Markkos1992 advised me via a PM that he would not have a problem if you weighed in with this stuff on PA and DE.
Otherwise, I'm not sure I'd wanna dump a ton of these results on the board without someone asking for it first.
(Regions undergoing peer review aside!) For those who want to look into it themselves, the option is available.
For a more detailed description of just what it is I'm doing & how, and the rationale behind each search, see
this topic. There are a few more searches listed there; in this post I've only included those with results in PA or DE.
Old highway designation labelsgrep '^Old..[0-9]' $rg/*/*.wptWaypoints for roads that no longer have a name or no longer exist as a roadMainSt
If the old highway has a posted name or number, use that name or number (don't make one up), and label the waypoint according to the usual rules.
If US 30/Main Street becomes Main Street, then the label is MainSt, not something like OldUS30.
If the old highway has a posted name that mentions the old designation, then applying the above rule will result in a label like OldUS40 for "Old Route 40" if the route was formerly US 40.
There will be a good number of false-positive, legitimate labels here. I did see a few that looked like changes were in order, OldUS22 for William Penn Hwy, a couple OldPA86 labels.
I'm not sure how closely these rules (if it's a requirement & not an option) have been followed; there are a lot of examples where "OldRt" or "OldHwy", etc. are used if a road is signed as such in the field, or if that's the official name. (Although, Tim may have done it that way before these specific guidelines were codified...) May be something worth discussing in the forum. If you decide not to change some of these cases I won't cry about it.
PA/usapa/pa.pa008.wpt: OldRt8
PA/usapa/pa.pa066busgre.wpt: OldRt66
PA/usapa/pa.pa066.wpt: OldPA66
PA/usapa/pa.pa099.wpt: OldPA86
PA/usapa/pa.pa110.wpt: OldUS119
PA/usapa/pa.pa143.wpt: OldUS22
PA/usapa/pa.pa217.wpt: OldPA217 +OldPA17
PA/usapa/pa.pa262.wpt: OldPA262_E
PA/usapa/pa.pa286.wpt: OldPA56
PA/usapa/pa.pa308.wpt: OldRt8
PA/usapa/pa.pa419.wpt: OldUS22
PA/usapa/pa.pa481.wpt: OldRt71
PA/usapa/pa.pa484.wpt: OldRt126
PA/usapa/pa.pa501.wpt: OldUS22
PA/usapa/pa.pa643.wpt: OldRt126
PA/usapa/pa.pa737.wpt: OldUS22
PA/usapa/pa.pa819.wpt: OldRt119
PA/usapa/pa.pa861.wpt: OldPA861
PA/usapa/pa.pa863.wpt: OldUS22
PA/usapa/pa.pa940.wpt: OldPA940
PA/usausb/pa.us006bustun.wpt: OldPA92
PA/usaus/pa.us006n.wpt: OldPA86
PA/usaus/pa.us011.wpt: OldUS11
PA/usaus/pa.us022.wpt: OldUS22
PA/usaus/pa.us022.wpt: OldUS22_Tho
PA/usaus/pa.us022.wpt: OldRt22
PA/usaus/pa.us030.wpt: OldRt30
PA/usaus/pa.us119.wpt: OldUS119
PA/usaus/pa.us322.wpt: OldUS322_W
PA/usaus/pa.us322.wpt: OldUS22_Tho
Too many wordsgrep -s . $rg/*/*.wpt | sed -e 's/ /%/' -e 's/\(.\+\)%.\+/\1/' | grep -v '[NPS]P$\|:[A-Z]*[a-z]*Mc[A-Z][A-Z][a-z]*$\|:Mc[A-Z][A-Z]\+[a-z]*[A-Z][a-z]*$\|:[A-Z]*Mc[A-Z]\+[a-z]\?$' | grep '[A-Z]\+[a-z]\+[A-Z]\+[a-z]\+[A-Z]\+[a-z]\+[A-Z]\+[a-z]*\|[A-Z]\+[a-z]\+[A-Z]\+[a-z]\+[A-Z]\+[a-z]\?[A-Z]\+[a-z]\+\|[A-Z]\+[a-z]\+[A-Z]\+[a-z]\?[A-Z]\+[a-z]\+[A-Z]\+[a-z]*\|[A-Z]\+[a-z]\?[A-Z]\+[a-z]\+[A-Z]\+[a-z]\+[A-Z]\+[a-z]*'Intersections with named highwaysMarKingBlvd MLKingBlvd
If the cross road name has more than 3 words, use one of two options:
1. Pick out the two most important words besides the road type and use only those: Martin Luther King Boulevard becomes MarKingBlvd. Three words in total are included in shortened form.
2. Pick out one important word besides the road type and use it and the initials of the other words: Martin Luther King Boulevard becomes MLKingBlvd. Two words in total are included in shortened form along with initials of the rest.
An older style for 3-words road names was to have Two truncated words & one initial. E.G., Lisbon Falls Village Rd -> LisFalVRd.
This was later deprecated in favor of the rule quoted above. LisFalRd, LFVilRd, etc.
PA/usapa/pa.pa026.wpt: SixMRunRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa026.wpt: StoCreRRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa036.wpt: BelMilCRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa038.wpt: NicKahLRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa042.wpt: OldEagMRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa044.wpt: LPineCreRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa044.wpt: LowPineBRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa046.wpt: OldNCreRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa046.wpt: SixMHolLn
PA/usapa/pa.pa054.wpt: BigMRunRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa054.wpt: YOldHauRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa073.wpt: NHanSquRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa074.wpt: IronStoHRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa077.wpt: ErieCouLRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa125.wpt: SweArrLRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa153.wpt: CleGRicHwy
PA/usapa/pa.pa166.wpt: RalNSalRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa168.wpt: WamMouARd
PA/usapa/pa.pa182.wpt: IndRDamRd_W
PA/usapa/pa.pa182.wpt: IndRDamRd_E
PA/usapa/pa.pa183.wpt: SweArrLRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa231.wpt: ClaTayRRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa241.wpt: OldMGreRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa259.wpt: GirlScoCRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa287.wpt: LPineCreRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa287.wpt: UBayCreRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa372.wpt: MPosOffRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa425.wpt: MouOChuRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa453.wpt: LitCleCRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa472.wpt: LitECreRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa504.wpt: OneMileRRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa551.wpt: WamMouARd
PA/usapa/pa.pa611.wpt: MarCBelHwy
PA/usapa/pa.pa655.wpt: MillCreHRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa660.wpt: StoForkSRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa664.wpt: LitPRunRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa731.wpt: McKGapRd_W
PA/usapa/pa.pa829.wpt: TroCreVRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa851.wpt: MouOChuRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa928.wpt: HeaAcrRRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa958.wpt: GraPriHRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa981.wpt: CalMamPRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa982.wpt: CalMamPRd
PA/usaus/pa.us019.wpt: KirGarFRd
PA/usaus/pa.us030.wpt: PotGarRRd
PA/usaus/pa.us030.wpt: LinWayMcC_W
PA/usaus/pa.us030.wpt: LinWayMcC_E
PA/usaus/pa.us040.wpt: ChaHOhiRd
PA/usaus/pa.us040.wpt: DinBOhiRd
PA/usaus/pa.us119.wpt: BelMilCRd
PA/usaus/pa.us220.wpt: MilESmiRd
PA/usaus/pa.us322.wpt: BigRPreRd
PA/usaus/pa.us422.wpt: HarBriERd
DE/usade/de.de054altbet.wpt: OldMillBRd
DE/usade/de.de071.wpt: OldSumBRd
DE/usade/de.de071.wpt: KirStGRd
DE/usade/de.de896.wpt: OldSumBRd
McDonRdgrep . $rg/*/*.wpt | sed -e 's/ /%/' -e 's/\(.\+\)%.\+/\1/' | grep 'Mc[A-Z][a-z]'In the above search, the
Mc[A-Z] tokens are included to filter out "Old McDonald Farm Rd" style false positives.
OTOH, McDonald is one word, so it makes sense to truncate it to
McD, rather than treat it as 2 for
PA/usapa/pa.pa018.wpt: McCleRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa168.wpt: McCleRd
Tpke for Turnpikegrep -s Tpke $rg/*/*.wpt | sed -e 's/ /%/' -e 's/\(.\+\)%.\+/\1/' | grep 'Tpke'CHM standardized on "Tpk" for turnpike,
standard abbreviations notwithstanding...
PA/usapa/pa.pa054.wpt: ReaTpke
PA/usapa/pa.pa061.wpt: ReaTpke
Directional prefixesgrep '^[NEWS]' $rg/*/*.wpt | sed -e 's/ /%/' -e 's/\(.\+\)%.\+/\1/' | grep ':[NEWS]' | grep -v ":+\|:.[a-z]\|:[A-Z][A-Z]/[A-Z][A-Z]$\|$rg[0-9]\{1,3\}\|:[NEWS]End$"Intersections with named highways6thSt | 33rdAve | SeeLn
Ignore any non-essential direction specifier. N. 6th St becomes 6thSt. 33rd Avenue SW becomes 33rdAve. W. Seedy Lane becomes SeeLn.
NorPkwy | SouBlvd
But keep directions that are the main part of the road name, such as NorPkwy for Northern Parkway or SouBlvd for Southeast Boulevard.
What's a "non-essential direction specifier" and what are "directions that are the main part of the road name" can get wibbly-wobbly at times; use your best judgment. Many of these may be legit, but they're worth checking out. The SR#### examples may have visible road names they could be changed to.
IMO though, N/E/W/S are common enough abbreviations for their respective directions, and there are enough examples of this throughout the data, that I'm not going to call for every
WPondRd to be changed to a
PA/usapa/pa.pa018.wpt: WWRaiRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa029.wpt: SR2024/3023
PA/usapa/pa.pa044.wpt: SBraRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa073.wpt: NHanSquRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa075.wpt: SR3023
PA/usapa/pa.pa075.wpt: SR3013
PA/usapa/pa.pa414.wpt: WLerRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa487.wpt: SR1002_S
PA/usapa/pa.pa487.wpt: SR1002_N
PA/usapa/pa.pa512.wpt: ESt
PA/usapa/pa.pa706.wpt: SR3023
PA/usapa/pa.pa706.wpt: SR3029
PA/usapa/pa.pa729.wpt: WMCemRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa737.wpt: SRValRd
PA/usapa/pa.pa837.wpt: S10thSt
PA/usaus/pa.us006.wpt: WMainSt
PA/usaus/pa.us006.wpt: SR2010
Similarly, a search for suffixed directional specifiers:grep '[NEWS]' $rg/*/*.wpt | sed -e 's/ /%/' -e 's/\(.\+\)%.\+/\1/' | grep '[NEWS]$' | grep -v ':+\|_\|[0-9]\{1,3\}[NEWS]$\|:[A-Z][A-Z]/[A-Z][A-Z]$\|:CR[A-Z]$\|:Rd[A-Z]$\|:Ave[A-Z]$\|:I\-[0-9]\{1,3\}BS$'The only result,
FriHillNHS, looks like a false positive.