US 51: SPkwyE -> SPkwy (or SouPkwy? see US 61)
US 51: I-240(30) -> I-240
US 51: TN14_E ->
TN14_NUS 51: TN3 -> CheAve? 3 seems to be unsigned here
US 51: KerRd ->
KerrRosRdUS 51: TN59_S ->
TN59_EUS 51: move TN19_W to the connector
US 51: UniRd ->
US 51: TN183 -> TN183_S, TN183_End -> TN183_N
US 51: TN214_E -> TN214
US 61: SouPkwy -> SPkwy? (see US 51)
3: TN14_E ->
TN14_N3: 2ndAve_N ->
2ndSt_N19: add LakeDr_E and move US51_N to where the connector meets US 51
19: move TN209 to the connector
19: US70/79_* -> US70_*? since US 79 is north-south
19: TN76_S -> TN76? it's not signed north of here
21: add CedSt for old 22 north?
59: US70/79_* -> US70_*? since US 79 is north-south
78: LevPhiRd ->
CatLanRd180: split in two between TN88_E (-> TN88) and TN209_S (-> TN209) since there are no signs showing an overlap; also 88: TN180/209 -> TN209 and TN180_S -> TN180, 209: TN180_N -> TN180 and TN88/180 -> TN88
181: add a shaping point at the south end so it loops over 88?
222: add points at each end of the realignment? I don't know what to call them - I guess ThoDr would work for the south end, but who knows if the north end is still StaSomRd or now KeeRd