Some last comments on endpoints, now that I'm back home.
FL 401: North endpoint is labeled SamCPhiPkwy, for the continuation road. But at that point, that the road changes names is not obvious to travelers. What is obvious is that you've crossed the property line of a military base, with sentry stations right ahead so you need to be looking for a turnaround point before the sentries (which I found, and used). I suggest SamCPhiPkwy => CapeCanAFS.
FL 607: North endpoint is labeled 27thAve. That's where, if a traveler looks carefully, the road name changes from Emerson Avenue to 27th Avenue. But even a careless traveler will notice the St. Lucie/Indian River county line signs. Assuming that FL 607 ends at the county line, rather than North Blvd. or 25th St. SW, I suggest 27thAve => StLuc/IndRiv or StL/Ind.
FL 716: West endpoint is labeled PortSLBlvd_W, even though the road doesn't change name there, which the instruction manual suggests the continuation road should not be used (in similar circumstances, when I couldn't come up with a better endpoint name, I've used "End"). But the real rub is that there is a regular (not End) FL 716 marker in each direction between that point and the next intersection west of the Turnpike, Cameo Blvd. I saw no FL 716 markers west of Cameo Blvd. Maybe CamBlvd would be the appropriate endpoint and label?