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zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« on: December 18, 2019, 02:46:33 am »
795(N2) -> 795(N1W)?
798(N2) -> 798(N1W)?
Sri Syadasti Syadavaktavya Syadasti Syannasti Syadasti Cavaktavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavatavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavaktavyasca

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2022, 03:28:29 pm »
The systems seems to be ready for peer-review for a while now. It has 58 routes for about 10,110 miles.
We currently have five travelers.

@Duke87 Do you plan to peer-review the system anywhere down the road as you already reviewed zafn back then?

Offline shiggins

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2024, 10:01:04 pm »
I’d like to try peer reviewing this system, if that’s alright. This will be my first peer review, so I welcome any advice or criticism if I’m doing something wrong.

I’d also welcome any good sources – primary or otherwise – if si404 or anybody else knows of any. For the first few routes I’ve started reviewing, I’ve mainly been using their Wikipedia pages, a government document from 2012 titled South African Numbered Route Description and Destination Analysis (henceforth referred to as the RDDA) which is the principal source cited on those Wikipedia pages, and – above all – Google Street View. There are obvious downsides to these sources: The RDDA is now 12 years out of date, and signage visible on GSV is sometimes deficient (particularly – I’ve noticed – in and around Johannesburg, which also happens to be where the highest density of routes is).

In addition to pointing out errors, I plan to give options for replacing shaping points with visible points, wherever I can find a convenient intersection, and to provide a potential name for said new points. I’ve also begun my review under the assumption that we want a point at every Metropolitan Route because they may get added to TM eventually, as briefly implied in the zafn thread.

N1: Exit is numbered as 134, albeit based off of N1’s exit number.
N12: Exit is numbered as 429, albeit based off N12’s exit number
Consider a point where R21 turns at the intersection of Rietfontein Road and Rondebult Road.
ComSt: Commissioner Street is M46.
There’s a ramp from eastbound Commissioner Street (M46) onto R21 just west of LeeRd.
LeeRd: Should be LeeSt.
M43: Should this be M43_S? Exit 41 would be M43_N if not for the exit number.
Wikipedia, OSM, and the RDDA say R21 then runs concurrently with M43 southwest to N3, but there are no signs indicating this. so I think the route we have is correct.
Man: This point is not at an intersection, but it is just south of one.
MseAir: Signed as D1885.
Mse: Signed as P444.
+X789427: You could swap this for a visible point at D852 without moving it much.
Mbo: Signed as P446/748. (Also, it should be “Mba” if named after the town.)
D675: D675_N
+X470579: Could be replaced with a visible point a bit south at D675_S.
P746: Signed as P476. OSM appears to be wrong.
+X562592: You could swap this for a visible point at D540 without moving it much.
+X971823: You could swap this for a visible point at P2-8 without moving it much. Also, this is the only KwaZulu-Natal Main/P Road intersecting R22 currently without a point.
Wikipedia says R23’s northern terminus is at M57. The RDDA says R23’s northern terminus is R21. (The latter is what we currently have in TM.) Signs at R21 and at Monument Road say R23 continues north toward M57. The signs at M57 say that R23 does not reach M57.
+X588400: Could be replaced with a visible point at 8th Ave/7th Road.
M45: Should be M45_N. M45 is concurrent with R23 until Celia Nestadt Road, which does not currently have a point.
MainRd: Main Road is M44.
Missing points at M56_N (Lancaster Road), M56_S (New Kleinfontein Road), and M46 (Airport Road) between SnaRd_N and N17.
   Edit +X540135: Could be replaced with a visible point just to the west at Johnny Mokoena Street_E. This is where westbound traffic heading to R51 northbound would turn.
R546: R546_S
Oli: Should be 3rdAve.
+X715393: You could swap this for a visible point without moving it much, but I don’t know what you’d name it. I don’t know what the name of the road is at that curve, but it’s rather illogically signed for Hekpoort, so you could name the point Hek. Alternately, Google Maps says the vicinity of that intersection is called Maanhaarrand, so you could name the point Maa.
+X758929: Another good candidate to be replaced by a visible point at the road just to the north. Said road is the third in under 12 km signed for Hekpoort. Good luck with naming this one.
M36_E: Should be M36. M36 runs concurrently with R24 east from this point to Barratt Road, which currently does not have a point.
MainReefRd: Should be MainReefRd_W.
Missing a point at M67 (Cortlett Avenue) between R558 and CroDr.
CroDr: Should be WilSt.
M18: Should be ComRd M10. Commando Road is not M18.
Consider adding points where R24 turns at New Castle Road.
Missing points at M5_W (Du Toit Avenue) and M5_E.
   Edit Missing a point at M7 (Park Drive) between M17 and R41.
R41: I think the eastern terminus of R41 is wrong. While the route we have in TM matches Google Maps and Wikipedia’s route description, the RDDA and OSM have R41 following Marshall Street and Anderson Street to Simmonds Street, and then becoming R29. Signs on Sauer Street (one block west of Simmonds) match this latter routing, and I couldn’t find any signs matching the former. Therefore, this point should be MainReefRd_E.
R21: Exit is numbered as 46, albeit based off R21’s exit number.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 09:57:12 pm by shiggins »

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2024, 01:39:57 pm »
Unless there’s a recent truncation I’m unaware of, the western terminus we have for R25 is way off. It actually starts at the intersection of M27 (Jan Smuts Avenue) and Cotswold Drive.
M54: Should we split this point into two? The sign for the ramp leaving R25 eastbound has M54 in parentheses, and then there is another sign preceding the next intersection which has M54 without parentheses. The western point could be JohRd, and the east could keep the M54 label.
KwaRd: Should be M86.
There’s a 29.09-mile stretch between R104 and R544 with no visible points. Consider adding a point near Sokhulumi.
Ela: Should be D1399.
Aqu: Maybe should be replaced with a point at the intersection with D2535 just to the north.
R54: R54 may not extend through Villiers. I’ll have a write-up of the evidence when I get to R54.
   Edit FraAir: Should be S52.
+X634073: Could be replaced with a visible point at the next intersection to the south with S1245 and T2368.
+X607213: Could be relaced with a visible point at the next intersection to the south with S1141.
Sla: Should be S1047_N.
+X427459: Could be replaced with a visible point just to the north at S1047_S.
Peka: Should be S306.
ChuSt: Should be S331.
S330: R26 has an overpass over S330. The point should be moved to the next intersection south and renamed to PietRetSt.
Dip: Should be MulSt.
R702: Should be R702_E (or R702_S).
Consider adding a point at the intersection north of R726, since all southbound traffic on R26 heading for R726 would turn there. It should probably be named LucMajSt or ToR726.
R45: May not be R45 anymore, though it’s still signed for R45. I’ll have a more complete write-up of the evidence for and against R45’s rerouting when I get to R45.
Missing a point at an interchange completed in late 2019 north of LanRd. It’s signed for R45. I’ll have a more complete write-up of the evidence for and against R45’s rerouting when I get to R45.
There’s a 24.03-mile stretch R315 and R307 with no visible points. Consider adding a point at Silverstream Road.
M14: Should be M14_S
PaaEllRd: Should be PaaEilRd.
+X867477: You could swap this for a visible point at Jimmy Connan Road without moving it much.
+X222608: You could swap this for a visible point at this road signed for Keiskie without moving it much.
You could break up the 30.11-mile stretch with no visible points between R357_Nie and AalSt with a point at this road signed for Gemsbokrivier.
R93_E: Should be 9thRd. R93 doesn’t exist.
R93_W: R93 doesn’t exist. Should probably be KhoEaHlaAve.
Hil: Should be D1114.
MosRd: Should probably be M1. Signed as M1 and mentioned as M1 in the RDDA, but it’s clearly not the same M1 listed on Wikipedia’s list of Johannesburg Metropolitan Routes. At the next intersection south, it’s signed as M59 (with a very old looking sign), and it was previously simultaneously signed as both M1 and M59 on different signs at the intersection with R28. This is also clearly a different M59 than the one listed on Wikipedia. The road is signed consistently as M1 from Faraday Boulevard south, and signs in Vanderbijlpark mention other Metropolitan Routes, so it seems Vanderbijlpark and Vreeniging have their own system of Metropolitan Routes. The RDDA also says that M1 intersects R28 a second time somewhere along its concurrency with R553, but I could not find any signs indicating this.
VanRieSt: Signed as M4.
R42/R82: Should be R82.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 01:21:19 am by shiggins »

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2024, 07:48:38 pm »
I think the western terminus of R29 is wrong. While the route we have in TM matches Google Maps and Wikipedia’s route description, the RDDA and OSM have R29 ending at Simmonds Street. Signs on Sauer Street (one block west of Simmonds) match this latter terminus, pointing toward R41 westbound on Anderson and R29 eastbound on Marshall.
RisSt: M9 north of R29 follows Harrison Street and Rissik Street, so this point should be moved west one block to Loveday Street and renamed M9_N.
Missing a point at Eloff Street for M9_S.
Consider adding a point where R29 turns onto John Page Dr.
JulSt: Should be M14.
Ben: Should be ChiSt.
KraRd: Where did you get this label from? It should probably be StaRd.
CemRd: Should be M53.
M59: According to Wikipedia, M59 ends a few miles to the north at its junction with M37, and what OSM has labeled as M59 is actually M37. I found an M37 shield at Lazarus Malewa Road along M57, but none near R29. If Wikipedia is correct, M37 runs concurrently with R29 west to Stanley Road (which is currently lacking a point) and then turns south. However, the RDDA does not list any junction with any route between M39 and R21.
MainRd: Should be MainSt.
M44: Should be FieRd.
BenRd: Should be ModBRd.
   Edit Missing a point at M56 (Hospital Road) between R51_N and R51_S.
WelRd: Should be R555.
WitsRd: Should be WitRd.
   Edit Missing a point at M46 (Clydesdale Road) between WitsRd and WilSt.
WilSt: Doesn’t it make more sense to put a point Fryer Road, one block to the east?
+X384427: You could swap this for a visible point at this road signed for Grootpan without moving it much.
+X779392: You could swap this for a visible point at this road signed for Boons without moving it much.
You could break up a 14.44-mile stretch with no visible points between R509 and D826 by adding one at this road signed for Welverdiend.
+X640008: You could swap this for a visible point at this road signed for Kilpplaatdrift without moving it much.
+X232845: You could swap this for a visible point at this road signed for Ratzegaaiskraal without moving it much.
IngAve: Ingle Street has been closed at R30. You could move the point to Fabriek Street one block north or Leemhuis Street about 2.4 miles south.
MilAve: Should be AusRd.
You could break up a 22.51-mile stretch with no visible points between R76 and R59_E by adding one at S723.
R70: We might have the wrong northwestern terminus of R70. Wikipedia says R70 ends at the roundabout on Church Street in Odendaalsrus, but the signs at that roundabout don’t mention R70, only R34. Signs at the southeastern end of the concurrency we have in TM have R70 only going southeast, and there are no signs for R70 at the interchange with R30. However, the RDDA and OSM have the route currently in TM. If R70 gets truncated, this point should be renamed HosWy.
+X214518: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road just to the north, which used to be signed for Port Allen.
ZRMahHwy_N: Should be R730.
Lus: Signed for Masilo.
You could break up a 23.79-mile stretch with no visible points by adding one at S500.
+X807701: Could be replaced by a visible point at S405.
Glen: Should be S392.
KooPan: This isn’t a road, and there are no roads nearby. Is there a reason this point exists?
+X293379: R31 has a new alignment here that no longer passes through this point. You could replace it with a visible point at D3335.
R31 briefly leaves the red lines on the waypoint editor between R380_N and Hot.
Hot: Should be PepLn.
+X447456: Could be replaced with a visible point without moving it much.
I think we’re missing a point for R372 between N14 and Kono. While the RDDA says R372’s western terminus is at N14 in Kagung, Wikipedia says the route turns left to go to R31. R372 is signed from R31 but not from N14.
You could break up a 30.68-mile stretch with no visible points between Kono and Dan with a point at D3403. I think a point here would be more important than one at most other middle-of-nowhere roads because Wonderwerk Cave (a tourist attraction of international significance – it contains the oldest known evidence of hominins using controlled fire) is about 25 miles north of Dan, so any tourists travelling from the south would miss out on all that mileage. (There is an argument to be made that a point should be placed at Wonderwerk Cave’s entrance road instead of/in addition to D3403.)
Dan: Should be LeoSt.
R385: Should this be ToR385? The RDDA says R385 intersects with R31, which is not possible unless R385 has a spur off the main route.
Koo_N: It appears that there is a new R373.
+X489748: Could be replaced by a visible point here called Lon.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 07:52:31 pm by shiggins »

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2024, 12:48:56 am »
R517: Should be R520.
+X523125: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Driefontein.
+X750809: Should be replaced by a visible point here, since any traffic heading northeast on R516 intending to turn southeast on R33 (or vice versa) would take this road. I don’t know whether the point should be called ToR516, though, because there is a reassurance marker for R516 on the connector road, so it might be a spur of R516.
R573: Construction began on a roundabout at this point in 2017, and N12/R33 and R573 were temporarily realigned. However, the roundabout has still not been completed, and it doesn’t look like much, if any, work has been done since 2018, so the temporary realignment may have become permanent.
Mot: Should be D1547.
You could break up a 33.06-mile stretch between Mot and R579 without any visible points by adding one at D241.
R542: Is not R542. Signed for Chrissiesmeer.
+X990054: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for eMananza.
+X889296: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Lothair (before the sign got knocked over).
+X878981: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Empuluzi.
+X135906: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Fernie.
Between +X135906 and +X223296: Consider adding a point where R33 turns and/or at this road signed for Nerston which provides a link to R65 and a border crossing into eSwatini.
You could break up a 22.16-mile stretch between R65 and N2_W without any visible points by adding one at this road signed for Panbult.
+X453422: Could be replaced with a visible point at either of the two roads just on either side of the point. The northern road is signed for Luneburg (and the eNtombe Battlefield) and the southern road is signed for Commondale (which appears to refer to the area just east of the intersection).
+X235883: Could be moved slightly north and replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Hlungwana.
+X111880: Could be moved slight west and replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Kemslust.
VryByp_N: R33 is signed onto the bypass, not into Vryheid. Signs at P287 confirm this.
VryByp_S: Should be R34_S. R34 was signed west onto the bypass instead of north into Vryheid (until all the signs at that intersection disappeared), and the signs at the next intersection north heading into Vryheid confirm this.
+X863073: Could be replaced by a visible point at D303 a bit to the west.
+X868539: Could be replaced by a visible point a bit to the west at this road previously signed for the Blood River Battlefield (although this sign has been replaced by one at the next road west for the Ncome Museum, located at the battlefield).
You could break up a 23.53-mile stretch with no visible points between R63_W and Hel with a point at this road signed for the Rorke’s Drift Battlefield.
P151: While I could not find any signs confirming P151, P490 is signed at that intersection.
P513: This is M10 according to Wikipedia and OSM, but I could not find any signs for M10 anywhere.
You could break up a 38.52-mile stretch with no visible points between N14 and R504/R506 with a point at this road signed for Amalia and Losasa.
You could break up a 24.22-mile stretch with no visible points between N12_E and R59_S with a point at S526.
You could break up a 24.18-mile stretch with no visible points between S91 and R719 with a point at S531.
R70_W: We might have the wrong northwestern terminus of R70. Wikipedia says R70 ends at the roundabout on Church Street in Odendaalsrus, but the signs at that roundabout don’t mention R70, only R34. Signs at the southeastern end of the concurrency we have in TM have R70 only going southeast, and there are no signs for R70 at the interchange with R30. However, RDDA and OSM have the route currently in TM. If R70 gets truncated all the way to the southeastern end of the concurrency, this point should be renamed M3.
M4: Should be R730.
You could break up a 22.66-mile stretch with no visible points between M4 and R713 with a point at S181.
+X455083: Could be replaced by a visible point at S203 a bit to the west.
You could break up a 21.8-mile stretch with no visible points between R720_N and R37_N with a point at S273.
R37_N: Should be R57_N.
R37_S: Should be R57_S.
+X313863: Could be moved west around the curve and made into a visible point at S160.
+X787995: Could be moved west a ways and made into a visible point at S281_E.
FraAir: Should be S52.
You could break up a 32.92-mile stretch with no visible points between R543 and R722 with a point at S993/T2157.
You could break up a 28.89-mile stretch with no visible points between R722 and AllSt_S with a point at D91/D100.
+X411253: Could be replaced by a visible point at P42.
+X680796: Could be replaced by a visible point at D88.
Utr: Should be VanRooSt.
You could break up a 24.32-mile stretch with no visible points between Utr and R33_S with a point at D754.
+X863073: Could be replaced by a visible point at D303 a bit to the west.
VryByp_W: Should be R33_N. R34 is signed turning onto the bypass here.
VryByp_E: R34 was signed west onto the bypass instead of north into Vryheid (until all the signs at that intersection disappeared), and the signs at the next intersection north heading into Vryheid confirm this. R69 was also rerouted onto the bypass, so this point should be R69.
+X622793: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Gluckstadt.
+X140192: Could be replaced by a visible point at D38_N.
Mel: This point is not at an intersection. It could be moved two blocks south to Victoria Street or two blocks north to Downing Street.
+X831674: Could be replaced by a visible point at D255.
+X978612: Could be replaced by a visible point at D477.
+X181531: Could be replaced by a visible point at D2323.
D130: This point well east of D130.
P425: I couldn’t find any signs confirming this is P425, but it is signed as Main Road.
M231: I could not find any indication other than OSM that M231 exists. At R34, it is signed merely as North Central Arterial. However, Wikipedia and Google Maps claim North Central Arterial is R619. Wikipedia exclusively cites the RDDA, which neither has an entry for R619 nor mentions it in the route descriptions of N2 and R34. I did find one pair of signs at Via Davallia erected after the RDDA was published mentioning R619.
R542: Should be split into two points.
+X443804: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Oshoek.
+X310171: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Uitkoms.
+X232917: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Bloukop.
+X267297: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Perdekop.

Sorry for all of the suboptimal "this road signed for [insert destination here]" suggestions in this batch. It seems Mpumalanga does not bother signing any sort of road name or number on the vast majority of its rural backroads.

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2024, 04:41:03 pm »
+X182047 and +X110221: Both could be replaced by a single visible point at this road signed for Daviesville.
D3180: Where did you get this number from? OSM says this is D447, but there isn’t a number signed at the intersection. The road is signed for Modjadji.
Mod: Should be ChaMabSt.
R36 does not enter downtown Tzaneen. Southbound, it’s signed turning right onto Circle Drive just past D523. Northbound, it’s signed turning left onto Claude Wheatley Street.
StiSt: Should be D2283.
+X256558: Could be replaced by a visible point at D1714.
Dan: Should be D673.
Sas: Should be D3763.
Ram: Should be D4062.
Bis: Should be D3900.
Mora: Should be D3387.
Tha: This point is not at an intersection. It should be moved here.
Tsw: This point is south of all the intersections in Tswenyane.
Missing a point at R555 between R532 and Ohr.
+X509290: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Bosoord.
Geo: Should be Goe. (This also needs to be changed on the N4Sch point.)
R541: This intersection has been converted to an overpass with no access between the two roads.
N4_W: This intersection has been removed, and a new interchange has been built a bit to the west.
MalSt: This is the new western terminus of R541. R541 is signed east from here and west from the intersection of Molen Street and Potgieter Street.
R517_E: Should be R517. See below.
R517_W: It seems R542 has been extended along what OSM labels as R517 between N11 and Breyten. There are no signs at R36, but the road is signed as R542 at N11. (N11’s point will also need to be changed to either R542 or R542_E, depending on whether we add a second R542 or consider it an unsigned concurrency with R38 and N11 through Hendrina.)
Leb: Should maybe be R518. OSM and Wikipedia place the western terminus of R518 here. The RDDA places it at R579, but it is signed eastbound from R579.
There’s a 57.72-mile stretch without any visible points through a pretty densely populated area between Leb and DerGel. You could put a point at D4169. I think this stretch deserves multiple new visible points, but I did not find any other roads signed with a road name or number.
R555: Should be R555_W.
Leg: Should be R555.
+X658532: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Beetgekraal.
Hen: Should be D421/D729.
I think we have the wrong southern terminus for R37. All the signs at ToR40 say that R37 turns toward R40, not R104. Wikipedia says R37 ends at R40, but the RDDA has the route we currently have in TM.
You could break up a 26.77-mile stretch with no visible points between R39 and Mil by adding one at D516.
BetEast: This point is not at an intersection. It should be moved one block south and renamed HolSt_S.
R542: R542 has seemingly been extended to Breyten. If we consider it an unsigned concurrency with R38 and N11 through Hendrina, then this will need to be changed to R542_W.
+X925408: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Leliefontein.
+X644005: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Jessievale.
+X792548: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Grootkop.
GenSt: Should be P10.
+X915931: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road in and signed for Low’s Creek.
+X686291: Could be replaced by a visible point a ways to the east at this road previously signed for Nelspan.
Pha: Should be MicaRd.
SerRd: There is not an intersection here.
D4419: This road is signed with two different names (but no D number) at the same intersection: “Tulamahashe Road” and “Rd to Acornhoek.”
Tsa: This point is placed between two intersections, and it’s not clear with which it supposed to be associated.
+X972259: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road previously signed for Mokhululine.
ArtSto: Should be MainRd.
+X997628: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Graskop.
NumPark: Should be Num. “Numbipark” is one word.
+X673056: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Kiepersol.
+X539466: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Spitskop.
+X602990: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Swartfontein.
ToR37: I think we have the wrong southern terminus for R37. All the signs at ToR40 say that R37 turns toward R40, not R104. Wikipedia says R37 ends at R40, but the RDDA has the route we currently have in TM.
GenSt: Should be P10.

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2024, 03:05:02 am »
R41 is not signed along R500 to N14. The signs at N14 have R41 in parentheses or don’t mention it at all, and the signs at R500_S don’t mention R41 turning north.
Whe: Should be Rd6.
TamRd_E: Should be TamSt_E.
Wikipedia and Google Maps say R41 stays on Tambotie/Van Riebeeck/6th to R28 and then has a brief concurrency. The RDDA says there is no concurrency at R28, and OSM has the route we have in TM. There are no signs with route numbers at any of the four intersections in question, so I guess we might as well leave this as it is.
Missing a point at M67 (Corlett Avenue) between R558 and NickTooBlvd.
M18: Should be M10.
I think the eastern terminus of R41 is wrong. While the route we have in TM matches Google Maps and Wikipedia’s route description, the RDDA and OSM have R41 following Marshall Street and Anderson Street to Simmonds Street, and then becoming R29. Signs on Sauer Street (one block west of Simmonds) match this latter routing, and I couldn’t find any signs matching the former.
While the RDDA, Wikipedia, OSM, and Google Maps all agree that R42’s southwestern terminus is R59, R42 is not signed at all along the 6.6-mile stretch south of the Gauteng/Free State border, despite the presence of numerous signs that should mention R42.
+X768763: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Vaal Eden.
Missing a point at M1 (Frikkie Meyer Boulevard) between R57 and AndPorBlvd.
AndPorBlvd: Should be M3.
Missing a point at R716 (Ascot On Vaal Road) between AndPorBlvd and R59_E.
RhoAve: Should be GenHerRd_W.
+X545973: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Schikfontein. (There may be a road number attached to the bottom of the sign, but I can’t make it out.)
Consider adding a point at the intersection of H.F. Verwoerd Street and Louw Street (between R23 and N3). Louw Street is signed as an R42 truck route.
M63: Is not M63. Should be 3rdLn.
AlbSt: Should be AlbSt_S.
+X927847: Could be replaced by a visible point at Hawston View Road.
GeoVilSt: Should be GeoVilRd.
In Hermanus, R43 is signed onto Royal Street and Lord Roberts Street.
PeaBea: Should be MainRd.
+X192107: Could be replaced by a point at this road signed for Buffelsjagsbaai.
While what we have in TM for the eastern terminus of R43 matches OSM, the RDDA and Wikipedia don’t clarify where exactly R43 ends. R43 is signed in parentheses (northbound only) at RatRd_N and without parentheses (northbound only) at the next road to the west. The first southbound signage is at PeaBea.
R365_W: Should be R365.
R365_E: Is not R365.
Sau: Should be HoofWeg_N or HoofWeg_Sar.
HoofWeg: Should be HoofWeg_S or HoofWeg_Wel.
LicRd: Should be R312.
+X165087: Could be replaced by a visible point at Suid-Agter Paarl Road/Kuilenberg Road.
+X368159: Could be replaced by a visible point at Valley Road.
SteAir: Should be AerRd.
OldMainRd: Should be R102.
CampSt: Should be KampSt.
R45 may have been rerouted to bypass Vredenburg to the south. The western end of the new alignment (which predates the completion of the eastern section of the new alignment) is not currently signed to indicate R45 turns, but the new interchange with R27 is signed for R45. One sign at the new intersection near the eastern end of the new alignment says R45 turns north to resume its old alignment, but the sign on the opposite side of the intersection does not indicate that R45 turns. The other signs at the intersection indicate that R45 continues straight onto the new alignment. The old intersection with R27 remains signed for R45 over 3 years after the completion of the new alignment. Regardless of whether R45 gets split into two routes or merely rerouted, the now-orphaned piece of old R45 alongside Langebaanweg Air Force Base will need to be dealt with.
+X268827: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Riebeeksrivier.
+X684338: Could be replaced by a visible point at Hermon Street.
Tul: Should be StaSt.
+X390885: Could be replaced by a point here, at VanDerStelSt.
Wol: Should be VooSt.
+X546603: Could be replaced with a visible point at Swaarmoed Pass Road_W.
+X680543: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Droëhoek.
+X770651: Could be replaced with a visible point at Swaarmoed Pass Road_E.
R704: Should maybe be split into two points. Though the RDDA and Wikipedia say R704 ends at R48, it is signed into Koffiefontein.
+X191365: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road, which I think is S583.
Rel: Should be S572.
+X114545: Could be replaced with a visible point at S1158.
Pet: Should be VisSt.
+X144669: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Rooipoort.
Kar: Should be CarRd.
R348: I think we should add a point on each side of R348, where through traffic on R48 would briefly leave it.

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2024, 09:39:48 pm »
Jac: This road is signed as 139. I don’t know if there is/are (a) letter(s) that ought to precede it.
Missing a point at M23 (De Villabois Mareuil Drive) between M10 and M31.
RieView: Should be SinDr.
+X358400: Could be replaced by a visible point at K175.
+X789458: R50 has been realigned to allow the expansion of a coal mine.
+X800686: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Kendal.
+X270289: The first intersection south of this point may meet the bare minimum definition of an interchange.
+X226384: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Charl Cilliers.
+X428549: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Cedarmont.
+X564370: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Bosmanskrans and Holmdene.
+X306490: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Vlakfontein.
+X383488: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Elmtree.
Missing a point at R546_N, just west of R39.
+X572431: Could be replaced by a visible point at OakRd.
AloeRd: Should be DurRd_N or GelRd_S.
Missing a point at M56 (Hospital Road) between R29_W and R29_E.
Missing a point at M46 (South Main Reef Road) between R29_E and R554.
M63_N: Should be M63.
Missing a point at the Plantation Road interchange between M63_N and WitsRd_N.
WitsRd_N: Should be WitRd_N.
PriRd: Should be M45.
M63_S: Is not M63. Should be 3rdLn.
StuSt: Stuart Street has been renamed to Johnny Mokoena Street. Also, I think this point should be split into JohMokSt_E and JohMokSt_W, since southbound R51 traffic heading for R23 eastbound would turn east just before the current StuSt point.
Lee: Should be S27_N.
The southern terminus for R51 is probably wrong. Wikipedia’s route description says it ends at N3, and signs at that interchange switch over to R54. However, OSM and the RDDA match what we have in TM. See below for the evidence for and against R54 being truncated and rerouted to N3 instead of through Villiers.
Boi: Should be KhuSt.
+X410788: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Putfontein.
+X133783: This point is quite a ways off the highway.
R509: I think this point should be split into two: BroSt_N and BroSt_S. R52 does not quite intersect R509, and the two streets connecting them are two blocks apart.
+X137009: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Grootpan.
+X953816: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Nooitgedacht.
+X777338: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Naauwpoort.
+X138892: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Rooipoortjie.
Consider adding a point between N12 and R500 at Potchefstroom Road, which seems like a major route between Potchefstroom and Vanderbijlpark.
+X966780: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Lindequesdrift.
+X636344: Could be replaced by a point at this road signed for Venterskroon.
Ens: This point is just at a grain silo. You could move the point east to this road signed for Eigenaarsfontein and the Fochville train station.
+X536925: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Rietspuit.
MosRd: Should be M1.
LinRd: Should be M4.
RedRd: Should be M61.
KipRivDr_S: Should be KliRivDr_S.
VaalMar: Should be AncRd.
+X499055: Could be replaced with a visible point at this road signed for Zandfontein and Grootvlei. The point could be labeled ToR51.
Vil: Should be KerkSt.
The southern terminus of R54 is unclear. Wikipedia’s route description says it continues straight on to N3 (what we currently have as the southernmost segment of R51). The RDDA and OSM say R54 turns south through Villiers to R26 (what we currently have in TM). The signs at N3 and the intersection to the west seem to say that R51 ends at N3, R54 continues to N3, and R54 has a spur that proceeds south into Villiers. However, the signs at R26 do not mention R54.
While the northern terminus of R55 that we have in TM matches the RDDA and Wikipedia’s route description, R55 is signed north from Sarel Avenue and south from Denyssen Avenue.
M2: Should be M22.
R561: Is not R561. Should be M39.
R564_N: Is not R564. Should be M9.
R564_S: Should be R564.

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2024, 10:00:22 pm »
Ros: Should be MR00666.
R397_N. R397 appears to have been truncated. Signs at R56 and R391 mentioning R397 have been replaced with signs that don’t mention it. Should be MR00669.
Mol: Should be SmiSt.
R397_S: Should be R397.
+X921391: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR02642.
+X371409: Could be replaced by a visible point at MR00670.
Ind: Should be StaSt.
+X541390: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR02828.
Ida: Should be MN20713.
+X824691: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR02863.
Dik: Should be DR03209.
+X924429: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR08084.
+X711709: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Kinirapoort.
R394: Not R394. Should be P604.
+X593178: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Droewig. OSM says it is D602, but I can’t quite read this kilometerpost.
+X827071: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Bouneparts.
N2_W: A new interchange has been built, so the point will have to moved.
+X469034: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Harding.
+X942194: Could be replaced by a visible point at L2259.
P121: I was not able to verify whether this is P121, but this is Shepstone Street.
RitRd: Should be R103_S.
I think we have the wrong northeastern terminus for R56. While the RDDA says R56 ends at R103, Wikipedia says R56 ends at N3. At Alan Paton Avenue, R56 is signed as turning east, and R56 is signed from N2, exit 77.
Curie Boulevard (between R553 and R42) may be M4. M4 is signed following Curie west from the roundabout at Faraday Boulevard, but then there are no signs at the roundabout at Curie and Mc Colm. The signs at R57 do not mention M4.
R57 has numbered exits between R42 and R82. RavSt→2, MinSt→241, R59→239, JanHaak→237, Coa→231.
R549: Not R549. Signed for Deneysville.
You could break up a 31.02-mile stretch between R549 and R723 with a point at S1064.
R57 is signed both through Heilbron and around it on the route we have in TM. I think this requires creating an R57Hei. (A sign on the north side of Heilbron. Signs at R34_E south of Heilbron.)
+X353383: Could be replaced with a visible point at S219.
+X261716: Could be replaced with a visible point at S511.
FisSt: Fischer Street has an underpass beneath R57. I would replace this point with one at Voortrekker Street_E, since that’s where traffic heading for northbound R26 is likely to turn off.
+X355368: Could be replaced by a point at S1246.
+X459695: Could be replaced by a visible point at S187.
Afr: Should be S186/S232.
+X155768: Could be replaced by a visible point at S231.
+X191117: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR03199.
+X798655: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR03179.
You could break up a 36.73-mile stretch between R390_N and R391 with no visible points by adding one at DR03163.
+X790587: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR02762.
R391: Should be R391_S.
Dre: Should be R391_N.
Son: Should be DR03173.
+X887081: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR03180.
+X773722: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR03225.
+X945777: Could be replaced by a visible point at S1201.
+X339707: Could be replaced by a visible point at S304/T1826.
+X139880: Could be replaced by a visible point at S1005.
+X575097: Could be replaced by a visible point at S1330.
PriGeoRd: Should be PriGeoSt.
+X459455: Could be replaced by a visible point at S531.
+X892256: Could be replaced by a visible point at S634.
ForSt: The next intersection to the west of this point might meet the bare minimum qualifications for being an interchange, so this point should maybe be replaced by one there.
+X138771: Could be replaced by a visible point at S949.
S713: Should be S713/S717.
+X661368: Could be replaced by a visible point at S275.
R42: While the RDDA, Wikipedia, OSM, and Google Maps all agree that R42’s southwestern terminus is R59, R42 is not signed at all along the 6.6-mile stretch south of the Gauteng/Free State border, despite the presence of numerous signs that should mention R42.
ParRd: Numbered as exit 350.
1: Numbered as exit 360.
N12: Numbered as exit 402, albeit using N12’s exit numbering.
You could break up a 22.3-mile stretch with no visible points between HighSt_W and RivRd_W with a point at this road signed for Aan de Doorns, which serves as an eastern bypass around Worcester to get to N1 eastbound.
+X840347: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Bonnievale, which serves as a connector between R317 and R62.
VanEedSt: Should be AshRd.

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2024, 10:10:00 pm »
+X882525: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Hopewell. (It’s P-23somethingsomething; the kilometerpost is not quite legible.)
+X881890: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Murraysburg.
+X239716: Could be replaced by a visible point labeled ToR67 at this road signed for Whittlesea.
+X108501: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Flowers Halt.
+X682836: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road leading to Ng’ala.
+X809612: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road in Ntabeni.
Cof: Should be MainSt.
ChrHani: Signed as Mthatha Bypass at N2.
Mte: Numbered as Exit 853.
Man: Should be DR8029.
+X659359: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR8152.
+X204466: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Matane.
+X843407: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR8024.
Lus: Should be MainRd_E.
Consider adding a point at this road signed for Tabankulu (between Lus and Fla), since it leads to one of only two bridges across the Mzintlava River downstream from N2.
+X562137: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR8112.
Consider adding a point at DR8020 (between R394 and Biz), since it leads to a bridge across the Mtamvuna River.
+X853006: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR8021, which leads to the last bridge across the Mtamvuna River before R61 crosses it.
R61 has been re-signed as N2 in KwaZulu-Natal, in advance of the rerouting of N2 between Port Shepstone and Mthatha along the current route of R61.
LeiBay: Should be TorAve.
+X118462: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Meulplaas, almost without moving the point.
+X813431: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Op de Tradouw.
+X774969: Could be replaced by a point at this road signed for Brandrivier.
R323: Should be R323_S. R323 appears to have been extended north to Laingsburg. Wikipedia says that R323_N should be at this road, though there are no signs mentioning R323. I did not find any signs on the rest of the route with 2023 Street View imagery, and most of the route doesn’t have imagery newer than 2010 (before the extension occurred, according to the RDDA), so the only sign evidence we have of the R323 extension is one sign at its new northern terminus at N1 in Laingsburg.
Lad: Should be SouSt_W. Also, this point appears to have been badly affected by drift and should be recentered.
Zoar: Should be HoofSt.
Consider adding a point at this road leading to the Seweweekspoort mountain pass, which is a major route heading to Laingsburg and is marked as a tourist route.
+X555571: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Matjiesvlei.
+X423141: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR1688.
R62 leaves the red lines on the waypoint editor between Haa_E and Mis.
Kra: Should be DR1823.
Jou: Should be DR1811 or KriSt.
TweeRiv: Should be MN50159.
+X137692: Could be replaced by a point at this road signed for Koppieskraal.
+X920526: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road previously signed for Grootpaardekloof.
+X977291: Could be replaced by a visible point at PO2996, which is the main access road for Meerkat National Park.
Mel: Should be MelWold.
+X739831: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Wagenaarskraal.
Mur: Should be KerkSt.
+X380374: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Sneeuberg.
+X298771: Could be replaced by a visible point at P2398.
Consider adding a point here, at the main entrance to Camdeboo National Park.
+X135466: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Petersburg.
+X999142: Could be replaced by a visible point at MR412.
SomEast: Should be NojSt_E or WorSt_N.
+X116509: Could be replaced by a visible point at MR642, which is signed as a way to get to N10 northbound.
+X607021: Could be replaced by a visible point at MR641.
+X696882: Could be replaced by a visible point at MN10046.
+X821284: Could be replaced by a visible point at this street signed for Egolfini.
+X695722: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Ngqele without moving the point.
N2_W: R63 has been realigned to the west here. (OSM does not have the new alignment yet.)
R346: Should be R346_S.
ToR346: Should be BufSt_N or CatSt_E. This also affects the N2 point.
+X981635: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Frankfort.

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2024, 05:01:20 pm »
TreSt: Should be GroSt.
Dea: Should be BraSt_E.
+X858838: Could be replaced by a visible point at S448.
+X856244: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Florisbad (allegedly S262, according to OSM).
+X363475: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for New Tempe Airport (allegedly S1066, according to OSM).
You could break up a 45.38-mile stretch no visible points between N17 and R33 with a point at this road signed for Jericho Dam.
+X300334: Could be replaced by a visible point at the nearby intersection where R65 turns. The point could be called ToR33.
+X155345: Could be replaced by a visible point at D429.
+X318634: Could be replaced by a visible point at P298.
+X267392: Could be replaced by a visible point at D1897.
Mel: This point is not at an intersection. It could be moved two blocks south to Victoria Street or two blocks north to Downing Street.
+X831674: Could be replaced by a visible point at D255.
+X978612: Could be replaced by a visible point at D477.
+X339477: Could be replaced by a visible point at P323.
Consider adding a point at this road. The point could be labeled ToR61.
+X687518: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR12729.
+X325613: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Brakkloof.
R351: Wikipedia, OSM, and Google Maps say that R351 has a short concurrency with R67 south to here and then intersects R67 again here. The RDDA says that R351 only exists east of Whittlesea. As far as I can tell (there is very little Street View along the route.) R351 is only signed here, on a single sign at N6.
+X970047: Could be replaced by a visible point at MR649.
Sey: Should be MR703.
+X897684: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR2702.
You could break up a 41.12-mile stretch with no visible points by adding one at DR2055.
+X893987: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR2039.
BeaSt: Should be MR486 or RagRd.
+X378171: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR2024.
+X795796: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road previously signed for Shaw Park.
Gle: Should be BigSt.
+X921750: Could be replaced by a visible point at D471.
+X896032: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for the Isandlwana and Rorke’s Drift battlefields (allegedly P372 according to OSM).
P163, P164, P504, and P503: OSM has a hyphen between the second and third numbers of these roads (e.g., P16-3).
+X324668: Could be replaced by a visible point at P227.
We have the wrong western terminus for R69. It is signed turning left onto the bypass around Vryheid and was also signed along the bypass at R34 (before all the signs at that intersection disappeared). A sign at P34-4 confirms that R69 does not go into Vryheid.
P344: OSM has a hyphen between the second and third number of this road.
+X270351: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Hlobane (allegedly P268/P274, according to OSM).
+X662503: Could be replaced by s visible point at D29.

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2024, 09:28:24 pm »
We might have the wrong northwestern terminus of R70. Wikipedia says R70 ends at the roundabout on Church Street in Odendaalsrus, but the signs at that roundabout don’t mention R70, only R34. Signs at the southeastern end of the concurrency we have in TM have R70 only going southeast, and there are no signs for R70 at the interchange with R30. However, the RDDA and OSM have the route currently in TM.
M3: Should be M3_S. M3 runs concurrently with R70 into Odendaalsrus.
HenAir: The Henneman Airstrip no longer exists. You could rename this point Pho.
VooSt: Should be HamSt.
+X910687: Could be replaced by a visible point at S1287.
+X349762: Could be replaced by a visible point at S473.
Ros: Should be GenFickSt.
+X186961: Could be replaced by a visible point at S457.
DropSt: Should be DorpSt.
+X602922: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Cheerio (allegedly D882 according to OSM).
AgaSt: Agatha Street has an underpass under R71. You could move this point west to Danie Joubert Street.
TzaAir: This road does not lead to the Tzaneen Airport. It is signed for Taganashoek and is D2355 according to OSM.
CalNgoRd: Should be CalNgoDr.
+X566520: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Springmount.
Rie: This point is too far east.
Sea: Should be WelCt.
FishRivMou: Should be DR2093.
Wes: This road has been realigned. The point should be moved here and renamed DR7028/DR7486.
+X162688: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR7495.
Bell: Should be MR522.
+X241853: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Jojweni.
R347: Has been downgraded to M25.
M25: Should be M25_S.
MilRd: Should be M18_W . . . maybe? Wikipedia says M18’s western terminus is the R72/R346 junction (which is signed as M5) and its eastern terminus is here (which is signed as M18). However, just across the bridge from the eastern terminus, there’s a shield with M18 in parentheses, and there were previously shields for M18 at the intersection of Dr. Zahn Road and Military Road saying that M18 both went west along Military Road and east into West Bank. There’s an M18 shield in West Bank at the corner of Bank Street and Strand Street pointing northwest along Bank, and there used to be another pointing southwest along Strand. M18 is also signed north from the western roundabout on M20 toward EastLonAir, despite there being no possible connection from that roundabout to the rest of M18 without a lengthy concurrency with R72 or a route that takes M18 through a gated industrial park.
M4: Should be M4_W.
ZRManHwy_N and ZRManHwy_S: Should be R730_N and R730_S.
Missing a point at M4_E between ZRManHwy_N and ZRManHwy_S.
RivDr: Should be RivSideDr.
+X800227: Could be replaced by a visible point at S484.
+X444484: Could be replaced by a visible point at S481.
R74 leaves the red lines on the waypoint editor between +X449861 and +X107444.
+X765615: Could be replaced by a visible point at D117.
+X697589: Could be replaced by a visible point at L2515.
+X770595: Could be replaced by a visible point at D110.
+X872127: Could be replaced by a visible point at D1540.
EbrDr: Should be ManDr.
+X774666: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR7367 (I think).
R75 leaves the red lines on the waypoint editor between R337_W and +X137546. This could be fixed by replacing +X137546 with a visible point at DR1879.
+X635424: Could be replaced by a visible point at DR1866.
Kle: Should be DR1849/MN50423.
M16: Should be SpoRd. I could not find any signs for M16 anywhere along OSM’s route, and Wikipedia doesn’t list an M16 in Gqeberha.
R76 only has points at the other routes already in TM which it intersects, and it goes way outside the red lines on the waypoint editor. There’s so much work that needs to be done on R76 that it’s not worth peer reviewing it yet.

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2024, 07:40:45 pm »
N4: Numbered as exit 272, albeit using N4’s exit numbering.
+X290965: Could be replaced by a visible point at D4019.
R81 leaves the red lines on the waypoint editor between Dik and Mun.
+X511491: Could be replaced by a visible point at this road signed for Mooifontein.
D3206: OSM says this is D11.
Giy: Should be MainRd.
D4/D10: OSM only has D4/D10. The only “name” signed at the intersection is “Southern Entrance.”
M68: Numbered as exit 1. This implies that M1 continues south to M68 and R82 begins here, not at N12, since exit numbers throughout Gauteng count up from the south. The southbound overhead sign at N12 has R82 in parentheses, contradicting what we currently have in TM.
ConAve: Should be ConRd.
R554: Should be R554_N.
R550: Should be R550/R554.
Missing a point at R550_S.
R557_W: Is not R557. Should be AloeRidDr.
R558: Should be R557_W.
Vil: Should be AscVaalRd.
This road signed for Wolwehoek and Heilbron may meet the bare minimum definition of an interchange.

This concludes my peer review (except for R76, which is not in a review-worthy state yet).

If you’ve been reading these posts as I’ve been posting them, please note that I belatedly noticed several omissions and errors in my peer review, and I have gone back and added to or modified some of my posts. I have marked these modifications with the word Edit in bold or with a strikethrough.

I did not make a comment everywhere I could not verify using GSV that a point name was correct. This departed from Duke87’s methodology reviewing zafn, but – given the often bad and worsening state of signage in many areas of South Africa – I do not think that a lack of signage for many D roads, P roads, S roads, etc., necessarily indicates that leaving these roads unsigned is intentional. I came across many, many instances where these roads were signed c. 2010 and unsigned c. 2023, and several long stretches of highway in Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, and Limpopo where new signs had been installed at all the DR roads, D roads, P roads, L roads, etc., where there had been a complete absence of signage in 2010.

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Re: zafr: South Africa Main Provincial Roads
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2024, 04:48:27 am »
Thanks for this.

I dealt with every point you made and implemented the vast majority of them. The ones I didn't were ones where you weren't sure either!

Also, while looking at the routes, and the handful of the points raised (and the exit numbers), it might be useful to implement a split into regions.

ZAF-EC (Eastern Cape)
ZAF-FS (Free State)
ZAF-GP (Gauteng)
ZAF-KZN (KwaZulu-Natal
ZAF-LP (Limpopo)
ZAF-MP (Mpumalanga)
ZAF-NW (North-West)
ZAF-NC (Northern Cape)
ZAF-WC (Western Cape)