Author Topic: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales  (Read 35249 times)

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2020, 06:37:27 pm »
*see discussion in RN22; replace RN22_E with:

*I cannot find any signs for 52 on the locally maintained portion south of RN1, but it is signed south from 1 (to Colonia Valdense). Any of the following endpoints would make sense:
**RN1 (and ignore the sign pointing south because there's nothing indicating where it ends)
**JuanBon, where the median ends
**CJuanCar, where pavement ends
*one GIS dataset ends 52 at the south end of Cufré, while the other continues it through town to the north end. I don't know which is better, but the current end at Gua is not supported by evidence.

*In Cufré there are signs showing that 53 exists 11 km away, which is also what GIS shows as a locally maintained route. It's also shown straight across 52. According to GIS the route through Nueva Helvecia is Luis Alberto de Herrera-Lorenzo Artola-Federico Gilomén, but this includes a one-way street and the few signs that point towards anything. And I can't find any other signs on GIS's alignment to 12. So maybe take it into Nueva Helvecia but end it at GerImh , ignoring the signs in Cufré as not providing enough information.

Also I found this. RR2 = Ramal Ruta 2 (Route 2 Branch)? GIS shows it to be 2 Ramal 5 straight ahead.

*GIS shows the south end at either 19 de Junio or Mario Echeverría. km posts begin at the bridge north of downtown. I see no signs at any of these, but there are signs for the end of national maintenance a bit north of 19 de Junio. Sans any other signs I missed, it should probably begin at End

*GIS shows the (locally maintained) south end at the circle. So replace CamPol with MonPla at the circle.
*JuanZorMar -> ZorSanMar_S, add ZorSanMar_N
*add Cas and SanMar

*Par -> CPar

*GIS shows it continuing a bit west of 5, but that's not signed so no change

*GIS shows a locally maintained piece west out of Sarandí Grande, but it's not signed

*CamVegCruz [sic] isn't signed; if anything it should be CruzAlta, but I don't know where Cruz Alta is
*CamSanPed -> CnoSanPed; it's probably not signed though

*GIS shows 59 (locally maintained) taking a different route near its south end, ending at 43 here, but all indications on the ground are that it goes as we have it
*+X01 -> Oli
*replace +X05 with Fur
*+X09 -> MonChi
*+X12 -> Hil
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 09:51:03 pm by neroute2 »

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2020, 12:21:34 pm »
*GIS shows it continuing south past the 5 turnoff towards Canelones, but I can't find any signs. So no change.
*CarLema has no signs and is a minor road; replace with EscRur34 ?

*GIS shows national maintenance continuing past RN11 to Boulevard Federico Capurro. It's signed as ending a bit shy. So add End
*add OldRN11_E ?
*+X01 -> PasoSor

*GIS shows national maintenance turning east at +X01 and ending at the railroad (it's signed a bit west), with local maintenance turning north on Baltasar Brum. Signage at +X01 doesn't mention 64, but I found some strange reassurance on the GIS route. So here's how 64 should read through Canelones:

*move RN33 west (see discussion under 33)

*GenArt -> AvdaArt

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2020, 09:16:02 pm »
*GIS shows 70 (locally maintained) turning west to Capilla de Cella, but it's not signed that way. So no change; maybe add EscRur39 for people who followed that route

*add PlaVer (unsigned RN72)
*GIS shows 73 (locally maintained) continuing east to CnoArr (an unsigned nationally maintained branch of 93). It's not signed there but neither is it signed at RN37.

*reverse direction to match km posts

*GIS shows it continuing south (locally maintained) to 8, but it's not signed so no change
*delete RN84; GIS shows its east end at 74 and I can't find any signage beyond

*GIS shows a locally maintained segment east of Mendoza Chico but it's not signed, so no change
*CamCar has no signs; delete and add PrePasoSev
*GenArt -> GenJoseArt

*Cal1 -> Ind (street name not signed) and maybe move west to the central intersection
*delete GriAsc? (street name not signed and it's a minor intersection)
*CamFal -> PreSev (street name not signed)
*RN45 -> End (45 doesn't make it here)

*GIS shows (locally maintained) 78 turning west instead of east at +X01, and this is a little too janky to be a route. In fact I can't find any signs on the local portion south of RN11. So delete before RN11 and RN79_N -> RN79.

*I can't find any shields on either locally maintained section, so it should only run from RN11_E -> RN11 to RN78_N -> RN78

*IdeCed -> EstMig (street name not signed)
*RN108 -> RN81_E, RN81/88 -> WilFerAld (see discussion below with 81; I also can't find any 88 shields in this area)
*add CnoSevHer

*DieLam -> BvarDieLam
*RN11_N -> RN11_W
*add OldRN11_W ?
*I can't find any signs for 81 between RN80/88 and RN108. One GIS dataset shows that this is mostly nationally maintained, but the other has it as just a local street with no number. Combined with signs on the part of 108 south of 81 being for 81, I think there's a strong case for 81 taking two sides of the triangle. So RN80/88 -> WilFerAld and add RN80_S
*AveCen_S -> SolMat (street name not signed here)

*DepRodPol -> DeoRodPol
*GIS shows the north end at RN86, but it's signed at RN11 so no change

*GIS shows the south end at End and I can't find any signs south of there, so add that and delete RN102
*GIS shows the north end at RN74 and I can't find any signage north of there, so delete +X01 and RN75

*reverse direction to match km posts?
*GIS shows a locally maintained southern extension to the beach, but it's not signed so no change

*CalE -> EstTap (street name not signed)
*I can't find any signs for 88 other than at the west end (where it's signed for Tapia), and it's all locally maintained. Most importantly, there are no signs in Migues. GIS shows a gap, with the east end of the west section just north of Tapia. So maybe it makes sense to end it at End (and delete CalE).

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2020, 11:24:18 pm »
*replace Cal275 (no signs) with PueEsp
*move EstPor east two blocks to where the bus stop is?
*replace Pay with PieCol
*CleCac -> Org (street name not signed)
*RN25_S -> RN25, RN25_N -> RN4
*AveGenArt -> AvdaGenArt

the readme should say that 93 is signed as IB, not that it's unsigned

*reverse direction to match km posts
*CamCur -> CnoCur (but nothing is signed)
*CamLuisTuya -> Aer? GIS says no name and OSM and Google disagree

*reverse direction to match km posts?
*see 21 for changes in Dolores:

*+X02 -> PaloSolo

*reverse direction to match km posts

*replace PueAlv (not signed?) with PasoMor
*replace +X06 with ArrPer
*replace +X08 with Par
*replace +X09 with Bla
*replace DeLosAng with SanJor (where the pavement changes)
*GIS shows this locally maintained route continuing north to here, but I can't find any signs north of San Jorge

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2020, 04:38:14 pm »
*GIS shows national maintenance continues south to the city limits on Avenida de las Americas, perhaps as a branch of 101, but it doesn't seem to be signed, so no change
*AveWilAld -> AvdaWilAld or AvdaAme
*EstAerCar -> Aer
*RNIB -> RNIB_E? signs imply an overlap
*CamJuanLab -> CnoJuanLab
*AveRamCos -> AvdaRamCos (but I don't see any street signs)
*CamPasoEsc -> CnoPasoEsc (but I don't see any street signs)
*Gal -> CnoGal, move north to the circle
*CamLosHor -> CnoPer

*CamFau -> CnoFau
*CesMayoGut -> AvdaCesGut
*CamCorRaiz -> CnoCorRaiz
*AvePedMen -> CnoMen
*AveIns -> AvdaIns
*AveJoseBel -> AvdaJoseBel
*RN84 -> CnoPasoAnd
*CamCruzSur -> CnoCruzSur

*reverse direction to match km posts
*GIS shows national maintenance continuing east of 2 to Carlos Saenz, and this is signed, so add Pal

*I can't find any signs for locally maintained 106 south of RN54, and signs there only point north. So delete everything after RN54 (and reverse direction?)

*I can't find any signs south of RN67; GIS actually shows it ending five blocks north with no locally maintained continuation, but it's signed on 67. So delete RN6.

*delete RN80? see discussion under 81; the part south of RN81 is only signed as 81
*I was going to say I couldn't find any signs on the locally maintained portion north of RN12_E, but then I saw this. GIS shows the north end of 108 at +X13, with (unsigned) 40 continuing. I can't find anything beyond there, so +X13 -> End.

*GIS shows locally maintained 109 continuing west of RN39, but I can't find any signs, so no change
*CamSieGar -> CerCor (street name not signed)
*GIS shows a different (locally maintained) route in Rocha, but it's not what's signed, so no change

*RN101 -> RN101_N and extend west along 101 to its end? signage implies an overlap
*AveLuisBer -> CGonRod
*AveUru -> AvdaUru
*AveMarCas -> AvdaMarCas
*AveEduPer -> Pan (street name not signed here)
*AveIngGia -> AvdaGia
*add RsoNep (unsigned 10)
*AvePin -> AvdaPin
*AveArg -> RepArg
*Ave1 -> BelHor (street name not signed here)
*add Gua (unsigned 103)
*Bah [sic] -> Tuna (street name not signed here)
*add SanLucEste (unsigned 103)
*Cal1 -> Bia (street name not signed here)
*GenArt -> Jau (street name not signed here)
*CorPea -> GreAzn (street name not signed here, and it might not be correct - the name on OSM literally means shortcut to toll)
*CamArr -> CnoArr
*AerLagSau -> AerPunEste
*AveAntLus -> CnoLus
*GIS shows that state maintenance ends at CnoLus and local maintenance (as 10) extends all the way around Punte del Este to the bridge to El Tesoro. Unless there are signs that I'm missing on the latter, +X04 and AveGenGom should be deleted.

201 (Avenida Giannattasio) is unsigned, so no change

GIS shows an unnumbered (or labeled RN ACC) nationally maintained route from the shared end of 1 and 5 to here, with a branch along the waterfront (unnumbered or labeled RN RAMBLA) to here. There's also an unnumbered (or labeled MILL) branch from 5 to Avenida Millán.

And that's it.

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2020, 02:27:21 pm »
RN1:*I assume you've seen proof that the exit numbers are posted?

No! The issue was discussed here:
OK, so I'll go back and give better names.

I thought to generally go with km posts for unsigned GSJ in SA instead of using (unsigned) street or town names. Since the rule change was rejected, I could look into this now. I need to do the review uninterrupted. Likely next weekend.

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2020, 05:48:23 pm »
I thought to generally go with km posts for unsigned GSJ in SA instead of using (unsigned) street or town names. Since the rule change was rejected, I could look into this now. I need to do the review uninterrupted. Likely next weekend.
They're all signed as something in Uruguay...

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2020, 04:02:56 am »
Sorry for the late response!

10 -> CnoCib

What's the source? What does "Cno" mean?

"10" was the way to name interchanges by the nearby km post like it was done for Argentina where we have many totally unsigned interchanges. To avoid confusing users by a numbered wp and the very next by a road name etc., I decided to use only km posts for those interchanges. This was not accepted and I we should apply the U turn rule here.
OSM and GM call the intersecting road "Camino Ciblis" -> "CamCib" (rule 4 "Truncated, visible cross road name")
OSM and GM indicate the nearby towns of "La Paloma Tomkinson" and "Maracana" (rule 8 "Truncated, nearby town name") -> "PalTom" or "Mar"
GSV only indicates "Paso de la Arena" and "Cerro" and "Casabo" (rule 9 "Truncated, distant town name") -> "PasoAre", "Cer" or "Cas".

Which rule applies?

*12 -> CnoTom

OSM and GM "Camino Tomkinson" (rule 4) -> "CamTom"
GSV indicates "Pajas Blancas" and "Paso de la Arena" (rule 8/9).
No "CnoTom" though. What's the source? Which rule should apply?

*18 -> CnoFlo

OSM and GM indicate "Camino Manuel M Flores" (rule 4) -> "CamManFlo"
GSV indicates "Paso de la Arena" and "Playa de Colorada" (rule 8/9). Paso de la Arena is the nearby town but is also indicated at the other junctions, see above.
Which rule should apply?

*20 -> ParLec

OSM: "Camino General Escribano Basilio Munoz" -> "CamBasMun" (Rule 4)
GM: "Camino Gral Escuela Basilio Munoz" -> "CamBasMun" (Rule 4)
GSV shows a sign to the "Parque Lecocq", 7. Entrance roads for national/state/local parks or other tourist attractions -> "ParLec" as suggested. Rule 4 beats rule 7 though.

*21 -> SanVaz

"Santiago Vazquez" (rule 8 )
OSM and GM indicate the road name "Tamandua" (rule 4)

*26 -> CiuPla_E

"Ciudad del Plata" (rule 8 ), also signed, "_E" for eastern wp.
OSM and GM indicate "Ruta 1 Vieja" -> "Ruta1Vie" (rule 4)

*32 -> PlaPas

OSM has "Avenida Rio de la Plata" -> "AveRioPla" (rule 4)
GM has "Rio de la Plata" which should be the same: "AveRioPla" (rule 4)
GSV has "Playa Pascual" and "Ciudad del Plata" (rule 8 )

needed to break up a visible distance "error"

We don't care about VD Errors for active routes anymore and they are only in place because some (one?) highway data managers said it could help for preview systems.


OSM and GM indicate "Camino Voulminot" (rule 4)
OSM indicates "Rafael Peraza" as the nearby town (rule 8 ), also used on a direction sign at the other junction.
GM indicates it "Puntas de Valdez" though
GSV has "Balneario Arazati" - whatever it means - "Arazati" beach sign (rule 7) and "Pto. Arazati" (rule 9?)

PicBen -> NueHel (no street name is signed here)

"Picada Benitez" is indicated on OSM

FrayBen -> FrayBen_S, VlaRosBic -> FrayBen_N

"VlaRosBic" is indicated on OSM and GM. Rule 4 beats rule 8.

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2020, 10:50:18 am »
Sorry for the late response!

10 -> CnoCib

What's the source?
If not stated it's probably GSV:,-56.2650545,3a,15y,336.77h,88.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJZSLHl439WTiEBcO0U5P7g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

What does "Cno" mean?
Uruguay's way of abbreviating Camino.

Which rule applies?
Rule 4, since the name is visible on signs.

*12 -> CnoTom
No "CnoTom" though. What's the source? Which rule should apply?
Rule 4...

*18 -> CnoFlo
Which rule should apply?
Rule 4...

*20 -> ParLec

OSM: "Camino General Escribano Basilio Munoz" -> "CamBasMun" (Rule 4)
GM: "Camino Gral Escuela Basilio Munoz" -> "CamBasMun" (Rule 4)
GSV shows a sign to the "Parque Lecocq", 7. Entrance roads for national/state/local parks or other tourist attractions -> "ParLec" as suggested. Rule 4 beats rule 7 though.
I couldn't find any signs for the name, meaning it's not visible. So rule 4 doesn't apply.

*21 -> SanVaz

"Santiago Vazquez" (rule 8 )
OSM and GM indicate the road name "Tamandua" (rule 4)

Snipped other places you want to use unsigned street names. Please go back through these.

needed to break up a visible distance "error"

We don't care about VD Errors for active routes anymore and they are only in place because some (one?) highway data managers said it could help for preview systems.
WTF? "Intersections to split up long segments of 10+ miles (16+ km)."

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2020, 11:45:23 am »
What does "Cno" mean?
Uruguay's way of abbreviating Camino.

Thanks! I'll change all Cam to Cno later.

I couldn't find any signs for the name, meaning it's not visible. So rule 4 doesn't apply.

There are a lot of exceptions, see this and subsequent comments on Github. Maybe we need to clarify the rules since they are visible on maps and there is only one other vague statement on visibility while driving? OTOH, I can see those road names on my GPS..........
« Last Edit: July 05, 2020, 11:48:10 am by michih »

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2020, 08:10:45 am »
*AveAme -> PueIntArt (street name not posted)
*CamMesArt -> MesArt (street name not signed)
*AvePay -> C8 (I can't find signs for the former)

Keep as-is because they are indicated on GM and OSM


Qug and Qub, see

Why have you suggested Cam (Camino) for new wps? I've replaced Cam by Cno.

What does "Cno" mean?
Uruguay's way of abbreviating Camino.

Thanks! I'll change all Cam to Cno later.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 08:22:26 am by michih »

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2020, 04:47:26 am »
Both missing RN4 segments added

Lav -> ColLav

colonia -> settlement

9 -> LuisBatBer


missing exit for CVer


add CnoPer


20 -> Paz

TomAld (OSM + GM)

27 -> Pro_S

AveBra (OSM + GM)

32 -> Pro_N

CnoCuaPia (OSM + GM)


SimBol (OSM + GM)

38 -> Jua

SanMar (OSM + GM)

44 -> Can_S

GutRuiz (OSM + GM)

I'd generally prefer using the name of a town or village but our rules says street names. I'll just change it when OSM + GM confirm the street names but won't mention it here for further waypoints.

RN11/64 -> RN11? 64 isn't signed here

Keep as-is but will revisit it when I'll check your RN64 comments

AveJoseVar -> AvdaJoseVar (this or Av is how Uruguay abbreviates Avenida)
AvePabRios -> AvdaPabRios

I'll stick with Ave applying this rule:

Abbreviate the generic road type (Rd for Road, Blvd for Boulevard, etc.) if it's one of the very common types. Otherwise, use the first three letters

There is no definition of "common generic road types".

(note that 58 is not signed here, but it's signed both ways from 6)

Yep, I have a lot of situations like this. Keep as-is.

222 -> RepBay


BuiJoseArt -> BvarJoseArt

OSM + GM have different names but your GSV link does not show any sign.
I've changed it to BulJoseArt for the time being.

PasoTor -> RepGabTer (multiple waypoints lead to Paso del Toros, and this is the beginning of a nationally maintained spur to Represa Gabriel Terra)

I've replaced the wp by AngLop to the north

why the end at PrePedVie? GIS shows national maintenance ending at RN27 and local maintenance ending at the Arroyo Cuñapiru bridge; are there any signs north of RN27? GIS also shows a branch to the airport, beginning here with national maintenance beginning where the road to the border crossing branches off to the left; this sign at the border shows 5.3 km to RN5, which matches ending it at RN27

I guess I tried to find anything 2km north of RN27 as indicated on and extended the route to the next important junction. 2km north of RN27 is the bridge you've mentioned where local maintenance ends. Truncated to RN27.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2020, 05:05:39 am by michih »

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2020, 08:49:08 am »
*+X37 -> Pue329 (note that GIS shows that Puente 329 is nationally maintained as part of 6, but also shows the route to the east)

Cuc for Cuchilla da Ramirez

*add BalPasoPer

The route is interrupted by Rio Negro, routes split and both wps called PasoPerFry

*CamPasoVie has no signs and is not a major road; replace with PasoHos closer to the middle of the community

wps must be at junctions but your PasoHos suggestion is not.
CamPasoVie -> CnoPasoVie

*+X72 -> BarSanLuis

Cannot find anything called like this. Using Cer for Cerrillada indicated on GM

*+X03 -> PueSimBol

Bol for Bolivar

*RN14_W -> RN14, replace RN14_E with 18Jul at the circle to the southwest? I can't find any 14 signs between 7 and 8, and GIS shows the locally maintained route of 14 going to the circle

Keep as-is till I'll reach RN14.

*RN44 -> RamTri (GIS says this is a spur of 7; one older sign on 26 shows 44 but others show 7)

Same here.

I generally don't think that adding all those wps just for the sake of avoiding VD errors makes any sense. It hard to find those locations anywhere. However, I've added the suggested wps so far.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 08:59:05 am by michih »

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2020, 04:39:16 am »
*JusOla -> CJusOla

JusCotOla (CalJCO would be another option)

*RN14_W -> EstRet, RN14_E -> RN14? I can't find any 14 signs between 7 and 8, and GIS shows locally maintained 14 going straight west across 8 (though the route it shows is not all an actual road)

Keep as-is since both OSM and GM have the same routing and we don't know better right now.

*BulFruPue -> BvarFruPue

Bulevar means Boulevard but it isn't the same word.
I stick with using Bul (and Ave for Avenida, see upthread).

*add points to a long dry stretch:

The visible distance was only 65 miles ;)

*AveGenRiv -> Roc_E (street name not signed, and it's not even at the correct street)

Moved to where OSM + GM indicate it.

*unless I'm missing something, 10 doesn't seem to be signed to 37. GIS and signs agree that national maintenance ends at C9 ; GIS shows no locally maintained 10 beyond

Si and me tend to close little gaps and connect graphs when the exact end is not clear - it is less than a mile here. Since there is a sign indiating national maintenance and GIS doesn't show the extension as locally maintained RN10, I've truncated it.
I call the wp Cal9, not C9.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2020, 04:46:43 am by michih »

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Re: uryrn: Uruguay Rutas Nacionales
« Reply #29 on: August 27, 2020, 06:46:42 am »
*RN79_N -> RN79, RN79_S -> PasoBel (I can't find any shields for the locally maintained piece of 79 south of 11)
*RN64_S -> ToRN64 (see discussion under 64) and move west to the center of the intersection

To be checked when RN79 + RN64 will be reached.

edit RN11-RN12:
« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 06:55:11 am by michih »