DNCB:It has totally wrong coordinates for DJ401 wp!
DN7:DJ100A does not exist in HB. I guess it's DNCB now? However, it's indicated on OSM where our wp is. I'd rename the wp which is not a point in use, and add the corresponding wp to DN1A route.
DN6 / DN58 / E70:Check routing at Caransebes but according to OSM and GSV from 2012 and 2018:
- DN6 and E70 are signed via the bypass
- DN58 extends to the rounabout north of the town.
I'm not sure about the official dedication of the DN routes but E70 must definitely be changed in HB as there is no dedication but just raw description of city names!
GM still indicates all routes through the town which is obviously not 100% correct (minimum for E70).
DJ601:The list only indicates Bucharest as end point. The TM route does currently end where OSM has the end. We might extend it to the south to E81's SosVit wp. The gap is very small, just 200m. This and DJ602 are the only routes which end without intersecting with another TM route in Bucharest.
DJ601D:StrFlo -> StrFlo_E
DJ601D:DJ601 -> DJ503
DJ601E:DJ601 -> DJ401A/DJ601
Ends in Ulmi according to the list and GM.
The segment from DC54 to DJ601A is DJ151E according to the list, GM and OSM. There is currently no DJ151E in HB.
DJ602:Why does it end at Drumul Saril (length 40.6km according to GM), not at Strada Brasov (38.6km) as indicated on OSM? The list indicates the route from km 0+000 to 40+090 ending in "Bucharest", not more specific.
OSM indicates DJ602 again south of the Dambovita River at E81 wp DJ602 up to the parliament palace
Either extend DJ602 to E81 or rename E81's wp which is not a point in use.
DJ604:Extends limits b/n DJ604A and DJ542_N
DJ605A:DN6B_N is off
DN6B_S is off
Rad is off
DJ676F is off
DJ606:Add wp @
http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=44.323061&lon=23.777059Move DN6 to the center of the roundabout
DJ606A:DC22 is off
DJ606C:Exceeds limits b/n DJ606B_E and +X2
DJ606D:DJ606A -> DJ606A/561A
DJ606F:DC115 is off
DJ607A:+X3 is off
DJ607C:DN6 is off
DJ608:Cru -> DC33 ?
DJ608A:MunMic is off
DJ607A:DNVCS must be changed, see DN6 / DN58 / E70
DJ609:DJ609C doesn't intersect in HB here; DJ609C end is correct when I look at its section length. Rename wp!
DJ609A:DN6 is off
DJ609B:DN6 wp must be at the next junction to the east according to OSM, GM and 2018 GSV
A6 -> ToA6 since it's possible to turn at the roundabout
DJ609D:Are you sure about the routing through Timisoara? Maybe it's concurrent to DN6 instead?