General: Are the CR### routes signed as such (pentagons?) or should named cross-street labels be used?
WY22 looks OK
WY70Bag: CR### vs. named cross-street labels
CO WY70 looks OK
WY70+X02 -> visible point
here (SRSpurRd?)
SageCreRd may be a more major road than FR807
How about a "Truncated, nearby town name" point at at
Cop instead of +X06, to break up the long visible segment?
Similarly, +X07 could become
LostCreCam+X09 is pretty significantly off the road centerline.
WY171 looks OK
WY231 looks OK
WY240You might be able to break up the long visible segment with
CraCre or CraCreRd or somesuch. Add that and remove +x01, and you'd still be (barely) within tolerance.
WY330 looks OK
WY340 looks OK