That would be, like, some Microsoftian kind of unnecessary change just for the sake of change.
Which would make the site less intuitive & navigable.
If we got rid of, then what would we link to from the header panel?
Travelers are most likely used to having that link, and many probably surf straight there to start looking at routes.
Issues with region.php & system.php include how a bunch of real estate is taken up at the top of the page by the map, and there's a bunch of extraneous info about a user's stats. Why not have a clean page of just a table of routes that a user is searching for, as we have it now? The table we have now does a good job of showing what's available without too much extra cruft.
I think it's pretty fine to open the HB this way instead of
This is certainly true.
But simply because one method of opening a route works, why should we remove another, arguably better, method?
If this issue could be solved, so that you can even open routes without previous user selction (that means what NEW users would do)
Which is one thing the HB is for.