed.

Fv549 - MalVeg is off (and also something that elsewhere you wouldn't have a visible point as too minor. I like it unhidden, but you typically don't)

Yep, hidden :)

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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #58 on: May 04, 2022, 01:01:31 pm »
Should Rv111_W & Rv111_E instead be Rv22_W & Rv22_E?
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Re: norfv + norntv: Norway Primære Fylkesveier + Nasjonale Turistveger
« Reply #59 on: May 16, 2022, 08:57:21 am »
Fv544Hei, Fv550, Fv550Kin, Fv550Utn, Fv552 - fine

Fv552Oso - Fv579 is off OSM

Fv553 - add point for Havnavegen?

Fv554 - fine

Fv556 - Fv557/574 -> Fv540/557 (or Fv540/574?)

 - Fv556/575 -> Fv540/556
 - add shaping point to clarify tunnel under Soreide (Fv556 is mostly to the west, but mapped entirely to the east)?

Fv558 - fine

Fv560 - Fv5142 -> Fv5221

Fv561, Fv562, Fv562Han - fine

Fv562Ram - Fv562Mar -> Fv562Han

Fv563 - fine

 - Fv5318 is off OSM
 - Fv5314 is off OSM
 - Fv5320 is off OSM
 - replace shaping point with MjaVeg

Fv565, Fv566 - fine

Fv567 - End -> Tys

Fv567Bre, Fv568, Fv569, Fv569Mo, Fv570, Fv570Hos - fine

Fv571 - E39 is off

Fv571Sol - fine
Fv572 - Rv13_S -> Rv13

Fv573 - Fv5178 is off OSM

Fv574 - remove bottom section (signed and in browser as Fv540)

Fv575 - most points are off OSM

Fv576, Fv578, Fv579, Fv579Sag, Fv581

 - E39_N -> E39_Ars
 - E39_S -> E39_N (concurrency split)
 - E39_E -> E39_S (concurrency split)

Fv582Min, Fv582Nes, Fv583, Fv584, Fv584Sol - fine

 - E16 -> Fv586_W
 - Fv586 -> Fv586_E

 - E16_S -> Fv585_W
 - add point of western end of E16?

Fv587 - fine

Fv588 - not sure what route is. Guessing Sydnestunnelen

Fv599 - fine