On US 62, CR137 should probably be changed to RidRd. Erie County no longer signs their routes and signage is becoming sparse.
Changed in my local file.Looks like there are at least a couple more points like it further north.
What else did you see? I presume just CR580, CR299 and/or CR89 on US62, and nothing on any other routes?
The points for the southern end of the NY 240/NY 277 overlap should be moved slightly south to New Armour Road.
Looking at HistoricAerials, this looks like it's been the main routing since at least 1995.
I bet NY240 was realigned when New Armor Duells Rd was built, to connect with the US219 freeway.
The bridge at the interchange was built in 1977.Debating whether to...• Call it a newsworthy update, make an updates entry, and include "pivot waypoints" at either end of Ellicott Rd; or...
• Just call it a non-newsworthy error in our plotting; say that a point at New Armour Duells Rd was what was
intended, and moving the point would just better represent this intent.
I imagine that most travelers here have traveled the actual current signed route.
cl94 dougtone roadgeek_adam vespertinecl94, is my assumption correct in your case?
A realignment in 1977 would be before I was born; dougtone & roadgeek_adam I believe are both younger than me. Dunno about vespertine.
CRs in Erie County should not be used in general. A whopping 5 CRs are signed and only a couple of those signs are at US/state routes. That being said, the CR 580 point (and ONLY that point) along US 62 could remain, as CR 580 is signed, but signage is so poor that I would use "EliCrkRd" instead.
Hoo boy, it's shell script time! Mumble mumble...for line in `egrep '^CR[0-9]+' */*.wpt | tr ' ' '%'`; do
lat=`echo $line | cut -f2 -d= | cut -f1 -d'&'`
lon=`echo $line | cut -f3 -d=`
if [[ `echo "$lat > 42.427 && $lat < 43.112 && $lon < -78.447" | bc` = 1 ]]; then
echo $line | tr '%' ' '
usaus/ny.us062.wpt:CR580 http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=43.024284&lon=-78.822165
usaus/ny.us062.wpt:CR299 http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=43.036045&lon=-78.823136
usaus/ny.us062.wpt:CR89 http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=43.093836&lon=-79.010797Changed to EllCreRd, RobRd & PacRd respectively.Piling onto this topic:
-NY 78, NY 240 and NY 277 should probably have a point at Walden Avenue. This is a point for US 62 and NY 33 and Walden Avenue is the main access between NY 240/277 and I-90 (Walden has an exit, NY 130 does not). It should be noted that Walden Avenue is an unsigned state highway and is more of a major road in the area than parallel sections of NY 130 and NY 33.
Added.-NY 277 should get a point at William Street due to the I-90 access. This is a point along parallel NY 240.
Added, also on US62.-NY 266 should get a point at Vulcan Street for I-190 NB Exit 14, which currently has no point along NY 266. I-190(14) is the southbound exit, which is nearly a mile away.
Vulcan St makes less sense to me than at
the I-190 connection itself. May take a little tweaking of the existing
I-190@14A point to get the nicest-looking graph/mapview. Similarly, a graph connection with
I-190@14B may be warranted, even though 1PPI + SB connections only would = one point at NY325, where we currently have it. (It'd make the graph better for Jim's students if nothing else...) Maybe do a VISIBLE_HIDDEN_COLOC FP?
OK, here's what I'm working with: NY266 point I-190(14A) added at aforementioned coords. Went no-build on the coords on I-190 itself, but did add a shaping point to clarify the mapview, a relative rarity for me. On NY26, NY325 relabeled I-190/325 +NY325 with a VISIBLE_HIDDEN_COLOC graph connection at +x190(14B).