Ok, that means, I need to travel it
B1101:A1101 is off
B1102:Add wp(s) to match A11 Red Lodge Interchange
Move A142 to the center of the roundabout
NewRd -> MarSt_S (GM is wrong)
B1103:Move A142/A1304 to the center of the roundabout
NMP A142/A1304
NMP 1063
B1106:Move A1101 to the roundabout
IngRd is off
B1106for:Check route b/n A14 and A1101
A14 -> A14/A1302
B1108:A1065 is off
A1075 is off
B1110:B1146 is off
Move B1145 "between" both junctions
GatRd is off
A1067 is off
B1111:NetSt is off
A1066 is off
KenRd -> KingSt (OSM+GM+GSV)
A1075 is off
B1112:Split A1065 into 2 wps
B1113:WalRd -> WalRd_W (OSM+GM) -> +Xxx (GSV, no sign)
I don't wanna diss you but DissRd is off
B113Nee:New wp @
http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.062547&lon=1.094969 to match A14 interchange
A1120 -> A1120/A1308
B1115:A1141_W is off
A1141_E is off
B1116:Split A1120 into 2 wps
+X408884 is off
B1123 is off
B1117:BicHillRd -> MarSt (OSM+GM+GSV)
B1118:LonCityRd is off
B1119:Split A12 into 2 wps
B1123:B1124 is off
B1125:The segment b/n A12 and B1387 is not signed on OSM, GM nor GSV
B1127:A12 is off
B1134:HeyRd is off
B1136:A143 is off
A146 is off
B1137:A12(20A) should be moved to
http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.774877&lon=0.590397A138 -> A138_S
B1140:Split A47 into 2 wps
B1145:WhiRd -> SchRd (OSM+GM)
+X976812 is off
A1065 is off
+X499745 is off
Move A140_S to the center of the roundabout
B1146:HighSt -> QueRd (OSM+GSV)
DerRd is off
B1149:ValRd -> VlyRd ?