DJ670:DJ671E_S is off
DN67D_E is off
DJ671A:New wp @ to match wp DC45
DJ671B:+X3 is off
DJ671E:DN67D is off
DJ672:DJ672A is off
+X3 is off
DN67D_E -> DN67D_W
DN67D_W -> DN67D_E
DJ672C:ValPes is off
DJ672D:DN67 -> DN67D
DJ674:Fac -> Far
DJ674A:Move DC53 between the branches
Do we really need StrUni_W and StrPet wps? There don't seem to be important and there are no corresponding wps on DN67. They are not necessary as shaping point nor wps in use.
DJ674B:DC79A is off
DJ674C:Move DC95 between the branches
DJ675C:DN67B is off
DJ676:DN67B is off
DC69 is off
DJ676A:DN67B is off
DJ677:DN64_S is off
DJ667 -> DN67B
DJ677A:DN67B is off
DJ677F:+X1 is off
DJ678:DJ678D is off
DN67B is off
DJ678A:DJ703H -> DN7D but check that HB's DN7D is correct since OSM indicates it being DJ703H
DJ678D:I'm quite sure that it must be extended to DJ678A as it is indicated on OSM and GM. The MT document indicates that DC34 is replaced.
DJ678H:Bar is off
Check routing between Bar and DJ648. OSM and GM show it on the other route and the MT document indicates does NOT indicate that DC37 is replaced but DC36A.
DJ679:Move DJ703_W to the south between the branches
DJ653 -> DJ612A/653
DJ680A:Tin is off
DN68A -> DN68
DJ680B:Check routing east of LapSus, I think it might be a "
The segment from +X2 to End seems to exceed the limits. If you are not sure about the routing, truncate the route although the route should have a length of 25km instead of 16km.
DJ681:+X3 is off
+X2 is off
DJ681A:A1_Dum is off
A1_Dum -> A1 ?
DJ681C:DN68A_W is off
DJ682:End is off
End -> TriCon
A1 is off
DJ682A is off
DJ682N doesn't intersect in HB
DJ709E doesn't intersect in HB
DJ682M doesn't intersect in HB
DN59C/59F -> DN59C because DN59F doesn't intersect here (or extends), it's just concurrent.
DJ682A:DJ693 is off
DJ683 doesn't intersect in HB here because the wp is missing
DJ693 -> DJ693_W
DJ682E:Igrfry -> IgrFry
DJ683:Mar -> Maru
DJ684:DJ687D is off
DJ684B:DC111 is off
DJ685:DJ686A -> DJ686C
DJ686:DJ686A -> DJ686C
DJ686C -> DJ686A
DJ687:New wp @ (BlvdDac_S)
BlvdDac -> BlvdDac_N
DJ687F:+X1 is off
DJ687M:StrCer -> StrCer_E
DJ687E:DJ708D doesn't intersect in HB here
DJ691:Move DNCT to the center of the roundabout
A1 is off
DC62 is off
+X4 is off
+X2 is off
DJ682N_N doesn't intersect in HB
DJ682N_S doesn't intersect in HB
DJ693 -> DJ682A/693
DJ691A:DC68 is off
DJ692:DN69 is off
DJ692A:DC46 is off
DJ693:Exceeds limits b/n DJ692_S and DN69_S
DJ693B:DN59_S is off
DC197 is off
Ceb is off
86.73% of the routes checked