WY 170:
Due to weird oil field stuff, "CR15" is just Hamilton Dome Road (the name continues from WY 170, so HamDomRd_N?) and is slightly to the northwest. "X01" is slightly to the east. "OwlCreRd" is CR 16 and is slightly to the northeast. "WY174" is off to the northwest. "MisFlatRd" is CR 25 and is slightly to the west.
WY 171:
"X01" is slightly to the south. "X02" is slightly to the north. "X03" is slightly to the north.
WY 172:
"US20" is slightly to the west. "CowMineRd" is CR 23 and is slightly to the northwest. "X01" is slightly to the north. "CR6" is slightly to the southwest (needs to be at the pavement shift).
WY 173:
"US20" is off to the northwest. "CR31" is also off to the northwest (again, the pavement shift).
WY 174: Why does this exist?
"CR1" is slightly to the north (pavement shift).
WY 175: This one probably only exists because the governor's brother has a distillery in Kirby.
"US20" is slightly to the west.