I am thinking a 17W point should be added to Belt Pkwy that would potentially be the west end of NY 878. NY 27 would have a point here as well.
(maybe at or around http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=40.665710&lon=-73.832433)
TDV & shapefiles have the end of NY878 at Cross Bay Blvd (even including the EB onramp from it as part of the route proper.) Thus I think CroBayBlvd is an appropriate endpoint for NY878.
I can't quite get behind a 17W point on BeltPkwy; IMO it doesn't pass the 1PPI test; it's just the missing movement from the rest of the Exit 17 interchange.
Also the Belt Pkwy and NY 27 should be synced at 18 and LefBlvd respectively (with the concurrency broken in between).
Left these as they were due to the differing alignments & differing centerlines.
We just can't always end up having graph connections at all locations.
As far as Jim's students and graph traversal algorithms go, there's:
• NY27/NY878 connection immediately west @ CroBayBlvd
• NY27/BeltPkwy connection immediately east @ I-678
• and from there it's a short hop to NY878.
Hopefully this will suffice.
The NY 878 point at 119th St is fine location-wise, but 119thSt should be LefBlvd as well.