B6156:A657 is off
B6160:EshLn is off
+X665912 is off
A684 is off
B6161:A658 might be considered being off
FarPark is off
B6164:A59 is off
B6165:B6451 is off
B6167:A626 -> A626/A6188
B6168:A693 -> A693/A6076
B6170:Is (or was) CheHillRd a B6175 branch? Direction signs are quite old and patched...
2 but it was already like that in 2009.
B6172:A6068 -> A6068_W
B6174:A57 is off
Does it extend to A6018 as indicated on OSM and GM? I couldn't find anything on GSV though but it would make sense if it would be dedicated as B road.
B6176:Tweak the position of A635 a little bit
B6175 doesn't intersect in HB
B6178:A6 is off
A57 is off
B6179:A38 -> A38/A61 with suffix
B6184:Route is not indicated on OSM nor GM
B6186:Just a question about the wp order... There is a one-way street from wp 3 to 2. Do we consider that the road could be driven in the right direction when we define the wp order? I would not consider it (there are some cases in France) especially because it's possible that a route passes more than one situations like this and once e.g. a one-way street in the opposite direction. But I think that you might have mentioned something like that long ago...
B6187:A576 -> A576/A5066
B6197:A672 is off and I'd split it into two wps
B6198:A665/A667 is off
90.27% in England are done - and 88.69% in Scotland!